

词条 television
the electronic (electronics) delivery of moving images and sound from a source to a receiver. By extending the senses of vision and hearing beyond the limits of physical distance, television has had a considerable influence on society. Conceived in the early 20th century as a possible medium for education and interpersonal communication, it became by mid-century a vibrant broadcast medium, using the model of broadcast radio to bring news and entertainment to people all over the world. Television is now delivered in a variety of ways: “over the air” by terrestrial radio waves (traditional broadcast TV); along coaxial cables (cable TV); reflected off of satellites held in geostationary Earth orbit (direct broadcast satellite, or DBS, TV); recorded on magnetic tape and played in videocassette recorders (VCRs); and recorded optically on digital video discs (DVDs).
The technical standards for modern television, both monochrome (black-and-white) and colour, were established in the middle of the 20th century. Improvements have been made continuously since that time, and today television technology is in the midst of considerable change. Much attention is being focused on increasing the picture resolution (high-definition television) and on changing the dimensions of the television receiver to show wide-screen pictures. In addition, the transmission of digitally encoded television signals is being instituted, with the ultimate goal of providing interactive service and possibly broadcasting multiple programs in the channel space now occupied by one program.
Despite this continuous technical evolution, modern television is best understood first by learning the history and principles of monochrome television and then by extending that learning to colour. The emphasis of this article, therefore, is on first principles and major developments—basic knowledge that is needed to understand and appreciate future technological developments and enhancements.
A. Michael Noll
The development of television systems
Mechanical systems
The dream of seeing distant places is as old as the human imagination. Priests in ancient Greece studied the entrails of birds, trying to see in them what the birds had seen when they flew over the horizon. They believed that their gods, sitting in comfort on Mount Olympus, were gifted with the ability to watch human activity all over the world. And the opening scene of William Shakespeare's play Henry IV, Part 1 introduces the character Rumour, upon whom the other characters rely for news of what is happening in the far corners of England.
For ages it remained a dream, and then television came along, beginning with an accidental discovery. In 1872, while investigating materials for use in the transatlantic cable, English telegraph worker Joseph May realized that a selenium wire was varying in its electrical conductivity. Further investigation showed that the change occurred when a beam of sunlight fell on the wire, which by chance had been placed on a table near the window. Although its importance was not realized at the time, this happenstance provided the basis for changing light into an electric signal.
In 1880 a French engineer, Maurice LeBlanc, published an article in the journal La Lumière électrique that formed the basis of all subsequent television. LeBlanc proposed a scanning mechanism that would take advantage of the retina's temporary but finite retainment of a visual image. He envisaged a photoelectric cell that would look upon only one portion at a time of the picture to be transmitted. Starting at the upper left corner of the picture, the cell would proceed to the right-hand side and then jump back to the left-hand side, only one line lower. It would continue in this way, transmitting information on how much light was seen at each portion, until the entire picture was scanned, in a manner similar to the eye reading a page of text. A receiver would be synchronized with the transmitter, reconstructing the original image line by line.
The concept of scanning, which established the possibility of using only a single wire or channel for transmission of an entire image, became and remains to this day the basis of all television. LeBlanc, however, was never able to construct a working machine. Nor was the man who took television to the next stage: Paul Nipkow (Nipkow, Paul Gottlieb), a German engineer who invented the scanning disk. Nipkow's 1884 patent for an Elektrisches Telescop was based on a simple rotating disk perforated with an inward-spiraling sequence of holes. It would be placed so that it blocked reflected light from the subject. As the disk rotated, the outermost hole would move across the scene, letting through light from the first “line” of the picture (see the animation-->). The next hole would do the same thing slightly lower, and so on. One complete revolution of the disk would provide a complete picture, or “scan,” of the subject.
This concept was eventually used by John Logie Baird (Baird, John Logie) in Britain (see the photograph-->) and Charles Francis Jenkins in the United States to build the world's first successful televisions. The question of priority depends on one's definition of television. In 1922 Jenkins sent a still picture by radio waves, but the first true television success, the transmission of a live human face, was achieved by Baird in 1925. (The word television itself had been coined by a Frenchman, Constantin Perskyi, at the 1900 Paris Exhibition.)
The efforts of Jenkins and Baird were generally greeted with ridicule or apathy. As far back as 1880 an article in the British journal Nature had speculated that television was possible but not worthwhile: the cost of building a system would not be repaid, for there was no way to make money out of it. A later article in Scientific American thought there might be some uses for television, but entertainment was not one of them. Most people thought the concept was lunacy.
Nevertheless, the work went on and began to produce results and competitors. In 1927 the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T (AT&T Corporation)) gave a public demonstration of the new technology, and by 1928 the General Electric Company (General Electric Co.) (GE) had begun regular television broadcasts. GE used a system designed by Ernst F.W. Alexanderson (Alexanderson, Ernst F.W.) that offered “the amateur, provided with such receivers as he may design or acquire, an opportunity to pick up the signals,” which were generally of smoke rising from a chimney or other such interesting subjects. That same year Jenkins began to sell television kits by mail and established his own television station, showing cartoon pantomime programs. In 1929 Baird convinced the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to allow him to produce half-hour shows at midnight three times a week. The following years saw the first “television boom,” with thousands of viewers buying or constructing primitive sets to watch primitive programs.
Not everyone was entranced. C.P. Scott, editor of the Manchester Guardian, warned: “Television? The word is half Greek and half Latin. No good will come of it.” More important, the lure of a new technology soon paled. The pictures, formed of only 30 lines repeating approximately 12 times per second, flickered badly on dim receiver screens only a few inches high. Programs were simple, repetitive, and ultimately boring. Nevertheless, even while the boom collapsed a competing development was taking place in the realm of the electron.
Electronic systems
The final, insurmountable problems with any form of mechanical scanning were the limited number of scans per second, which produced a flickering image, and the relatively large size of each hole in the disk, which resulted in poor resolution. In 1908 a Scottish electrical engineer, A.A. Campbell Swinton, wrote that the problems “can probably be solved by the employment of two beams of kathode rays” instead of spinning disks. cathode rays are beams of electrons generated in a vacuum tube. Steered by magnetic fields or electric fields, Swinton argued, they could “paint” a fleeting picture on the glass screen of a tube coated on the inside with a phosphorescent material. Because the rays move at nearly the speed of light, they would avoid the flicker problem, and their tiny size would allow excellent resolution. Swinton never built a set (for, as he said, the possible financial reward would not be enough to make it worthwhile), but unknown to him such work had already begun in Russia. In 1907 Boris Rosing, a lecturer at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, put together equipment consisting of a mechanical scanner and a cathode-ray-tube receiver. There is no record of Rosing actually demonstrating a working television, but he had an interested student named Vladimir Kosma Zworykin (Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma), who soon emigrated to America.
In 1923, while working for the Westinghouse Electric Company (Westinghouse Electric Corporation) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Zworykin filed a patent application for an all-electronic television system, although he was as yet unable to build and demonstrate it. In 1929 he convinced David Sarnoff (Sarnoff, David), vice president and general manager of Westinghouse's parent company, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA (RCA Corporation)), to support his research by predicting that in two years, with $100,000 of funding, he could produce a workable electronic television system. Meanwhile, the first demonstration of a primitive electronic system had been made in San Francisco in 1927 by Philo Taylor Farnsworth (Farnsworth, Philo Taylor), a young man with only a high-school education. Farnsworth had garnered research funds by convincing his investors that he could market an economically viable television system in six months for an investment of only $5,000. In the event, it took the efforts of both men and more than $50 million before anyone made a profit.
With his first hundred thousand dollars of RCA research money, Zworykin developed a workable cathode-ray receiver that he called the Kinescope. At the same time, Farnsworth was perfecting his Image Dissector camera tube. In 1930 Zworykin visited Farnsworth's laboratory and was given a demonstration of the Image Dissector. At that point a healthy cooperation might have arisen between the two pioneers, but competition, spurred by the vision of corporate profits, kept them apart. Sarnoff offered Farnsworth $100,000 for his patents but was summarily turned down. Farnsworth instead accepted an offer to join RCA's rival Philco, but he soon left to set up his own firm. Then in 1931 Zworykin's RCA team, after learning much from the study of Farnsworth's Image Dissector, came up with the Iconoscope camera tube (see the diagram-->), and with it they finally had a working electronic system.
In England the Gramophone Company, Ltd., and the London branch of the Columbia Phonograph Company joined in 1931 to form Electric and Musical Industries, Ltd. (EMI). Through the Gramophone Company's ties with RCA-Victor, EMI was privy to Zworykin's research, and soon a team under Isaac Shoenberg (Shoenberg, Sir Isaac) produced a complete and practical electronic system, reproducing moving images on a cathode-ray tube at 405 lines per picture and 25 pictures per second. Baird excoriated this intrusion of a “non-English” system, but he reluctantly began research on his own system of 240-line pictures by inviting a collaboration with Farnsworth. On November 2, 1936, the BBC instituted an electronic TV competition between Baird and EMI, broadcasting the two systems from the Alexandra Palace (called for the occasion the “world's first, public, regular, high-definition television station”). Several weeks later a fire destroyed Baird's laboratories. EMI was declared the victor and went on to monopolize the BBC's interest. Baird never really recovered; he died several years later, nearly forgotten and destitute.
By 1932 the conflict between RCA and Farnsworth had moved to the courts, both sides claiming the invention of electronic television. Years later the suit was finally ruled in favour of Farnsworth, and in 1939 RCA signed a patent-licensing agreement with Farnsworth Television and Radio, Inc. This was the first time RCA ever agreed to pay royalties to another company. But RCA, with its great production capability and estimable public-relations budget, was able to take the lion's share of the credit for creating television. At the 1939 World's Fair in New York City, Sarnoff inaugurated America's first regular electronic broadcasting, and 10 days later, at the official opening ceremonies, Franklin D. Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.) became the first U.S. president to be televised.
Important questions had to be settled regarding basic standards before the introduction of public broadcasting services, and these questions were not everywhere fully resolved until about 1951. The United States adopted a picture repetition rate of 30 per second, while in Europe the standard became 25. All the countries of the world came to use one or the other, just as all countries eventually adopted the U.S. resolution standard of 525 lines per picture or the European standard of 625 lines. By the early 1950s technology had progressed so far, and television had become so widely established, that the time was ripe to tackle in earnest the problem of creating television images in natural colours.
Colour television
Colour television was by no means a new idea. In the late 19th century a Russian scientist by the name of A.A. Polumordvinov devised a system of spinning Nipkow disks and concentric cylinders with slits covered by red, green, and blue filters. But he was far ahead of the technology of the day; even the most basic black-and-white television was decades away. In 1928, Baird gave demonstrations in London of a colour system using a Nipkow disk with three spirals of 30 apertures, one spiral for each primary colour in sequence. The light source at the receiver was composed of two gas-discharge tubes, one of mercury vapour and helium for the green and blue colours and a neon tube for red. The quality, however, was quite poor.
In the early 20th century, many inventors designed colour systems that looked sound on paper but that required technology of the future. Their basic concept was later called the “sequential” system. They proposed to scan the picture with three successive filters coloured red, blue, and green. At the receiving end the three components would be reproduced in succession so quickly that the human eye would “see” the original multicoloured picture. Unfortunately, this method required too fast a rate of scanning for the crude television systems of the day. Also, existing black-and-white receivers would not be able to reproduce the pictures. Sequential systems therefore came to be described as “noncompatible.”
An alternative approach—practically much more difficult, even daunting at first—would be a “simultaneous” system, which would transmit the three primary-colour signals together and which would also be “compatible” with existing black-and-white receivers. In 1924, Harold McCreary designed such a system using cathode-ray tubes. He planned to use a separate cathode-ray camera to scan each of the three primary-colour components of a picture. He would then transmit the three signals simultaneously and use a separate cathode-ray tube for each colour at the receiving end. In each tube, when the resulting electron beam struck the “screen” end, phosphors coated there would glow the appropriate colour. The result would be three coloured images, each composed of one primary colour. A series of mirrors would then combine these images into one picture. Although McCreary never made this apparatus actually work, it is important as the first simultaneous patent, as well as the first to use a separate camera tube for each primary colour and glowing colour phosphors on the receiving end. In 1929 Herbert Ives and colleagues at Bell Laboratories transmitted 50-line colour television images between New York City and Washington, D.C.; this was a mechanical method, using spinning disks, but one that sent the three primary colour signals simultaneously over three separate circuits.
