several fast-growing trees of North America, members of the genus
Populus, in the family Salicaceae, with triangular, toothed leaves and cottony seeds. The dangling leaves clatter in the wind. Eastern cottonwood (
P. deltoides), nearly 30 metres (100 feet) tall, has thick glossy leaves. A hybrid between this and Eurasian black poplar (
P. nigra) is
P. canadensis. Alamo, or Fremont cottonwood (
P. fremontii), tallest of the group, is found in southwestern North America. Great Plains cottonwood (
P. sargentii), of North America, has thick coarse-toothed leaves. Many species and hybrids have wood with a variety of uses, including for matches and matchboxes. Lombardy poplar (
P. nigra) is a columnar form that is much planted.
See also aspen.