词条 | Sándor, Bálint |
释义 | Sándor, Bálint Hungarian ethnographer Hungarian form Sándor Bálint born Aug. 1, 1904, Szeged, Hung. died May 10, 1980, Budapest Hungarian ethnographer and eminent researcher on sacral ethnology and popular Roman Catholic traditions. Sándor completed his studies at Szeged University, then taught at the teacher-training institute from 1931 to 1947. He was a professor of ethnography at Szeged University from 1947 to 1951 and again from 1957 to 1966. (Because of political reasons, he was forbidden to teach between 1951 and 1956.) The leading subjects of his research were the folk culture of the Great Alfold area and the cultural history of the town of Szeged. His Szegedi szótár (1957; “Szeged Dictionary”) is an important document for the study of dialect and ethnography. His other publications include A szegedi paprika (1962; “The Paprika of Szeged”), A szegedi nép (1968; “The People of Szeged”), Szegedi példabeszédek és jeles mondások (1972; “Parables and Sayings from Szeged”), and Szeged reneszánszkori mûveltsége (1975; “Szeged's Renaissance Culture”). His four-volume work Szögedi nemzet: A szegedi nagytáj népélete (1976; “The Szöged Nation: Folk Culture of the Szeged Area”) is a comprehensive study. His monographs on ethnography and church history include Népünk ünnepei: Az egyházi év néprajza (1938; “Our Popular Religious Feasts: The Ethnography of the Church Calendar”), Az esztendõ néprajza (1942; “Ethnography of the Calendar”), Sacra Hungaria (1944; “Sacred Hungary”), Karácsony, húsvét, pünkösd (1974; “Christmas, Easter, Pentecost”), and the two-volume Ünnepi kalendárium (1977; “Calendar of Religious Feasts”). These works focus on the conventions of religious feasts, the role of vocabulary in preserving customs, and traditions regarding surnames. Búcsújáró magyarok (“Hungarian Pilgrims”), written with Barna Gábor, was published posthumously in 1994. |
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