After World War II, the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS (CBS Corporation)) began demonstrating its own sequential colour system, designed by Peter Goldmark (Goldmark, Peter Carl). Combining cathode-ray tubes with spinning wheels of red, blue, and green filters, it was impressive enough that The Wall Street Journal had “little doubt that color television 【had】 reached the perfection of black and white.” Thus began a long battle between CBS and RCA to decide the future of colour television. While CBS lobbied for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to authorize the Goldmark system for commercial television, Sarnoff warned against using a “horse-and-buggy” system that was noncompatible with monochrome TV. At the same time, Sarnoff whipped his troops at RCA into developing the first all-electronic compatible colour system.
In 1950 the FCC approved CBS's colour television and corresponding broadcast standards for immediate commercial use. However, out of 12 million television sets in existence, only some two dozen could receive the CBS colour signal, and after only a few months the broadcasts were abandoned. Then, in June 1951, Sarnoff and RCA proudly unveiled their new system. The design used dichroic mirrors to separate the blue, red, and green components of the original image and focus each component on its own monochrome camera tube. Each tube created a signal corresponding to the red, green, or blue component of the image. The receiving tube consisted of three electron guns, one for each primary-colour signal. The screen in turn comprised a grid of hundreds of thousands of tiny triangles of discrete phosphors, one for each primary colour. Every 1/60 of a second the entire picture was scanned, separated into the three colour components, and transmitted; and every 1/60 of a second the receiver's three electron guns painted the entire picture simultaneously with red, green, and blue, left to right, line by line.
And the RCA colour system was compatible with existing black-and-white sets. It managed this by converting the three colour signals into two: the total brightness, or luminance, signal (called the “Y” signal) and a complex second signal containing the colour information. The Y signal corresponded to a regular monochrome signal, so that any black-and-white receiver could pick it up and simply ignore the colour signal.
In 1952 the National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) was reformed, this time with the purpose of creating an “industry color system.” The NTSC system that was demonstrated to the press in August 1952 and that would serve into the 21st century was virtually the RCA system. The first RCA colour TV set, the CT-100, rolled off the production line in early 1954. It had a 12-inch screen and cost $1,000, as compared with current 21-inch black-and-white sets selling for $300. It was not until the 1960s that colour television became profitable.
In 1960 Japan adopted the NTSC colour standard. In Europe, two different systems came into prominence over the following decade: in Germany Walter Bruch developed the PAL (phase alternation line) system, and in France Henri de France developed SECAM (système électronique couleur avec mémoire). Both were basically the NTSC system, with some subtle modifications. By 1970, therefore, North America and Japan were using NTSC; France, its former dependencies, and the countries of the Soviet Union were using SECAM; and Germany, the United Kingdom, and the rest of Europe had adopted PAL. These are still the standards of colour television today, despite preparations for a digital future.
Digital television
Digital television technology emerged to public view in the 1990s. In the United States professional action was spurred by a demonstration in 1987 of a new analog high-definition television (HDTV) (HDTV) system by NHK (Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai), Japan's public television network. This incited the FCC to declare an open competition to create American HDTV, and in June 1990 the General Instrument Corporation (GI) surprised the industry by announcing the world's first all-digital television system. Designed by the Korean-born engineer Woo Paik, the GI system displayed a 1,080-line colour picture on a wide-screen receiver and managed to transmit the necessary information for this picture over a conventional television channel. Heretofore, the main obstacle to producing digital TV had been the problem of bandwidth. Even a standard-definition television (SDTV) signal, after digitizing, would occupy more than 10 times the radio frequency space as conventional analog television, which is typically broadcast in a six-megahertz channel. HDTV, in order to be a practical alternative, would have to be compressed into about 1 percent of its original space. The GI team surmounted the problem by transmitting only changes in the picture, once a complete frame existed.
Within a few months of GI's announcement, both the Zenith Electronics Corporation and the David Sarnoff Research Center (formerly RCA Laboratories) announced their own digital HDTV systems. In 1993 these and four other TV laboratories formed a “Grand Alliance” to develop marketable HDTV. In the meantime, an entire range of new possibilities aside from HDTV emerged. Digital broadcasters could certainly show a high-definition picture over a regular six-megahertz channel, but they might “multicast” instead, transmitting five or six digital standard-definition programs over that same channel. Indeed, digital transmission made “smart TV” a real possibility, where the home receiver might become a computer in its own right. This meant that broadcasters might offer not only pay-per-view or interactive entertainment programming but also computer services such as e-mail, two-way paging, and Internet access.
In late 1996 the FCC approved standards proposed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) for all digital television, both high-definition and standard-definition, in the United States. According to the FCC's plan, all stations in the country would be broadcasting digitally by May 1, 2003, on a second channel. They would still be broadcasting in analog as well; programs would be “simulcast” in digital and analog, giving the public time to make the switch gradually. In 2006 analog transmissions would cease, old TV sets would become useless, and broadcasters would return their original analog spectrum to the government to be auctioned off for other uses.
At least such was the plan. In a very short time the FCC's schedule seemed in doubt, as the future form of digital TV remained unclear. Less than 3 percent of the 25 million TV sets sold in America in 2000 were digital, and although 150 stations in 52 cities were broadcasting digitally by that year, most of those stations were merely broadcasting standard-definition programs in digital format. Almost no HDTV was to be seen, and few viewers were even aware of the digital channels. Furthermore, although two-thirds of American viewers had cable TV, most cable companies were refusing to carry the new digital channels. In response, the FCC was considering a rule requiring them to do so; but this in turn would require consumers to purchase a digital cable box, and there was much disagreement within the industry on how to design such a box.
Europe, meanwhile, was far ahead of the United States in digital broadcasting, partly because there was no requirement to incorporate HDTV. In 1993 a consortium of European broadcasters, manufacturers, and regulatory bodies agreed on the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standard, and efforts were begun to apply this standard to satellite, cable, and then terrestrial broadcasting. By the end of the decade some 30 percent of all homes in the United Kingdom had access to digital programming via digital TV sets or via conversion boxes atop their analog sets. Japan began its own digital broadcasting via satellite in December 2000 and planned to begin digital terrestrial broadcasting, using a modification of DVB, in 2003. Both Japan and Europe had target dates similar to that of the United States for ultimate conversion to digital television—i.e., between 2006 and 2010. However, they too faced similar stumbling blocks, so that timetables for the full transition to digital television were in doubt around the world.
David E. Fisher Marshall Jon Fisher
Principles of television systems
The television picture
Human perception of motion (movement perception)
A television system involves equipment located at the source of production, equipment located in the home of the viewer, and equipment used to convey the television signal from the producer to the viewer. The purpose of all of this equipment, as stated in the introduction to this article, is to extend the human senses of vision and hearing beyond their natural limits of physical distance. A television system must be designed, therefore, to embrace the essential capabilities of these senses, particularly the sense of vision (eye, human). The aspects of vision that must be considered include the ability of the human eye to distinguish the brightness, colours, details, sizes, shapes, and positions of objects in a scene before it. Aspects of hearing (ear, human) include the ability of the ear to distinguish the pitch, loudness, and distribution of sounds. In working to satisfy these capabilities, television systems must strike appropriate compromises between the quality of the desired image and the costs of reproducing it. They must also be designed to override, within reasonable limits, the effects of interference and to minimize visual and audial distortions in the transmission and reproduction processes. The particular compromises chosen for a given television service—e.g., broadcast or cable service—are embodied in the television standards adopted and enforced by the responsible government agencies in each country.
Television technology must deal with the fact that human vision employs hundreds of thousands of separate electrical circuits, located in the optic nerve running from the retina to the brain, in order to convey simultaneously in two dimensions the whole content of a scene on which the eye is focused. In electrical communication, however, it is feasible to employ only one circuit (i.e., the broadcast channel) to connect a transmitter with a receiver. This fundamental disparity is overcome in television practice by a process known as image analysis, whereby the scene to be televised is broken up by the camera's image sensors into an orderly sequence of electrical waves and these waves are sent over the single channel, one after the other. At the receiver the waves are translated back into a corresponding sequence of lights and shadows, and these are reassembled in their correct positions on the viewing screen.
This sequential reproduction of visual images is feasible only because the visual sense displays persistence; that is, the brain retains the impression of illumination for about one-tenth of a second after the source of light is removed from the eye. If, therefore, the process of image synthesis takes less than one-tenth of a second, the eye will be unaware that the picture is being reassembled piecemeal, and it will appear as if the whole surface of the viewing screen is continuously illuminated. By the same token, it will then be possible to re-create more than 10 pictures per second and to simulate thereby the motion of the scene so that it appears to be continuous.
In practice, to depict rapid motion smoothly it is customary to transmit from 25 to 30 complete pictures per second. To provide detail sufficient to accommodate a wide range of subject matter, each picture is analyzed into 200,000 or more picture elements, or pixels. This analysis implies that the rate at which these details are transmitted over the television system exceeds 2,000,000 per second. To provide a system suitable for public use and also capable of such speed has required the full resources of modern electronic technology.
Image analysis
The first requirement to be met in image analysis is that the reproduced picture shall not flicker, since flicker induces severe visual fatigue. Flicker becomes more evident as the brightness of the picture increases. If flicker is to be unobjectionable at brightness suitable for home viewing during daylight as well as evening hours, the successive illuminations of the picture screen should occur no fewer than 50 times per second. This is approximately twice the rate of picture repetition needed for smooth reproduction of motion (motion-picture technology). To avoid flicker, therefore, twice as much channel space is needed as would suffice to depict motion.
The same disparity occurs in motion-picture (motion-picture technology) practice, in which satisfactory performance with respect to flicker requires twice as much film as is necessary for smooth simulation of motion. A way around this difficulty has been found, in motion pictures as well as in television, by projecting each picture twice. In motion pictures, the projector interposes a shutter briefly between film and lens while a single frame of the film is being projected. In television, each image is analyzed and synthesized in two sets of spaced lines, one of which fits successively within the spaces of the other. Thus the picture area is illuminated twice during each complete picture transmission, although each line in the image is present only once during that time. This technique is feasible because the eye is comparatively insensitive to flicker when the variation of light is confined to a small part of the field of view. Hence, flicker of the individual lines is not evident. If the eye did not have this fortunate property, a television channel would have to occupy about twice as much spectrum space as it now does.
It is thus possible to avoid flicker and simulate rapid motion by a picture rate of about 25 per second, with two screen illuminations per picture. The precise value of the picture-repetition rate used in a given region has been chosen by reference to the electric power frequency that predominates in that region. In Europe, where 50-hertz alternating current is the rule, the television picture rate is 25 per second (50 screen illuminations per second). In North America the picture rate is 30 per second (60 screen illuminations per second) to match the 60-hertz alternating current that predominates there. The higher picture-transmission rate of North America allows the pictures there to be about five times as bright as those in Europe for the same susceptibility to flicker, but this advantage is offset by a 20 percent reduction in picture detail for equal utilization of the channel.
The second aspect of performance to be met in a television system is the detailed structure of the image. A printed engraving may possess several million halftone dots per square foot of area. However, engraving reproductions are intended for minute inspection, and so the dot structure must not be apparent to the unaided eye even at close range. Such fine detail would be a costly waste in television, since the television picture is viewed at comparatively long range. Standard-definition television (SDTV) is designed on the assumption that viewers in the typical home setting are located at a distance equal to six or seven times the height of the picture screen—on average some 3 metres (10 feet) away. Even high-definition television (HDTV) (HDTV) assumes a viewer who is seated no closer than three times the picture height away. Under these conditions, a picture structure of about 200,000 picture elements for SDTV (approximately 800,000 for HDTV) is a suitable compromise.
The physiological basis of this compromise lies in the fact that the normal eye, under conditions typical of television viewing, can resolve pictorial details if the angle that these details subtend at the eye is not less than two minutes of arc. This implies that the SDTV structure of 200,000 elements in a picture 16 cm (0.5 foot) high can just be resolved at a distance of about 3 metres (10 feet), and the HDTV structure can be resolved at about 1 metre (3 feet). The structure of both pictures may be objectionably evident at short range—e.g., while tuning the receiver—but it would be inappropriate to require a system to assume the heavy costs of transmitting detail that would be used by only a small part of the audience for a small part of the viewing time.
Picture shape
The third item to be selected in image analysis is the shape of the picture. For SDTV, as is shown in the figure-->, the universal picture is a rectangle that is one-third wider than it is high. This 4:3 ratio (or aspect ratio) was originally chosen in the 1950s to match the dimensions of standard 35-mm motion-picture film (prior to the advent of wide-screen cinema) in the interest of televising film without waste of frame area. HDTV sets, introduced in the 1980s, accommodate wide-screen pictures by offering an aspect ratio of 16:9. Regardless of the aspect ratio, in both SDTV and HDTV the width of the screen rectangle is greater than its height in order to incorporate the horizontal motion that predominates in virtually all televised events.
