

词条 Canada Act
Canada Act
Canada-United Kingdom 【1982】
also called Constitution Act of 1982
Canada's constitution approved by the British Parliament on March 25, 1982, and proclaimed by Queen Elizabeth II on April 17, 1982, making Canada wholly independent. The document contains the original statute that established the Canadian Confederation in 1867 (the British North America Act), the amendments made to it by the British Parliament over the years, and new material resulting from negotiations between the federal and provincial governments between 1980 and 1982.
The new constitution represented a compromise between Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau's vision of “one Canada with two official languages” and the particular concerns of the provinces. A novel part of the document was the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This set down 34 rights to be observed across Canada, ranging from freedom of religion to linguistic and educational rights based on the test of numbers. Many of the rights could be overridden by a “notwithstanding clause,” which allowed both the federal Parliament and the provincial legislatures to set aside guarantees in the Charter. Designed to preserve parliamentary supremacy, a basic political principle in Canada, “notwithstanding clauses” would have to be renewed every five years to remain in force. Thus the Charter of Rights was not fully entrenched in the Canadian constitution as the Bill of Rights was in that of the United States.
The Canada Act also contained a formula for its amendment in Canada, a subject that had defeated attempts to gain agreement on a new constitution as far back as 1927. Under the formula, resolutions of the Canadian Parliament, accompanied by the concurrence of two-thirds of the provinces (7) representing at least 50 percent of the country's population, would be sufficient to approve a constitutional amendment. Other sections of the act recognized the aboriginal and treaty rights of native peoples, strengthened the provinces' jurisdiction over their natural resources, and committed the central government to provide public services of reasonable quality across Canada by ensuring revenue (equalization) payments to the provinces.
The constitutional changes having been extensively discussed in Canada since their presentation in 1980, and their mode of procedure having secured judicial endorsement in 1981, there was little opposition when they came before the British Parliament early in 1982. All major British parties supported them, although some members of Parliament felt that native rights were inadequately protected. Queen Elizabeth II gave royal assent to the Canada Act on March 29, 115 years to the day after Queen Victoria, her great-great-grandmother, had approved the federation act of 1867. Thus the last legal tie with Great Britain was severed, and Canada became a fully sovereign state.
Although the people of Quebec were deeply divided over the merits of the new constitution, the Quebec government—strongly separatist—went ahead with its opposition to the changes. The Quebec government took its case to the courts, but the Quebec Court of Appeal, on April 7, 1982, held that Quebec did not possess a veto over constitutional change, even if it affected provincial jurisdiction. Again, on September 8, the Superior Court of Quebec held that sections of Quebec's controversial language law, Bill 101, were unconstitutional because they conflicted with the new Charter of Rights. Bill 101 required English-speaking Canadian parents educated outside Quebec to send their children to French schools if they moved to Quebec. The Charter of Rights, on the other hand, guarantees minority language education in all provinces for children of Canadian citizens where numbers warrant the establishment of schools. Quebec's claim to a constitutional veto was decisively rejected by the Supreme Court of Canada, 9–0, on Dec. 6, 1982.




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