

词条 Ringuet
French-Canadian writer
pseudonym of Philippe Panneton
born April 30, 1895, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada
died December 29, 1960, Lisbon, Portugal
French-Canadian novelist whose Trente arpents (1938; Thirty Acres) is considered a classic of Canadian literature.
Panneton became a medical doctor, practiced medicine in Montreal, and taught at the University of Montreal. Although he was a founding member of the French-Canadian Academy, he was by his own account a doctor first and a writer second. In 1924, assuming his mother's maiden name as his nom de plume, he wrote (with Louis Francoeur) a work that parodied well-known French-Canadian writers. His next effort, Trente arpents, was first published in Paris. Skillfully styled and presenting an unsentimental view of rural versus urban life, the book was an immediate success and was rapidly translated into several languages. Also noteworthy is Le Poids du jour (1948; “The Heaviness of the Day”), which is centred on life in the city. Panneton's other novels, including Fausse monnaie (1947; “Counterfeit Money”) were less remarkable. He also published a volume of short stories and two historical sketches. From 1956 until his death, he served as Canadian ambassador to Portugal.




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