The fourth determination in image analysis is the path over which the image structure is explored at the camera and reconstituted on the receiver screen. In standard television, the pattern is a series of parallel straight lines, each progressing from left to right, the lines following in sequence from top to bottom of the picture frame. The exploration of the image structure proceeds at a constant speed along each line, since this provides uniform loading of the transmission channel under the demands of a given structural detail, no matter where in the frame the detail lies. The line-by-line, left-to-right, top-to-bottom dissection and reconstitution of television images is known as scanning, from its similarity to the progression of the line of vision in reading a page of printed matter. The agent that disassembles the light values along each line is called the scanning spot, in reference to the focused beam of electrons that scans the image in a camera tube and recreates the image in a picture tube. Tubes are no longer employed in most video cameras (see the section Television cameras and displays (television)), but even in modern transistorized cameras the image is dissected into a series of “spots,” and the path of dissection is called the scanning pattern, or raster.
The scanning pattern
Interlaced lines
The geometry of the standard scanning pattern as displayed on a standard television screen is shown in the figure-->. It consists of two sets of lines. One set is scanned first, and the lines are so laid down that an equal empty space is maintained between lines. The second set is laid down after the first and is so positioned that its lines fall precisely in the empty spaces of the first set. The area of the image is thus scanned twice, but each point in the area is passed over only once. This is known as interlaced scanning, and it is used in all the standard television broadcast services of the world. Each set of alternate lines is known as a scanning field; the two fields together, comprising the whole scanning pattern, are known as a scanning frame. The repetition rate of field scanning is standardized in accordance with the frequency of electric power, as noted above, at either 50 or 60 fields per second; corresponding rates of frame scanning are 25 and 30 frames per second. In the North American monochrome system, 525 scan lines are transmitted about 30 times per second, for a horizontal sweep frequency of 525 × 30 = 15,750 hertz. In the colour television system, the 525 scan lines are retained, but the sweep frequency is adjusted to 15,734 hertz and the field rate reduced to a small amount below 60 hertz. This is done to assure backward compatibility of the colour system with the older black-and-white system—a concept discussed in the section Compatible colour television (television).
For SDTV, the total number of lines in the scanning pattern has been set to provide a maximum pictorial detail on the order of 200,000 pixels. Since the frame area is four units wide by three units high, this figure implies a pattern of about 520 pixels in its width (along each line) and 390 pixels in its height (across the lines). This latter figure would imply a scanning pattern of about 400 lines (one line per pixel), were it not for the fact that many of the picture details, falling in random positions on the scanning pattern, lie partly on two lines and hence require two lines for accurate reproduction. Scanning patterns are designed, therefore, to possess about 40 percent more lines than the number of pixels to be reproduced on the vertical direction. Actual values in use in television broadcasting in various regions are 405 lines, 525 lines, 625 lines, and 819 lines per frame. These values have been chosen to suit the frequency band of the channel actually assigned in the respective geographic regions.
The relationship between the ideal and actual scanning patterns is shown in the diagram of aspect ratios. The part of the pattern beyond the dashed lines of A (the “safe action area”) is lost as the scanning spot retraces. The remaining area of the pattern is actively employed in analyzing and synthesizing the picture information and is adjusted to have the 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio of SDTV or HDTV. In practice, some of the safe action area may be hidden behind the decorative mask that surrounds the picture tube of the receiver, as shown by the dashed lines of B, leaving programmers to work with what is known as the “safe title area.”
Deflection signals
The scanning spot is made to follow the interlaced paths described above by being subjected to two repetitive motions simultaneously (see the figure-->). One is a horizontally directed back-and-forth motion in which the spot is moved at constant speed from left to right and then returned as rapidly as possible, while extinguished and inactive, from right to left. At the same time a vertical motion is imparted to the spot, moving it at a comparatively slow rate from the top to the bottom of the frame. This motion spreads out the more rapid left-to-right scans, forming the first field of alternate lines and empty spaces. When the bottom of the frame is reached, the spot moves vertically upward as rapidly as possible, while extinguished and inactive. The next top-to-bottom motion then spreads out the horizontal line scans so that they fall in the empty spaces of the previously scanned field. Precise interlacing of the successive field scans is facilitated if the total number of lines in the frame is an odd number. All the numbers of lines used in standard television were chosen for this reason.
Synchronization signals
The return of the scanning spot from right to left and from bottom to top of the frame, during which it is inactive, consumes time that cannot be devoted to transmitting picture information. This time is used to transmit synchronizing control signals that keep the scanning process at the receiver in step with that at the transmitter. The amount of time lost during retracing of the spot proportionately reduces the actual number of picture elements that can be reproduced. For instance, in the 525-line scanning pattern used in North America, about 15 percent of each line is lost in the return motion, and about 35 out of the 525 lines are blanked out while the spot returns from bottom to top of two successive fields. The scanning area that is actually in use for reproduction of the picture therefore contains a maximum of about 435 pixels along each line, and it has 490 active lines capable of reproducing 350 pixels in the vertical direction. The frame can therefore accommodate at most about 350 × 435, or 152,000, picture elements.
The time taken by the scanning spot to move over the active portion of each scanning line is on the order of 50 millionths of a second, or 50 microseconds. In the American system, 525 lines are transmitted in about one-thirtieth of a second, which is equivalent to about 64 microseconds per line. Up to 15 percent of this time is consumed in the horizontal retrace motion of the spot, leaving 54 microseconds (54 × 10−6 second) for active reproduction of as many as 435 pixels in each line. This represents a maximum rate of 435 ÷ (54 × 10−6)  8,000,000 pixels per second. Since two pixels can be approximately represented by one cycle of the transmission signal wave, the signal must be capable of carrying components as high as four megahertz (4 million cycles per second). The American six-megahertz television channel provides a sufficient band of frequencies for this picture signal, leaving an additional two megahertz to transmit the sound program, to protect against interference, and mostly to meet the requirements of vestigial side-band transmission.
The picture signal
Wave form
The translation of the televised scene into its electrical counterpart results in a sequence of electrical waves known as the television picture signal. This is represented graphically in the diagram--> as a wave form, in which the range of electrical values (voltage or current) is plotted vertically and time is plotted horizontally. The electrical values correspond to the brightness of the image at each point on the scanning line, and time is essentially the position on the line of the point in question.
The television signal wave form is actually a composite made up of three individual signals, as is shown in the figure-->. The first is a continuous sequence of electrical values corresponding to the brightnesses along each line. This signal contains what is known as the luminance information. The luminance signal is interspersed with blanking pulses, which correspond to the times during which the scanning spot is inactivated and retraced from the end of one line to the beginning of the next, as described above. Superimposed on the blanking pulses are additional short pulses corresponding to the synchronization signals (also described above), whose purpose is to cause the scanning spots at the transmitter and receiver to retrace to the next line at precisely the same instant. These three individual signals—luminance, blanking, and synchronization—are added together to produce the composite video signal.
A blank interval also occurs twice every 525 lines (or twice every 625 lines, depending on the system) when the scanning spot, having reached the bottom of the frame, retraces to the top. This movement is guided by the vertical synchronization signal, a serrated series of impulses (shown in the diagram-->) that occurs shortly after the scanning spot has reached the bottom of the frame. The vertical synchronization signal is followed by a series of horizontal synchronizing impulses at black level with no luminance information. The interval of time allocated for the reproducing beam to travel from the bottom of the picture to the top is called the vertical blanking interval. During this time, no picture information is transmitted. In the American system, the vertical blanking interval is equivalent to the time necessary to trace a total of 21 scan lines for each field. The reproducing beam in television receivers actually gets to the top of the screen more quickly than the allocated 21 scan lines, but it is not visible since it falls off the screen. Some of these scan lines can then be used to send other information, such as a vertical interval reference signal to calibrate colour receivers, text information to be displayed for the hard-of-hearing (closed captioning), or (in Europe) teletext.
Distortion and interference
The signal wave form that makes up a television picture signal embodies all the picture information to be transmitted from camera to receiver screen as well as the synchronizing information required to keep the receiver and transmitter scanning operations in exact step with each other. The television system, therefore, must deliver the wave form to each receiver as accurately and as free from blemishes as possible. Unfortunately, almost every item of equipment in the system (amplifiers, cables, transmitter, transmitting antenna, receiving antenna, and receiver circuits) conspires to distort the wave form or permits it to be contaminated by “noise” (random electrical currents) or interference.
Among the possible distortions in the signal producing the picture are (1) failure to maintain the rapidity with which the wave form rises or falls as the scanning spot crosses a sharp boundary between light and dark areas of the image, producing a loss of detail, or “smear,” in the reproduced image; (2) the introduction of overshoots, which cause excessively harsh outlines; and (3) failure to maintain the average value of the wave form over extended periods, which causes the image as a whole to be too bright or too dark.
Throughout the system, amplifiers must be used to keep the television signal strong relative to the noise that is everywhere present. These random currents, generated by thermally induced motions of electrons in the circuits, cause a speckled “snow” to appear in the picture. Pictures received from distant stations are subject to this form of interference, since the radio wave by then is so weak that it cannot override random currents in the receiving antenna. Other sources of noise include electrical storms and electric motors. Distortions of a striated type may be caused by interference from signals of stations other than that to which the receiver is tuned.
Another form of distortion arises when a broadcast television signal arrives at the receiver from more than one path. This can occur when the original signal bounces or is reflected off large buildings or other physical structures. The time delays in the different paths result in the creation of “ghosts” in the received picture. These ghosts also can occur in cable television systems from electrical reflections of the signal along the cable. Care in the design of the receiver tuner and amplifier circuits is necessary to minimize such interference, and channels must be allocated to neighbouring communities at sufficient geographic separations and frequency intervals to protect the local service.
Bandwidth requirements
The quality and quantity of television service are limited fundamentally by the rate at which it is feasible to transmit the picture information over the television channel. If, as is stated above, the televised image is dissected, within a few hundredths of a second, into approximately 200,000 pixels, then the electrical impulses corresponding to the pixels must pass through the channel at a rate of several million per second. Moreover, since the picture content may vary, from frame to frame, from simple close-up shots having little fine detail to comprehensive distant scenes in which the limiting detail of the system comes into play, the actual rate of transmitting the picture information varies considerably. The television channel must be capable, therefore, of handling information over a continuous band of frequencies several million cycles wide. This is testimony to the extraordinary comprehension of the human sense of sight. By comparison, the ear is satisfied by sound carried over a channel only 10,000 cycles wide.
In the United States, the television channel, occupying six megahertz in the radio spectrum, is 600 times as wide as the channel used by each standard amplitude modulation (AM) sound broadcasting station. In fact, one television station uses nearly six times as much spectrum space as all the commercial AM sound broadcasting channels combined. Since each television broadcast must occupy so much spectrum space, a limited number of channels is available in any given locality. Moreover, the quantity of service is in conflict with the quality of reproduction. If the detail of the television image is to be increased (other parameters of the transmission being unchanged), then the channel width (bandwidth) must be increased proportionately, and this decreases the number of channels that can be accommodated in the spectrum. This fundamental conflict between quality of transmission and number of available channels dictates that the quality of reproduction shall just satisfy the typical viewer under normal viewing conditions. Any excess of performance beyond this ultimately will result in a restriction of program choice.
Compatible colour television
Compatible colour television represents electronic technology at its pinnacle of achievement, carefully balancing the needs of human perception with the need for technological efficiency. The transmission of colour images requires that extra information be added to the basic monochrome television signal, described above. At the same time, this more complex colour signal must be “compatible” with black-and-white television, so that all sets can pick up and display the same transmission. The design of compatible colour systems, accomplished in the 1950s, was truly a marvel of electrical engineering. The fact that the standards chosen at that time are still in use attests to how well they were designed.
television systems of the worldThe first compatible colour system was designed in 1950–51 by engineers at the Radio Corporation of America (RCA Corporation) (RCA) and was accepted in 1952 by the National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) as the standard for broadcast television in the United States. (See the section The development of television systems: Colour television (television).) The essentials of the NTSC system have formed the basis of all other colour television systems. Two rivaling European systems, PAL (phase alternation line) and SECAM (système électronique couleur avec mémoire), are modifications of the NTSC system that have special application to European conditions. One or the other of these three systems has been adopted by all countries of the world (see the table (television systems of the world)). All are discussed in this section, with the American (NTSC) system being used to describe the basic principles of colour television.
Basic principles of compatible colour: The NTSC system
The technique of compatible colour television utilizes two transmissions. One of these carries information about the brightness, or luminance, of the televised scene, and the other carries the colour, or chrominance, information. Since the ability of the human eye to perceive detail is most acute when viewing white light, the luminance transmission carries the impression of fine detail. Because it employs methods essentially identical to those of a monochrome television system, it can be picked up by black-and-white receivers. The chrominance transmission has no appreciable effect on black-and-white receivers, yet, when used with the luminance transmission in a colour receiver, it produces an image in full colour.
Historically, compatibility was of great importance because it allowed colour transmissions to be introduced without obsolescence of the many millions of monochrome receivers in use. In a larger sense, the luminance-chrominance method of colour transmission is advantageous because it utilizes the limited channels of the radio spectrum (telecommunications media) more efficiently than other colour transmission methods.
To create the luminance-chrominance values, it is necessary first to analyze each colour in the scene into its component primary colours. Light can be analyzed in this way by passing it through three coloured filters, typically red, green, and blue. The amounts of light passing through each filter, plus a description of the colour transmission properties of the filters, serve uniquely to characterize the coloured light. (The techniques for accomplishing this are described in the section Transmission: Generating the colour picture signal (television).)
The fact that virtually the whole range of colours may be synthesized from only three primary colours is essentially a description of the process by which the eye and mind of the observer recognize and distinguish colours. Like visual persistence (the basis of reproducing motion in television), this is a fortunate property of vision, since it permits a simple three-part specification to represent any of the 10,000 or more colours and brightnesses that may be distinguished by the human eye. If vision were dependent on the energy-versus-wavelength relationship (the physical method of specifying colour), it is doubtful that colour reproduction could be incorporated in any mass-communication system.
By transforming the primary-colour values, it is possible to specify any coloured light by three quantities: (1) its luminance (brightness or “brilliance”); (2) its hue (the redness, orangeness, blueness, or greenness, etc., of the light); and (3) its saturation (vivid versus pastel quality). Since the intended luminance value of each point in the scanning pattern is transmitted by the methods of monochrome television, it is only necessary to transmit, via an additional two-valued signal, supplementary information giving the hue and saturation of the intended colour at the respective points.
Chrominance, defined as that part of the colour specification remaining when the luminance is removed, is a combination of the two independent quantities, hue and saturation. Chrominance may be represented graphically in polar coordinates on a colour circle (as shown in the diagram-->), with saturation as the radius and hue as the angle. Hues are arranged counterclockwise around the circle as they appear in the spectrum, from red to blue. The centre of the circle represents white light (the colour of zero saturation), and the outermost rim represents the most saturation. Points on any radius of the circle represent all colours of the same hue, the saturation becoming less (that is, the colour becoming less vivid, or more pastel) as the point approaches the central “white point.” A diagram of this type is the basis of the international standard system of colour specification.
In the NTSC system, the chrominance signal is an alternating current of precisely specified frequency (3.579545 ± 0.000010 megahertz), the precision permitting its accurate recovery at the receiver even in the presence of severe noise or interference. Any change in the amplitude of its alternations at any instant corresponds to a change in the saturation of the colours being passed over by the scanning spot at that instant, whereas a shift in time of its alternations (a change in “ phase”) similarly corresponds to a shift in the hue. As the different saturations and hues of the televised scene are successively uncovered by scanning in the camera, the amplitude and phase, respectively, of the chrominance signal change accordingly. The chrominance signal is thereby simultaneously modulated (modulation) in both amplitude and phase. This doubly modulated signal is added to the luminance signal (as shown in the diagram--> of the colour signal wave form), and the composite signal is imposed on the carrier wave. The chrominance signal takes the form of a subcarrier located precisely 3.579545 megahertz above the picture carrier frequency.
The picture carrier is thus simultaneously amplitude modulated by (1) the luminance signal, to represent changes in the intended luminance, and (2) the chrominance subcarrier, which in turn is amplitude modulated to represent changes in the intended saturation and phase modulated to represent changes in the intended hue. When a colour receiver is tuned to the transmission, the picture signal is recovered in a video detector, which responds to the amplitude-modulated luminance signal in the usual manner of a black-and-white receiver. An amplifier stage, tuned to the 3.58-megahertz chrominance frequency, then selects the chrominance subcarrier from the picture signal and passes it to a detector, which recovers independently the amplitude-modulated saturation signal and the phase-modulated hue signal. Because absolute phase information is difficult to extract, the hue signal is made easier to decode by a phase reference transmitted for each horizontal scan line in the form of a short burst of the chrominance subcarrier. This chrominance, or colour, burst consists of a minimum of eight full cycles of the chrominance subcarrier and is placed on the “back porch” of the blanking pulse, immediately after the horizontal synchronization pulse.
When compatible colour transmissions are received on a black-and-white receiver, the receiver treats the chrominance subcarrier as though it were a part of the intended monochrome transmission. If steps were not taken to prevent it, the subcarrier would produce interference in the form of a fine dot pattern on the television screen. Fortunately, the dot pattern can be rendered almost invisible in monochrome reception by deriving the timing of the scanning motions directly from the source that establishes the chrominance subcarrier itself. The dot pattern of interference from the chrominance signal, therefore, can be made to have opposite effects on successive scannings of the pattern; that is, a point brightened by the dot interference on one line scan is darkened an equal amount on the next scan of that line, so that the net effect of the interference, integrated in the eye over successive scans, is virtually zero. Thus, the monochrome receiver in effect ignores the chrominance component of the transmission. It deals with the luminance signal in the conventional manner, producing from it a black-and-white image. This black-and-white rendition, incidentally, is not a compromise; it is essentially identical to the image that would be produced by a monochrome system viewing the same scene.
The television channel, when occupied by a compatible colour transmission, is usually diagrammed as shown in the figure-->. The luminance information modulates the chrominance subcarrier in the form of two orthogonal components, the I signal and the Q signal. This form of quadrature modulation accomplishes the simultaneous amplitude and phase modulation of the chrominance subcarrier. The I signal represents hues from the orange-cyan colour axis, and the Q signal represents hues along the magenta-yellow colour axis. The human eye is much less sensitive to spatial detail in colour, and thus the chrominance information is allocated much less bandwidth than the luminance information. Furthermore, since the human eye has more spatial resolution to the hues represented by the I signal, the I signal is allotted 1.5 megahertz, while the Q signal is restricted to only 0.5 megahertz. To conserve spectrum, vestigial modulation is used for the I signal, giving the lower sideband the full 1.5 megahertz. The quadrature modulation used for the chrominance information results in a suppressed carrier.
When used by colour receivers, the channel for colour transmissions would appear to be affected by mutual interference between the luminance and chrominance components, since these occupy a portion of the channel in common. Such interference is avoided by the fact that the chrominance subcarrier component is rigidly timed to the scanning motions. The luminance signal, as it occupies the channel, is actually concentrated in a multitude of small spectrum segments, by virtue of the periodicities associated with the scanning process. Between these segments are empty channel spaces of approximately equal size. The chrominance signal, arising from the same scanning process, is similarly concentrated. Hence it is possible to place the chrominance channel segments within the empty spaces between the luminance segments, provided that the two sets of segments have a precisely fixed frequency relationship. The necessary relationship is provided by the direct control by the subcarrier of the timing of the scanning motions. This intersegmentation is referred to as frequency interlacing. It is one of the fundamentals of the compatible colour system. Without frequency interlacing, the superposition of colour information on a channel originally devised for monochrome transmissions would not be feasible.
European colour systems
In the United States, broadcasting using the NTSC system began in 1954, and the same system has been adopted by Canada, Mexico, Japan, and several other countries. In 1967 the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom began colour broadcasting using the PAL system, while in the same year France and the Soviet Union also introduced colour, adopting the SECAM system.
PAL and SECAM embody the same principles as the NTSC system, including matters affecting compatibility and the use of a separate signal to carry the colour information at low detail superimposed on the high-detail luminance signal. The European systems were developed, in fact, to improve on the performance of the American system in only one area, the constancy of the hue of the reproduced images.
It has been pointed out that the hue information in the American system is carried by changes in the phase angle of the chrominance signal and that these phase changes are recovered in the receiver by synchronous detection. Transmission of the phase information, particularly in the early stages of colour broadcasting in the United States, was subject to incidental errors arising in broadcasting stations and network connections. Errors were also caused by reflections of the broadcast signals by buildings and other structures in the vicinity of the receiving antenna. In subsequent years, transmission and reception of hue information became substantially more accurate in the United States through care in broadcasting and networking, as well as by automatic hue-control circuits in receivers. Since the late 1970s a special colour reference signal has been transmitted on line 19 of both scanning fields, and circuitry in the receiver locks onto the reference information to eliminate colour distortions. This vertical interval reference (VIR) signal includes reference information for chrominance, luminance, and black.
PAL and SECAM are inherently less affected by phase errors. In both systems the nominal value of the chrominance signal is 4.433618 megahertz, a frequency that is derived from and hence accurately synchronized with the frame-scanning and line-scanning rates. This chrominance signal is accommodated within the 6-megahertz range of the fully transmitted side band, as shown in the figure-->. By virtue of its synchronism with the line- and frame-scanning rates, its frequency components are interleaved with those of the luminance signal, so that the chrominance information does not affect reception of colour broadcasts by black-and-white receivers.
PAL (phase alternation line) resembles NTSC in that the chrominance signal is simultaneously modulated in amplitude to carry the saturation (pastel-versus-vivid) aspect of the colours and modulated in phase to carry the hue aspect. In the PAL system, however, the phase information is reversed during the scanning of successive lines. In this way, if a phase error is present during the scanning of one line, a compensating error (of equal amount but in the opposite direction) will be introduced during the next line, and the average phase information (presented by the two successive lines taken together) will be free of error.
Two lines are thus required to depict the corrected hue information, and the vertical detail of the hue information is correspondingly lessened. This produces no serious degradation of the picture when the phase errors are not too great, because, as is noted above, the eye does not require fine detail in the hues of colour reproduction and the mind of the observer averages out the two compensating errors. If the phase errors are more than about 20°, however, visible degradation does occur. This effect can be corrected by introducing into the receiver (as in the SECAM system) a delay line and electronic switch.
In SECAM (système électronique couleur avec mémoire) the luminance information is transmitted in the usual manner, and the chrominance signal is interleaved with it. But the chrominance signal is modulated in only one way. The two types of information required to encompass the colour values (hue and saturation) do not occur concurrently, and the errors associated with simultaneous amplitude and phase modulation do not occur. Rather, in the SECAM system (SECAM III), alternate line scans carry information on luminance and red, while the intervening line scans contain luminance and blue. The green information is derived within the receiver by subtracting the red and blue information from the luminance signal. Since individual line scans carry only half the colour information, two successive line scans are required to obtain the complete colour information, and this halves the colour detail, measured in the vertical dimension. But, as noted above, the eye is not sensitive to the hue and saturation of small details, so no adverse effect is introduced.
To subtract the red and blue information from the luminance information and obtain the green information, the red and blue signals must be available in the receiver simultaneously, whereas in SECAM they are transmitted in time sequence. The requirement for simultaneity is met by holding the signal content of each line scan in storage (or “memorizing” it—hence the name of the system, French for “electronic colour system with memory”). The storage device is known as a delay line; it holds the information of each line scan for 64 microseconds, the time required to complete the next line scan. To match successive pairs of lines, an electronic switch is also needed. When the use of delay lines was first proposed, such lines were expensive devices. Subsequent advances reduced the cost, and the fact that receivers must incorporate these components is no longer viewed as decisive.
Since the SECAM system reproduces the colour information with a minimum of error, it has been argued that SECAM receivers do not have to have manual controls for hue and saturation. Such adjustments, however, are usually provided in order to permit the viewer to adjust the picture to individual taste and to correct for signals that have broadcast errors, due to such factors as faulty use of cameras, lighting, and networking.
Digital television
Governments of the European Union, Japan, and the United States are officially committed to replacing conventional television broadcasting with digital television in the first few years of the 21st century. Portions of the radio frequency spectrum have been set aside for television stations to begin broadcasting programs digitally, in parallel with their conventional broadcasts. At some point, when it appears that the market will accept the change, plans call for broadcasters to relinquish their old conventional television channels and to broadcast solely in the new digital channels. As is the case with compatible colour television, the digital world is divided between competing standards: the Advanced Television Standards Committee (ATSC) system, approved in 1996 by the FCC as the standard for digital television in the United States; and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), the system adopted by a European consortium in 1993.
The process of converting a conventional analog television signal to a digital format involves the steps of sampling, quantization, and binary encoding. These steps, described in the article telecommunication, result in a digital signal that requires many times the bandwidth of the original wave form. For example, the NTSC colour signal is based on 483 lines of 720 picture elements (pixels) each. With eight bits being used to encode the luminance information and another eight bits the chrominance information, an overall transmission rate of 162 million bits per second would be needed for the digitized television signal. This would require a bandwidth of about 80 megahertz—far more capacity than the six megahertz allocated for a channel in the NTSC system.
To fit digital broadcasts into the existing six- and eight-megahertz channels employed in analog television, both the ATSC and the DVB system “compress” bit rates by eliminating redundant picture information from the signal. Both systems employ MPEG-2, an international standard first proposed in 1994 by the Moving Picture Experts Group for the compression of digital video signals for broadcast and for recording on digital video disc. The MPEG-2 standard utilizes techniques for both intra-picture and inter-picture compression. Intra-picture compression is based on the elimination of spatial detail and redundancy within a picture; inter-picture compression is based on the prediction of changes from one picture to another so that only the changes are transmitted. This kind of redundancy reduction compresses the digital television signal to about 4 million bits per second—easily enough to allow multiple standard-definition programs to be broadcast simultaneously in a single channel. (Indeed, MPEG compression is employed in direct broadcast satellite television to transmit almost 200 programs simultaneously. The same technique can be used in cable systems to send as many as 500 programs to subscribers.)
However, compression is a compromise with quality. Certain artifacts can occur that may be noticeable and bothersome to some viewers, such as blurring of movement in large areas, harsh edge boundaries, and an overall reduction of resolution.
Television transmission and reception
Transmission and reception involve the components of a television system that generate, transmit, and utilize the television signal wave form (as shown in the block diagram-->). The scene to be televised is focused by a lens on an image sensor located within the camera. This produces the picture signal, and the synchronization and blanking pulses are then added, establishing the complete composite video wave form. The composite video signal and the sound signal are then imposed on a carrier wave of a specific allocated frequency and transmitted over the air or over a cable network. After passing through a receiving antenna or cable input at the television receiver, they are shifted back to their original frequencies and applied to the receiver's display and loudspeaker. That is the process in brief; the specific functions of colour television transmitters and receivers are described in more detail in this section.
Generating the colour picture signal
As is pointed out in the section Compatible colour television (television), the colour television signal actually consists of two components, luminance (or brilliance) and chrominance; and chrominance itself has two aspects, hue (colour) and saturation (intensity of colour). The television camera does not produce these values directly; rather, it produces three picture signals that represent the amounts of the three primary colours (blue, green, and red) present at each point in the image pattern. From these three primary-colour signals the luminance and chrominance components are derived by manipulation in electronic circuits.
Immediately following the colour camera is the colour coder, which converts the primary-colour signals into the luminance and chrominance signals. The luminance signal is formed simply by applying the primary-colour signals to an electronic addition circuit, or adder, that adds the values of all three signals at each point along their respective picture signal wave forms. Since white light results from the addition (in appropriate proportions) of the primary colours, the resulting sum signal represents the black-and-white (luminance) version of the colour image. The luminance signal thus formed is subtracted individually, in three electronic subtraction circuits, from the original primary-colour signals, and the colour-difference signals are then further combined in a matrix unit to produce the I (orange-cyan) and Q (magenta-yellow) signals. These are applied simultaneously to a modulator, where they are mixed with the chrominance subcarrier signal. The chrominance subcarrier is thereby amplitude modulated in accordance with the saturation values and phase modulated in accordance with the hues. The luminance and chrominance components are then combined in another addition circuit to form the overall colour picture signal.
The chrominance subcarrier in NTSC systems is generated in a precise electronic oscillator at the standard value of 3.579545 megahertz. Samples of this subcarrier are injected into the signal wave form during the blank period between line scans, just after the horizontal synchronizing pulses. These samples, collectively referred to as the “colour burst,” are employed in the receiver to control the synchronous detector, as mentioned in the section Basic principles of compatible colour: The NTSC system (television). Finally, horizontal and vertical deflection currents, which produce the scanning in the three camera sensors, are formed in a scanning generator, the timing of which is controlled by the chrominance subcarrier. This common timing of deflection and chrominance transmission produces the dot-interference cancellation in monochrome reception and the frequency interlacing in colour transmission, noted above.
The carrier signal
The picture signal generated as described above can be conveyed over short distances by wire or cable in unaltered form, but for broadcast over the air or transmission over cable networks it must be shifted to appropriately higher frequency channels. Such frequency shifting is accomplished in the transmitter, which essentially performs two functions: (1) generation of very high frequency ( VHF) or ultrahigh frequency ( UHF) carrier currents for picture and sound, and (2) modulation of those carrier currents by imposing the television signal onto the high-frequency wave. In the former function (generation of the carrier currents), precautions are taken to ensure that the frequencies of the UHF or VHF waves have precisely the values assigned to the channel in use. In the latter function (modulation of the carrier wave), the picture signal wave form changes the strength, or amplitude, of the high-frequency carrier in such a manner that the alternations of the carrier current take on a succession of amplitudes that match the shape of the signal wave form. This process is known as amplitude modulation (AM) and is shown in the context of monochrome transmission in the diagram--> of the composite video signal.
The sound signal
The sound program accompanying a television picture signal is transmitted by equipment similar to that used for frequency-modulated (frequency modulation) (FM) radio broadcasting. In the NTSC system, the carrier frequency for this sound channel is spaced 4.5 megahertz above the picture carrier and is separated from the picture carrier in the television receiver by appropriate circuitry. The sound has a maximum frequency of 15 kilohertz (15,000 cycles per second), thereby assuring high fidelity. Stereophonic sound is transmitted through the use of a subcarrier located at twice the horizontal sweep frequency of 15,734 hertz. The stereo information, encoded as the difference between the left and right audio channel, amplitude modulates the stereo subcarrier, which is suppressed if there is no stereo difference information. The base sound signal is transmitted as the sum of the left and right audio channels and hence is compatible with nonstereo receivers.
The television channel
When the band of frequencies in the picture signal is imposed on the high-frequency broadcast carrier current in the modulator of the transmitter, two bands of frequencies are produced above and below the carrier frequency. These are known as the upper and lower side bands, respectively. The side bands are identical in frequency content; that is, both carry the complete picture signal information. One of the side bands is therefore superfluous and, if transmitted, would wastefully consume space in the broadcast spectrum. Therefore, the major portion of one of the side bands (that occupying frequencies below the carrier) is removed by a wave filter, and the other side band (occupying frequencies above the carrier) is transmitted in full. Complete removal of the superfluous side band is possible, but this would complicate receiver design; hence, a vestige of the unwanted side band is retained to serve the overall economy of the system. This technique is known as vestigial side-band transmission. It is universally employed in the television broadcasting systems of the world.
The television channel thus contains the picture carrier frequency, one complete picture side band (including the complete chrominance subcarrier), and a vestigial portion of the other picture side band. (See the diagram--> of spectrum allocations for compatible colour channels.) In addition, the carrier for the sound transmission and its side bands is included within the channel. Since the band of frequencies needed to convey the sound is much narrower than that needed for the picture, it is feasible to include both sound-carrier side bands. To avoid mutual interference between sound and picture, the picture and sound side bands must not overlap. Moreover, some space must be allowed at the edge of the channel to avoid interference with the transmissions of stations occupying adjacent channels. These requirements are met in the colour television channels of the NTSC, PAL, and SECAM systems.
Each channel in the NTSC system contains the following bands: 4.2 megahertz for the fully transmitted picture side band, 1.25 megahertz for the vestige of the other picture side band, 0.2 megahertz for the sound carrier and its two side bands, and the remaining 0.15 megahertz to guard against overlap between channels. The chrominance subcarrier is included within the fully transmitted picture side band.
The standard broadcast television channels of the United States are assigned 6 megahertz each in the following segments of the spectrum: VHF channels 2, 3, and 4, 54–72 megahertz; 5 and 6, 76–88 megahertz; 7 through 13, 174–216 megahertz; and the UHF channels, 14 through 83, 470–890 megahertz. These channels are allocated to communities according to a master plan established and administered by the Federal Communications Commission. No more than seven VHF channels are provided in any one area; many smaller cities must be content with one or two channels. In the major cities of Europe, fewer channels (typically two to four per city) are provided, because the higher population density and closer spacing of cities precludes more assignments within the available spectrum.
Broadcast television
After the signal wave form and carrier current are combined in the modulator, the modulated carrier current is amplified (typically to 10,000 watts or more) and passed to the transmitter antenna, which is designed to direct radio waves along the surface of the Earth and to minimize radiation toward the sky. The antenna must be placed to stand as high and in as exposed a location as possible, since the radio waves tend to be intercepted by solid objects that stand in their path, including the Earth's surface at the horizon. Reception beyond the horizon is possible, but the signal at such distances becomes rapidly weaker as it passes to the limit of the service area.
In the transmitting antenna, the amplified carrier current produces a radio wave of the same frequency that travels through space. This wave induces a considerably weaker, but otherwise identical, current in any receiving antenna located within the service area. The signal picked up by a receiving antenna is typically as low as 0.00000001, or 10−8, watt, yet even this low power is capable of producing reception of excellent quality, since the amount of amplification conferred on the picture and sound currents by a typical television receiver is extremely large. Indeed, when tuned to a station at a distance of 80 km (50 miles), the power picked up by an antenna can be as low as 10−11 watt, whereas the signals fed to picture tube and loudspeaker are on the order of 1 watt. In other words, the receiver produces a faithful amplification on the order of 100 million times.
cable television
In the United States, about two-thirds of homes obtain their broadcast television over coaxial cable systems. cable television actually began as a service for people living far from the large cities where most broadcasting took place. The solution for rural consumers was a single master antenna located high on a hill to pick up the faint signals, which would then be amplified and retransmitted over coaxial cables to the homes of viewers. Thus community antenna television (CATV) was invented, with the earliest system being installed in 1948. Later, CATV systems were installed in large cities to provide an improved picture by avoiding ghosts and other forms of noise and distortion. Today, cable systems offer many more programs and services than can be obtained from television broadcast over the air. Most cable television programs are distributed over communications satellites.
A cable television system begins at the head end, where the program is received (and sometimes originated), amplified, and then transmitted over a coaxial cable network. The architecture of the network takes the form of a tree, with the “trunk” carrying signals to the neighbourhoods and “branches” carrying the signals closer to the homes. Finally, “drops” carry the signals to individual homes. Coaxial cable has a bandwidth capable of carrying a hundred six-megahertz television channels, but the signals decay quickly with distance. Hence, amplifiers are required periodically to boost the signals. Backbone trunks in a local cable network frequently use optical fibre to minimize noise and eliminate the need for amplifiers. Optical fibre has considerably more capacity than coaxial cable and allows more programs to be carried.
The tuners of most television receivers are capable of receiving cable channels directly. However, many programs are encrypted for premium rates, and hence a cable convertor box must be installed between the cable and the television receiver.
Direct broadcast satellite television
Communications satellites located in geostationary orbit about the Earth are used to send television signals directly to the homes of viewers—a form of transmission called direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television. Transmission occurs in the Ku band, located around 12 gigahertz (12 billion cycles per second) in the radio frequency spectrum. At these superhigh frequencies, radio waves tend to propagate as narrow beams, so that the receiving antenna can be a small dish only 46 cm (18 inches) in diameter. More than 100 programs are available over a single DBS service. Since competing services are not compatible, separate equipment is needed for each. Also, the receiving antenna must be carefully aimed at the appropriate satellite.
DBS transmission is digital. Normally, considerable bandwidth would be required for a digital television signal; however, by capitalizing on the redundancies inherent in a series of moving pictures, compression techniques reduce the transmission rate to 2–4 million bits per second. Decoding of the signal is performed by a set-top convertor box that is also connected to a telephone line. The telephone connection is used to send data about which shows are being watched and also to obtain permission to receive premium programs.
Although relatively unknown in North America, teletext is routine throughout Europe. Teletext uses the vertical blanking interval (see the section The picture signal: Wave form (television)) to send text and simple graphic information for display on the picture screen. The information is organized into pages that are sent repetitively, in a round-robin fashion; a few hundred pages can be sent in about one minute. The page selected by the viewer is recognized by electronic circuitry in the television receiver and then decoded for display. The information content is mostly of a timely, general interest, such as weather, news, sports, and television schedules. Graphics are formed from simple mosaics. The British Broadcasting Corporation developed teletext and initiated teletext transmission in 1973.
At the television receiver the sound and picture carrier waves are picked up by the receiving antenna, producing currents that are identical in form to those flowing in the transmitter antenna but much weaker. These currents are conducted from the antenna to the receiver by a lead-in transmission line, typically a 12-mm (one-half-inch) ribbon of plastic in which are embedded two parallel copper wires. This form of transmission line is capable of passing the carrier currents to the receiver, without relative discrimination between frequencies, on all the channels to which the receiver may be tuned. Television signals also are delivered to the receiver over coaxial cable from a cable service provider or from a videocassette recorder. In addition, some television receivers have an input that bypasses the tuner and detector so that an unmodulated video signal can be viewed directly, in effect making the television receiver into a video display terminal.
Basic receiver circuits
At the input terminals of the receiver, the picture and sound signals are at their weakest, so particular care must be taken to control noise at this point. The first circuit in the receiver is a radio-frequency amplifier, particularly designed for low-noise amplification. The channel-switching mechanism (tuner) of the receiver connects this amplifier to one of several individual circuits, each circuit tuned to its respective channel. The amplifier magnifies the voltages of the incoming picture and sound carriers and their side bands in the desired channel by about 10 times, and it discriminates by a like amount against the transmissions of stations on other channels.
From the radio-frequency amplifier, the signals are passed to a superheterodyne mixer that transposes the frequencies of the sound and picture carriers to values better suited to subsequent amplification processes. The transposed frequencies, known as intermediate frequencies, remain the same no matter what channel the receiver is tuned to. In typical receivers they are located in the band from 41 to 47 megahertz. Since the tuning of the intermediate-frequency amplifiers need not be changed as the channel is switched, they can be adjusted for maximum performance in this frequency range. Two to four stages of such amplification are used in tandem, increasing the voltage of the picture and sound carriers by a maximum of 25 to 35 times per stage, representing an overall maximum amplification on the order of 10,000 times. The amplification of these intermediate-frequency stages is automatically adjusted, by a process known as automatic gain control, in accordance with the strength of the signal, full amplification being accorded to a weak signal and less to a strong signal. After passage through the intermediate amplifiers, the sound and picture carriers and their side bands reach a relatively fixed level of about one volt, whereas the signal levels applied to the antenna terminals may vary, depending on the distance of the station and other factors, from a few millionths to a few tenths of a volt. Intermediate-frequency amplifiers are especially designed to preserve the chrominance subcarrier during its passage through these stages.
From the last intermediate amplifier stage, the carriers and side bands are passed to another circuit, known as the video detector. From the detector output, an averaging circuit or filter then forms (1) a picture signal, which is a close replica of the picture signal produced by the camera and synchronizing generator in the transmitter, and (2) a frequency-modulated sound signal. At this point the picture and sound signals are separated. The sound signal is passed through a sound intermediate amplifier and frequency detector (discriminator, or ratio detector) that converts the frequency modulation back to an audio signal current. This current is passed through one or two additional audio-frequency amplifier stages to the loudspeaker (see the figure-->).
The video detector develops the luminance component of the picture signal and applies it through video amplifiers simultaneously to all three electron guns of the colour picture tube. This part of the signal thereby activates all three primary-colour images, simultaneously and identically, in the fixed proportion needed to produce white light. When tuned to monochrome signals, the colour receiver produces a black-and-white image by means of this mechanism, the chrominance component being absent. The separation of the luminance information from the composite picture signal can be accomplished through the use of a comb filter, so called because a graph of its frequency response looks like the teeth of a comb. This comb filter is precisely tuned to pass only the harmonic structure of the luminance signal and to exclude the chrominance signal. The use of a comb filter preserves the higher-frequency spatial detail of the luminance signal.
When the receiver is tuned to a colour signal, the chrominance subcarrier component appears in the output of the video detector, and it is thereupon operated on in circuits that ultimately recover the primary-colour signals originally produced by the colour camera. Recovery of the primary-colour signals starts in the synchronous detector, where the synchronizing signals are passed through circuits that separate the horizontal and vertical synchronizing pulses. The pulses are then passed, respectively, to the horizontal and vertical deflection generators, which produce the currents that flow through the electromagnetic coils in the picture tube, causing the scanning spot to be deflected across the viewing screen in the standard scanning pattern. (See the section Picture tubes (television).)
The synchronous detector is followed by circuits that perform the inverse operations of the addition and subtraction circuits at the transmitter. The end result of this manipulation is the production of three colour-difference signals that represent, respectively, the difference between the luminance signal (already applied to all three electron guns of the picture tube) and the primary-colour signals. Each colour-difference signal reduces the strength of the corresponding electron beam to change the white light, which would otherwise be produced, to the intended colour for each point in the scanning line. The net control signal applied to each electron gun bears a direct correspondence to the primary-colour signal derived from the respective camera sensor at the studio. In this manner, the three primary-colour signals are transmitted as though three separate channels had been used.
In addition to the amplifiers, detectors, and deflection generators described above, a television receiver contains two power-converting circuits. One of these (the low-voltage power supply) converts alternating current from the power line into direct current needed for the circuits; the other (high-voltage power supply) produces the high voltage, typically 15,000 to 20,000 volts, needed to create the scanning spot in the picture tube.
Receivers are commonly provided with manual controls for adjustment of the picture by the viewer. These controls are (1) the channel switch, which connects the required circuits to the radio-frequency amplifier and superheterodyne mixer to amplify and convert the sound and picture carriers of the desired channel; (2) a fine-tuning control, which precisely adjusts the superheterodyne mixer so that the response of the tuner is exactly centred on the channel in use; (3) a contrast control, which adjusts the voltage level reached by the picture signal in the video amplifiers, producing a picture having more or less contrast (greater or less range between the blacks and whites of the image); (4) a brightness control, which adjusts the average amount of current taken by the picture tube from the high-voltage power supply, thus varying the overall brightness of the picture; (5) a horizontal-hold control, which adjusts the horizontal deflection generator so that it conforms exactly to the control of the horizontal synchronizing impulses; (6) a vertical-hold control, which performs the same function for the vertical deflection generator; (7) a hue (or “tint”) control, which shifts all the hues in the reproduced image; and (8) a saturation (or “colour”) control, which adjusts the magnitudes of the colour-difference signals applied to the electron guns of the picture tube. If the saturation control is turned to the “off” position, no colour difference action will occur and the reproduction will appear in black and white. As the saturation control is advanced, the colour differences become more accentuated, and the colours become progressively more vivid.
Since the late 1960s, colour television receivers have employed a system known as “automatic hue control.” In this system, the viewer makes an initial manual adjustment of the hue control to produce the preferred flesh tones. Thereafter, the hue control circuit automatically maintains the preselected ratio of the primary colours corresponding to the viewer's choice. Thus, the most critical aspect of the colour rendition, the appearance of the faces of the performers, is prevented from changing when cameras are switched from scene to scene or when the receiver is tuned from one broadcast to another. Another enhancement is a single touch-button control that sets the fine tuning and also adjusts the hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness to preset ranges. These automatic adjustments override the settings of the corresponding separate controls, which then function over narrow ranges only. Such refinements permit reception of acceptable quality by viewers who might otherwise be confused by the many maladjustments possible when ordinary manual controls are used.
Modern remote controls, employing infrared radiation to send signals to the receiver, are descended from earlier models of the 1950s and '60s that used electric wire, visible light, or ultrasound to control the power, channel selection, and audio volume. Today's television sets have no knobs; instead, their features are controlled through on-screen displays of parameters that are adjusted by the remote control.
Television cameras and displays
Camera image sensors
The television camera is a device that employs light-sensitive image sensors to convert an optical image into a sequence of electrical signals—in other words, to generate the primary components of the picture signal. The first sensors were mechanical spinning disks, based on a prototype patented by the German Paul Nipkow (Nipkow, Paul Gottlieb) in 1884. As the disk rotated, light reflected from the scene passed through a series of apertures in the disk and entered a photoelectric cell, which translated the sequence of light values into a corresponding sequence of electric values. (See the animation-->.) In this way the entire scene was scanned, one line at a time, and converted into an electric signal.
Large spinning disks were not the best way to scan a scene, and by the mid-20th century they were replaced by vacuum tubes, which utilized an electron beam to scan an image of a scene that was focused on a light-sensitive surface within the tube. Electronic camera tubes were one of the major inventions that led to the ultimate technological success of television. Today they have been replaced in most cameras by smaller, cheaper solid-state imagers such as charge-coupled devices. Nevertheless, they firmly established the principle of line scanning (introduced by the Nipkow disks) and thus had a great influence on the design of standards for transmitting television picture signals.
Electron tubes (electron tube)
The first electronic camera tubes were invented in the United States by Vladimir K. Zworykin (Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma) (the Iconoscope) in 1924 and by Philo T. Farnsworth (Farnsworth, Philo Taylor) (the Image Dissector) in 1927. These early inventions were soon succeeded by a series of improved tubes such as the Orthicon, the Image Orthicon, and the Vidicon. The operation of the camera tube is based on the photoconductive properties of certain materials and on electron beam scanning. These principles can be illustrated by a description of the Vidicon, one of the most enduring and versatile camera tubes. (See the diagram-->.)
The tube elements of the Vidicon are relatively simple, being contained in a cylindrical glass envelope that is only a few centimetres in diameter and is hence quite adaptable to portable cameras. At one end of the envelope, a transparent metallic conductor serves as a signal plate. Deposited directly on the signal plate is a photoresistive material (e.g., a compound of selenium or lead) the electrical resistance of which is high in the dark but becomes progressively less as the amount of light increases. The optical image is focused on the end of the tube and passes through the signal plate to the photoresistive layer, where the light induces a pattern of varying conductivity that matches the distribution of brightness in the optical image. The conduction paths through the layer allow positive charge from the signal plate (which is maintained at a positive voltage) to pass through the layer, and this current continues to flow during the interval between scans. Charge storage thus occurs, and an electrical charge image is built up on the rear surface of the photoresistor.
An electron beam, deflected in the vertical and horizontal directions by electromagnetic coils, scans the rear surface of the photoresistive layer. The beam electrons neutralize the positive charge on each point in the electrical image, and the resulting change in potential is transferred by capacitive action to the signal plate, from which the television signal is derived.
The typical colour television camera contained three tubes, with an optical system that cast an identical image on the sensitive surface of each one. The optics consisted of a lens and four mirrors that reflected the image rays from the lens onto the three tubes. Two of the mirrors were of a colour-selective type (a dichroic mirror) that reflected the light of one colour and transmitted the remaining colours. The mirrors, augmented by colour filters that perfected their colour-selective action, directed a blue image to the first tube, a green image to the second, and a red image to the third. The three tubes were designed to produce identical scans of the scene, so that their respective picture signals represented images of the same geometric shape, differing only in colour. The respective primary-colour signals were passed through video preamplifiers associated with each tube and emerged from the camera as separate entities.
Charge-coupled devices
Camera tubes need frequent adjustment and replacement, are sensitive to mechanical vibration and shock, are large and bulky, and suffer from various image problems, such as blooming with bright lights, smearing, and retained images. For this reason modern television cameras utilize solid-state image sensors, which are small in size, rugged, and reliable and offer excellent light sensitivity and high resolution.
Solid-state image sensors are charge-coupled devices (CCDs) constructed as large-scale integrated circuits on semiconductor chips. The basic sensor element includes a photodiode and field-effect transistor. Light falling on the junction of the photodiode liberates electrons and creates holes, resulting in an electric charge that accumulates in proportion to the intensity and duration of the light falling on the diode. A typical CCD sensor has more than 250,000 sensor elements, organized into 520 vertical columns and 483 horizontal rows. This two-dimensional matrix analyzes the image into a corresponding number of pixels. In one type of image sensor, the charges accumulated by the sensor elements are transferred one row at a time by a vertical shift register to a horizontal register, from which they are shifted out in a bucket brigade fashion to form the video signal.
A colour CCD image sensor uses a checkerboard pattern of transparent colour filters. These filters can represent the three primary colours of red, green, and blue, thereby generating three electrical signals corresponding to the three primary colours. Alternatively, prisms can be used to separate the image into its three primary colours; in that case three separate CCD sensors are used, one for each primary colour.
The cathode-ray tube (CRT) television screen is the oldest display technology, with a history extending back to the late 1890s. It is still difficult to better, although its considerable depth, weight, and high voltage requirements are disadvantages. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are perfect for small laptop computers and are also being used more commonly for desktop computers; but large-screen LCDs for television are costly and difficult to manufacture, and they do not have the brightness and wide field of view of the CRT. The basic concepts of plasma display panels (PDPs) are decades old, but only recently have they begun to find commercial use for television. There are many other display technologies, such as ferroelectric liquid crystal, field emission, and vacuum fluorescent, but they have not reached the commercial viability of the CRT, LCD, and PDP, which are described in turn below. Improvements may well occur in the CRT, renewing the life and utility of this old technology. However, LCDs and PDPs seem more appropriate for the new digital and compression technologies, and so their future in television seems bright.
Picture tubes
Basic structure
A typical television screen is located inside a slightly curved glass plate that closes the wide end, or face, of a highly evacuated, funnel-shaped CRT. Picture tubes vary widely in size and are usually measured diagonally across the tube face. Tubes having diagonals from as small as 7.5 cm (3 inches) to 46 cm (18 inches) are used in typical portable receivers, whereas tubes measuring from 58 to 69 cm (23 to 27 inches) are used in table- and console-model receivers. Picture tubes as large as 91 cm (36 inches) are used in very large console-model receivers, and rear-screen projection picture tubes are used in even larger consoles.
The screen itself, in monochrome receivers, is typically composed of two fluorescent materials, such as silver-activated zinc sulfide and silver-activated zinc cadmium sulfide. These materials, known as phosphors, glow with blue and yellow light, respectively, under the impact of high-speed electrons. The phosphors are mixed, in a fine dispersion, in such proportion that the combination of yellow and blue light produces white light of slightly bluish cast. A water suspension of these materials is settled on the inside of the faceplate of the tube during manufacture, and this coating is overlaid with a film of aluminum sufficiently thin to permit bombarding electrons to pass without hindrance. The aluminum provides a mirror surface that prevents backward-emitted light from being lost in the interior of the tube and reflects it forward to the viewer.
The colour picture tube (shown in the figure-->) is composed of three sets of individual phosphor dots, which glow respectively in the three primary colours (red, blue, and green) and which are uniformly interspersed over the screen. At the opposite, narrow end of the tube are three electron guns, cylindrical metal structures that generate and direct three separate streams of free electrons, or electron beams. One of the beams is controlled by the red primary-colour signal and impinges on the red phosphor dots, producing a red image. The second beam produces a blue image, and the third, a green image.
Electron guns (electron gun)
At the rear of each electron gun is the cathode, a flat metal support covered with oxides of barium and strontium. These oxides have a low electronic work function; when heated by a heater coil behind the metal support, they liberate electrons. In the absence of electric attraction, the free electrons form a cloud immediately in front of the oxide surface.
Directly in front of the cathode is a cylindrical sleeve that is made electrically positive with respect to the cathode (the element that emits the electrons). The positively charged sleeve (the anode) draws the negative electrons away from the cathode, and they move down the sleeve toward the viewing screen at the opposite end of the tube. They are intercepted, however, by control electrodes, flat disks having small circular apertures at their centre. Some of the moving electrons pass through the apertures; others are held back.
The television picture signal is applied between the control electrode and the cathode. During those portions of the signal wave that make the potential of the control electrode less negative, more electrons are permitted to pass through the control aperture, whereas during the more negative portions of the wave, fewer electrons pass. The receiver's brightness control applies a steady (though adjustable) voltage between the control electrode and the cathode. This voltage determines the average number of electrons passing through the aperture, whereas the picture signal causes the number of electrons passing through the aperture to vary from the average and thus controls the brightness of the spot produced on the fluorescent screen.
As the electrons emerge from the control electrode, each electron experiences a force that directs it toward the centre of the viewing screen. From the aperture, the controlled stream of electrons passes into the glass neck of the tube. Inside the latter is a graphite coating, which extends throughout the funnel of the tube and connects to the back coating of the phosphor screen. The full value of positive high voltage (typically 15,000 volts) is applied to this coating, and it therefore attracts and accelerates the electrons from the sleeve, along the neck and into the funnel, and toward the screen of the tube. The electron beam is thus brought to focus on the screen, and the light produced there is the scanning spot. Additional focusing may be provided by an adjustable permanent magnet surrounding the neck of the tube. The scanning spot must be intrinsically very brilliant, since (by virtue of the integrating property of the eye) the light in the spot is effectively spread out over the whole area of the screen during scanning.
Deflection coils
Scanning is accomplished by two sets of electromagnet coils. These coils must be precisely designed to preserve the focus of the scanning spot no matter where it falls on the screen, and the magnetic fields they produce must be so distributed that deflections occur at uniform velocities.
Deflection of the beam occurs by virtue of the fact that an electron in motion through a magnetic field experiences a force at right angles both to its direction of motion and to the direction of the magnetic lines of force. The deflecting magnetic field is passed through the neck of the tube at right angles to the electron-beam direction. The beam thus incurs a force tending to change its direction at right angles to its motion, the amount of the force being proportional to the amount of current flowing in the deflecting coils.
To cause uniform motion along each line, the current in the horizontal deflection coil, initially negative, becomes steadily smaller, reaching zero when the spot passes the centre of the line and then increasing in the positive direction until the end of the line is reached. The current is then reversed and very rapidly goes through the reverse sequence of values, bringing the scanning spot to the beginning of the next line. The rapid rate of change of current during the retrace motions causes pulses of a high voltage to appear across the circuit that feeds current to the coil, and the succession of these pulses, smoothed into direct current by a rectifier tube, serves as the high-voltage power supply.
A similar action in the vertical deflection coils produces the vertical scanning motion. The two sets of deflection coils are combined in a structure known as the deflection yoke, which surrounds the neck of the picture tube at the junction of the neck with the funnel section.
The design trend in picture tubes has called for wider funnel sections and shallower overall depth from electron gun to viewing screen, resulting in correspondingly greater angles of deflection. The increase in deflection angle from 55° in the first (1946) models to 114° in models produced nowadays has required corresponding refinement of the deflection system because of the higher deflection currents required and because of the greater tendency of the scanning spot to go out of focus at the edges of the screen.
Shadow masks and aperture grilles
The sorting out of the three beams so that they produce images of only the intended primary colour is performed by a thin steel mask that lies directly behind the phosphor screen. This mask contains about 200,000 precisely located holes, each accurately aligned with three different coloured phosphor dots on the screen in front of it. Electrons from the three guns pass together through each hole, but each electron beam is directed at a slightly different angle. The angles are such that the electrons arising from the gun controlled by the red primary-colour signal fall only on the red dots, being prevented from hitting the blue and green dots by the shadowing action of the mask. Similarly, the “blue” and “green” electrons fall only on the blue and green dots, respectively. The colour dots of which each image is formed are so small and so uniformly dispersed that the eye does not detect their separate presence, although they are readily visible through a magnifying glass. The primary colours in the three images thereby mix in the mind of the viewer, and a full-colour rendition of the image results. A major improvement consists in surrounding each colour dot with an opaque black material, so that no light can emerge from the portions of the screen between dots. This permits the screen to produce a brighter image while maintaining the purity of the colours.
This type of colour tube is known as the shadow-mask tube. It has several shortcomings: (1) electrons intercepted by the mask cannot produce light, and the image brightness is thereby limited; (2) great precision is needed to achieve correct alignment of the electron beams, the mask holes, and the phosphor dots at all points in the scanning pattern; and (3) precisely congruent scanning patterns, as among the three beams, must be produced. In the late 1960s a different type of mask, the aperture grille, was introduced in the Sony Corporation's Trinitron tube. In Trinitron-type tubes the shadow-mask is replaced by a metal grille having short vertical slots extending from the top to the bottom of the screen (see the figure-->). The three electron beams pass through the slots to the coloured phosphors, which are in the form of vertical stripes aligned with the slots. The slots direct the majority of the electrons to the phosphors, causing a much lower percentage of the electrons to be intercepted by the grille, and a brighter picture results.
Liquid crystal displays (liquid crystal display)
The CRT offers a high-quality, bright image at a reasonable cost, and it has been the workhorse of receivers since television began. However, it is also large, bulky, and breakable, and it requires extremely high voltages to accelerate the electron beam as well as large currents to deflect the beam. The search for its replacement has led to the development of other display technologies, the most promising of which thus far are liquid crystal displays (LCDs).
The physics of liquid crystals are discussed in the article liquid crystal, and LCDs are described in detail in the article liquid crystal display. LCDs for television employ the nematic type of liquid crystal, whose molecules have elongated cigar shapes that normally lie in planes parallel to one another—though they can be made to change their orientation under the influence of an electric field or magnetic field. Nematic crystal molecules tend to be influenced in their alignment by the walls of the container in which they are placed. If the molecules are sandwiched between two glass plates rubbed in the same direction, the molecules will align themselves in that direction, and if the two plates are twisted 90° relative to each other, the molecules close to each plate will move accordingly, resulting in the twisted-nematic layout shown in the figure-->. In LCDs the glass plates are light-polarizing filters, so that polarized light passing through the bottom plate will twist 90° along with the molecules, enabling it to emerge through the filter of the top plate. However, if an external electric field is applied across the assembly, the molecules will realign along the field, in effect untwisting themselves. The polarization of the incoming light will not be changed, so that it will not be able to pass through the second filter.
Applied to only a small portion of a liquid crystal, an external electric field can have the effect of turning on or off a small picture element, or pixel. An entire screen of pixels can be activated through an “active matrix” LCD (see the figure-->), in which a grid of thousands of thin-film transistors and capacitors is plated transparently onto the surface of the LCD in order to cause specific portions of the crystal to respond rapidly. A colour LCD uses three elements, each with its own primary-colour filter, to create a colour display.
Because LCDs do not emit their own light, they must have a source of illumination, usually a fluorescent tube for backlighting. It takes time for the liquid crystal to respond to electric charge, and this can cause blurring of motion from frame to frame. Also, the liquid nature of the crystal means that adjacent areas cannot be completely isolated from one another, a problem that reduces the maximum resolution of the display. However, LCDs can be made very thin, lightweight, and flat, and they consume very little electric power. These are strong advantages over the CRT. But large LCDs are still extremely expensive, and they have not managed to displace the picture tube from its supreme position among television receivers. LCDs are used mostly in small portable televisions and also in handheld video cameras (camcorders).
Plasma display panels
Plasma display panels (PDPs) overcome some of the disadvantages of both CRTs and LCDs. They can be manufactured easily in large sizes (up to 125 cm, or 50 inches, in diagonal size), are less than 10 cm (4 inches) thick, and have wide horizontal and vertical viewing angles. Being light-emissive, like CRTs, they produce a bright, sharply focused image with rich colours. But much larger voltages and power are required for a plasma television screen (although less than for a CRT), and, as with LCDs, complex drive circuits are needed to access the rows and columns of the display pixels. Large PDPs are being manufactured particularly for wide-screen, high-definition television.
The basic principle of a plasma display, shown in the diagram-->, is similar to that of a fluorescent lamp or neon tube. An electric field excites the atoms in a gas, which then becomes ionized as a plasma. The atoms emit photons at ultraviolet wavelengths, and these photons collide with a phosphor coating, causing the phosphor to emit visible light.
A large matrix of small, phosphor-coated cells is sandwiched between two large plates of glass, with each cluster of red, green, and blue cells forming the three primary colours of a pixel. The space between the plates is filled with a mixture of inert gases, usually neon and xenon (Ne-Xe) or helium and xenon (He-Xe). A matrix of electrodes is deposited on the inner surfaces of the glass and is insulated from the gas by dielectric coatings. Running horizontally on the inner surface of the front glass are pairs of transparent electrodes, each pair having one “sustain” electrode and one “discharge” electrode. The rear glass is lined with vertical columns of “addressable” electrodes, running at right angles to the electrodes on the front plate. A plasma cell, or subpixel, occurs at the intersection of a pair of transparent sustain and discharge electrodes and an address electrode. An alternating current is applied continuously to the sustain electrode, the voltage of this current carefully chosen to be just below the threshold of a plasma discharge. When a small extra voltage is then applied across the discharge and address electrodes, the gas forms a weakly ionized plasma. The ionized gas emits ultraviolet radiation, which then excites nearby phosphors to produce visible light. Three cells with phosphors corresponding to the three primary colours form a pixel. Each individual cell is addressed by applying voltages to the appropriate horizontal and vertical electrodes.
The discharge-address voltage consists of a series of short pulses that are varied in their width—a form of pulse code modulation. Although each pulse produces a very small amount of light, the light generated by tens of thousands of pulses per second is substantial when integrated by the human eye.
Video recording
Magnetic tape
The recording of video signals on magnetic tape was a major technological accomplishment, first implemented during the 1950s in professional machines for use in television studios and later (by the 1970s) in videocassette recorders (videocassette recorder) (VCRs) for use in homes. The home VCR was initially envisioned as a way to play prerecorded videos, but consumers quickly discovered the utility of recording shows off the air for later viewing at a more convenient time. An entirely new industry evolved to rent videotaped motion pictures to consumers.
The challenge in magnetic video recording is to capture the wide range of frequencies present in the television signal—something that can be accomplished only by moving the recording head very quickly along the tape. If this were done in the manner of conventional audiotape recording, where a spool of tape is unreeled past a stationary recording head, the tape would have to move extremely fast and would be too long for practical recording. The solution is helical-scan recording (see the animation-->), a technique in which two recording heads are embedded on opposite sides of a cylinder that is rapidly rotated as the tape is drawn past at an angle. The result is a series of magnetic tracks traced diagonally along the tape. The writing speed—that is, the relative motion of the tape past the rotating recording heads—is fast (more than 4,800 mm, or 200 inches, per second), though the transport speed of the tape through the machine is slow (in the region of 24 mm, or 1 inch, per second).
The first home VCRs were introduced in the mid-1970s, first by Sony and then by the Victor Company of Japan (JVC), both using 12-mm (one-half-inch) tape packaged in a cassette. Two incompatible standards could not coexist for home use, and today the Sony Betamax system is obsolete and only the JVC Video Home System (VHS) has survived. Narrower 8-mm tape is used in small cassettes for handheld camcorders for the home market.
The first magnetic video recorder for professional studio use was introduced in 1956 by the Ampex Corporation. It utilized magnetic tape that was 48 mm (2 inches) wide and moved through the recorder at 360 mm (15 inches) per second. The video signal was recorded by a “quadruplex” assembly of four rotating heads, which recorded tracks transversely across the tape at a slight angle. Television programs are now recorded at the studio using professional helical-scan machines. Employing 24-mm (1-inch) tape and writing speeds of 24,000 mm (1,000 inches) per second, these have a much greater picture quality than home VCRs. Digital video recorders can directly record a digitized television signal.
In home videocassettes, the recorded signal is not in the formats described in the section Compatible colour television (television). Instead, the wave forms are converted to a “colour-under” format. Here the chrominance signal, rather than modulating a colour subcarrier located several megahertz above the picture carrier, is used to amplitude modulate a carrier at about 700 kilohertz, while the luminance signal frequency modulates a carrier at about 3.4 megahertz. The two modulated carriers are then added together for recording as a single composite signal.
Video discs (videodisc)
Perhaps the first recording of television on disc occurred in the 1920s, when John Logie Baird (Baird, John Logie) transcribed his crude 30-line signals onto 78-rpm phonograph records. Baird's Phonovision was not a commercial product, and indeed he never developed a means to play back the recorded signal. A more sophisticated system was introduced commercially in 1981 by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA Corporation) (RCA). The RCA VideoDisc, which superficially resembled a long-playing phonograph record, was 300 mm (12 inches) in diameter and had spiral grooves that were read by a diamond stylus. The stylus had a metal coating and moved vertically in a hill-and-dale groove etched into the disc, thereby creating a variable capacitance effect between the stylus and a metallic coating under the groove. The marketing philosophy of the VideoDisc was that consumers would want to watch videos in the same way they listened to phonograph recordings. However, the discs could not be recorded upon—a fatal flaw, because the VCR had been introduced only a few years earlier. RCA withdrew its disc from the market in 1984.
An optical video disc was developed by Philips in The Netherlands and was brought to market in 1978 as the LaserDisc. The LaserDisc was a 300-mm plastic disc on which signals were recorded as a sequence of variable-length pits. During playback the signals were read out with a low-power laser that was focused by a lens to form a tiny spot on the disc. Variations in the amount of light reflected from the track of pits were sensed by a photodetector, and electronic circuitry translated the light signals into video and audio signals for the television receiver. By using optical technology, the LaserDisc avoided the physical wear-and-tear problems of phonograph-type video discs. It also offered very good image quality and achieved limited success with consumers as a high-quality alternative to the home VCR. However, like the RCA VideoDisc it could not be recorded upon, and its analog representation of the video signal prevented it from offering the interactive capabilities of the emerging digital technologies.
A new approach to optical video recording is represented by the digital video disc (DVD)—also known as the digital versatile disc—introduced by Sony and Philips in 1995. Like the LaserDisc, the DVD is read by a laser, but it utilizes MPEG compression to store a digitized signal on a disc the same size as the audio compact disc (120 mm, or 4.75 inches). Programs recorded on DVD offer multiple languages and interactive access. DVD is truly a multiple-use platform, in the sense that the same technology is used in personal computers as an improved form of CD-ROM with much greater storage capacity.
Special techniques
Many variations of the basic techniques of recording television program material were developed in sports telecasting. The first to be introduced was the “instant replay” method, in which a magnetic recording is made simultaneously with the live-action pickup. When a noteworthy episode occurs, the live coverage is interrupted and the recording is broadcast, followed by a switch back to live action. Often the recording is made from a camera viewing the action from a different angle. Other variations include the slow-motion and stop-action techniques, in which magnetic recording plays the basic role. The magnetic recordings for these kinds of temporary storage are usually made on rotating discs.
Use has been made, particularly in sports broadcasting, of split-screen techniques and the related methods of inserting a portion of the image from another camera into an area cut out from the main image. These techniques employ an electronic switching circuit that turns off the signal circuit of one camera for a portion of several line scans while simultaneously turning on the signal circuit of another camera, the outputs of the two cameras being combined before the signal is broadcast. The timing of the electronic switch is adjusted to blank out, on successive line scans of the first camera, an area of the desired size and shape. The timing may be shifted during the performance and the area changed accordingly. One example of this technique is the wipe, which removes the image from one camera while inserting the image from another, with a sharp, moving boundary between them.
The technology and techniques of interactive computer graphics are used to create the graphics and text broadcast over television, particularly in news and weather programs. The material created using the computer is stored in a temporary buffer memory, from which it is then converted into the scanned version needed to be inserted into the television picture. Many of the animated main titles for television programs are created on computers and involve sophisticated shading, colouring, and other effects.
Flying spot scanner
A form of television pickup device, used to record images from film transparencies, either still or motion-picture, is the flying spot scanner. The light source is a cathode-ray tube (CRT) in which a beam of electrons, deflected in the standard scanning pattern, produces a spot on the fluorescent phosphor surface. The light from this spot is focused optically on the surface of the photographic film transparency to be recorded. As the image of the spot moves, it traces out a scanning line across the film, and the amount of light emerging from the other side of the film at each point is determined by the degree of transparency of the film at that point. The emerging light is focused onto a photoelectric cell, which produces a current proportional to the light entering it.
This current thus takes on a succession of values proportional to the successive values of film density along each line in the scanning pattern; in other words, it is the picture signal current. No storage action occurs, so the light from the CRT must be very intense and the optical design very efficient to secure noise-free reproduction. If an optical immobilizer is used, the flying spot system may be used with motion-picture film, as described below.
Motion-picture (motion-picture technology) recording
Telecine, the recording on videotape of films originally produced for the cinema, is an important activity in television broadcasting, in the videotape rental market, and even in the home-movie market. In this technique the film is projected onto an image sensor for conversion into a video signal. Telecine film projectors fall into two classes, continuous and intermittent, according to the type of film motion.
The continuous projector
In the continuous projector, a scanning spot from a flying spot camera tube (described above) is passed through a rotating optical system, known as an immobilizer, which focuses the spot on the motion-picture film. As the film moves continuously through the projector, the immobilizer causes the scanning pattern as a whole to follow the motion of the film frame, so that there is no relative motion between pattern and frame. The light passes through the film to a photosensor where the light, modified by the transmissibility of the film at each point, produces the picture signal. As one film frame moves out of the range of the immobilizer, the next moves into range, and there is a condition of overlap between successive scanning patterns.
The optics are so arranged that the amount of light in the spot focused on the film is constant at all times and in all positions. This constancy permits the film to be moved at any desired speed, while the pattern scans at the standard rate of 25 or 30 pictures per second. The film is actually moved at the standard rate for motion pictures, 24 frames per second, so the speed of objects and pitch of the accompanying sounds (picked up from the sound track by conventional methods) are reproduced at the intended values.
The intermittent projector
In the intermittent projector, which more nearly resembles the type used in theatre projection, each frame of film is momentarily held stationary in the projector while a brief flash of light is passed through it. The light (which passes simultaneously through all parts of the film frame) is focused on the sensitive surface of a storage-type imager, such as the Vidicon (described in the section Camera image sensors: Electron tubes (television)). The light flashes are timed to occur during the intervals between successive field scans—that is, while the extinguished scanning spot is moving from the bottom to the top of the frame. The light is strong enough to produce an intense electrical image in the tube during this brief period. The electrical image is stored and then is scanned during the next scanning field, producing the picture signal for that field. Light is again admitted between fields, and the stored image is scanned thereupon by the second field. When one film frame has been thus scanned, it is pulled down by a claw mechanism and the next frame takes its place.
In Europe and other areas where the television scanning rate is 25 picture scans per second, it has been the custom to operate intermittent projectors also at 25 frames per second, or about 4 percent faster than the intended film projection rate of 24 frames per second. The corresponding increases in speed of motion and sound pitch are not so great as to introduce unacceptable degradations of the performance. In the United States and other areas where television scanning occurs at 30 frames per second, it is not feasible to run the film projector at 30 film frames per second, since this would introduce speed and pitch errors of 25 percent. Fortunately, a small common factor, 6, relates the scan rate of 30 and the film projection rate of 24 frames per second. That is, 4 film frames consume the same time as 5 scanning frames. Thus, if 4 film frames pass through the projector while 5 complete picture scans (10 fields) are completed, both the film motion and the scanning will proceed at the standard rates. The two functions are kept in step by holding 1 film frame for 3 scanning fields, the next frame for 2 scans, the next for 3 scans, and so on.
Donald G. Fink A. Michael Noll
Additional Reading
Principles of television technology
A. Michael Noll, Television Technology: Fundamentals and Future Prospects (1988), is a thorough description of the basic principles of modern television technology. Donald G. Fink and David M. Lutyens, The Physics of Television (1960), is an older but still valid nontechnical treatment of television principles.Textbooks and handbooks for the television or broadcast engineer include K. Blair Benson (ed.), Television Engineering Handbook: Featuring HDTV Systems, rev. ed. by Jerry C. Whitaker (1992); Arch C. Luther and Andrew F. Inglis, Video Engineering, 3rd ed. (1999); and Michael Robin and Michel Poulin, Digital Television Fundamentals: Design and Installation of Video and Audio Systems, 2nd ed. (2000).A. Michael Noll
History of television technology
David E. Fisher and Marshall Jon Fisher, Tube: The Invention of Television (1996), written for a popular audience, tells the story of all the people who developed mechanical, electronic, and colour television. Joel Brinkley, Defining Vision: The Battle for the Future of Television (1997), is an entertaining and comprehensive narrative of the development of digital television. Albert Abramson, The History of Television, 1880 to 1941 (1987), is a comprehensive listing of every researcher who took out a patent during the early years of television. R.W. Burns, British Television: The Formative Years (1986), is an informative account of the beginning years of British television; and Joseph H. Udelson, The Great Television Race: A History of the American Television Industry, 1925–1941 (1982), is an excellent account of the American television industry before World War II.Insights into television history can be gained from biographies or autobiographies of the principal characters involved. John Logie Baird, Sermons, Soap, and Television (1988), a lively autobiography of an important figure in early mechanical systems, is available from the Royal Television Society. George Everson, The Story of Television: The Life of Philo Farnsworth (1949, reprinted 1974); and Elma G. “Pem” Farnsworth, Distant Vision: Romance and Discovery on an Invisible Frontier (1990), are entertaining but biased biographies of electronic television pioneer Philo Farnsworth by his colleague and by his wife. Albert Abramson, Zworykin: Pioneer of Television (1995), is a dry but informative study of Vladimir Zworykin's work. Kenneth Bilby, The General: David Sarnoff and the Rise of the Communications Industry (1986), is a lively biography by a former colleague of the president of the Radio Corporation of America that portrays him as a driven innovator. Peter C. Goldmark and Lee Edson, Maverick Inventor: My Turbulent Years at CBS (1973), gives Goldmark's perspective on the colour-television story.David E. Fisher Marshall Jon Fisher




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