词条 | Titan |
释义 | Titan Greek mythology in Greek mythology, any of the children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth) and their descendants. According to Hesiod's Theogony, there were 12 original Titans: the brothers Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus and the sisters Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys. At the instigation of Gaea the Titans rebelled against their father, who had shut them up in the underworld (Tartarus). Under the leadership of Cronus they deposed Uranus and set up Cronus as their ruler. But one of Cronus' sons, Zeus, rebelled against his father, and a struggle then ensued between them in which most of the Titans sided with Cronus. Zeus and his brothers and sisters finally defeated the Titans after 10 years of fierce battles (the Titanomachia). The Titans were then hurled down by Zeus and imprisoned in a cavity beneath Tartarus. Hesiod's (Hesiod) Works and Days preserves the idea of the Titans as the golden race, happy and long-lived. The notion developed further under the Romans—who identified Cronus with Saturn—into a golden age of peace and prosperity. astronomy Introduction ![]() Moons of SaturnTitan orbits Saturn at a mean distance of 1,221,850 km (759,220 miles), taking 15.94 Earth days for one revolution. It rotates once on its axis for each revolution—i.e., its rotation is synchronous—so that it always keeps the same face toward Saturn and always leads with the same face in its orbit. The diameter of the solid body of Titan is 5,150 km (3,200 miles), only about 120 km (75 miles) less than that of Jupiter's moon Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system. If its hundreds of kilometres of atmosphere are included, however, Titan far exceeds Ganymede in size. Titan's relatively low mean density of 1.88 grams per cubic cm implies that its interior is a mixture of rocky and icy materials, the latter probably including ammonia mixed with water and methane and possibly including liquid layers, covered by a solid, mostly water-ice crust. A rocky core may lie at the centre and extend to perhaps 80 percent of the total radius. In its bulk properties, Titan resembles other large icy moons of the outer solar system, such as Jupiter's Ganymede and Callisto and Neptune's largest moon, Triton. (For comparative data about Titan and other Saturnian satellites, see the table (Moons of Saturn).) The atmosphere Composition Titan's atmosphere was first detected spectroscopically in 1944 by the Dutch American astronomer Gerard P. Kuiper (Kuiper, Gerard Peter), who found evidence of the absorption of sunlight by methane. However, studies of the refraction (bending) of radio waves in the atmosphere carried out during Voyager 1's flyby in 1980 showed that methane molecules must make up only a few percent of the total number of molecules in the atmosphere and that the predominant molecules are not detectable in visible-light spectra. Comparison of infrared and radio data from Voyager revealed that the atoms and molecules making up the atmosphere have a mean molecular weight of 28.6 atomic mass units. Thus, Voyager correctly identified the most plausible major constituent to be molecular nitrogen (mean molecular weight 28), although some atomic argon (mean molecular weight 36) could also be present. Other constituents detected by Voyager in Titan's atmosphere via their absorption of ultraviolet light from the Sun were molecular hydrogen and many carbon-bearing molecules, believed to be produced by solar ultraviolet light acting on methane and nitrogen at high altitudes. These include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and the organic gases ethane, propane, acetylene, ethylene, hydrogen cyanide, diacetylene, methyl acetylene, cyanoacetylene, and cyanogen, all observed in trace amounts. Structure Titan's atmosphere is similar to Earth's both in the predominance of nitrogen gas and in surface pressure, which is about 1.5 bars, or 50 percent higher than sea-level pressure on Earth. Titan's atmosphere is much colder, however, having a temperature at the surface of 94 K (−290 °F, −179 °C), and it contains no free oxygen. A troposphere analogous to Earth's extends from Titan's surface to an altitude of 42 km (26 miles), where a minimum temperature of 71 K (−332 °F, −202 °C) is reached. Clouds of nitrogen are not present, apparently because temperatures are always above the condensation point of nitrogen. Initial data from the Cassini (Cassini-Huygens)-Huygens spacecraft, which began exploring the Saturnian system in 2004, show that methane is indeed a minor, but very important, atmospheric constituent, possibly playing a role analogous to that of water vapour in Earth's troposphere. Near Titan's surface, about 5 percent of the atmospheric molecules are methane, the fraction decreasing with altitude. (For comparison, Earth's lower atmosphere contains about 1 percent water vapour on average.) When Cassini first encountered Titan, it observed a large outburst of methane cumulus clouds (cloud) over Titan's south polar region. There also is indirect evidence that methane “rain” occasionally precipitates near the surface. In contrast to water on Earth, however, a liquid methane ocean does not exist on Titan, because it would require an atmospheric mixing ratio of 12 percent, contrary to observation. Titan has a thin atmospheric layer of roughly constant temperature above the troposphere, followed by an extensive stratosphere ranging from 50 to 200 km (30 to 120 miles) in altitude, where temperatures steadily increase with altitude to a maximum of 160 to 180 K (−172 to −136 °F, −113 to −93 °C). Studies of the refraction of starlight in Titan's upper atmosphere show that temperatures remain in this range up to an altitude of 450 km (280 miles), and spacecraft observations of the transmission of solar ultraviolet light give similar values at even higher altitudes. Titan's haze Titan's veiling haze is probably composed of an aerosol of complex organic solids that are continuously produced by solar ultraviolet light falling on the nitrogen-methane atmosphere. These small particles absorb solar radiation and account for the deep brownish red tint. Extraordinarily pervasive throughout Titan's atmosphere, they are substantially dense even at altitudes as high as 300 km (200 miles) and pressures below one millibar. The Huygens entry probe observed haze particles as it descended through the troposphere, down to an altitude of about 30 km (20 miles). Particle sizes probably lie in the range of 0.1 micrometre (0.000004 inch). There is evidence that they undergo seasonal changes in density, becoming thicker in Titan's summer hemisphere, which suggests that they are a form of natural “smog” formed by the action of solar radiation. Solar heating of the particle layers creates a temperature inversion layer in Titan's stratosphere, preventing the smog layer from dissipating by convection. The haze particles are thought to settle slowly through the atmosphere and accumulate on Titan's surface. The amount produced throughout the history of Titan is calculated to be the equivalent of a continuous layer of organic solids covering the entire surface to a depth of at least hundreds of metres. Titan's atmospheric chemistry and the presence of complex organic compounds suggest that the moon may be a laboratory for studying the types of organic molecules and the chemical processes that led to the origin of life on Earth four billion years ago. Titan's nitrogen-rich atmosphere is thought to be not primordial but rather a secondary atmosphere like Earth's. It probably arose from photochemical dissociation of ammonia—an abundant ice in the outer solar system—into molecular nitrogen and hydrogen. The ability of a large moon such as Titan to subsequently retain a substantial atmosphere for billions of years depends on a delicate balance between surface gravity, atmospheric molecular mass, and solar heating. The higher the force of attraction between the moon and an atmospheric molecule, the longer the molecule is retained. On the other hand, the hotter the atmosphere, the more likely it is that the molecule will be lost to space. Jupiter's Galilean moons and Earth's Moon are too warm to have retained any abundant gases, but cold Titan and warm but sufficiently massive Earth both have retained the nitrogen molecule. Neither Titan nor Earth has retained the lighter hydrogen molecule. The surface ![]() As the Cassini spacecraft orbited Saturn, it made numerous observations during a series of close flybys of Titan beginning in late 2004. On January 14, 2005, the Huygens entry probe became the first spacecraft to land on a planetary surface in the outer solar system, carrying out various physical and chemical measurements of Titan's atmosphere and transmitting high-resolution images as it descended by parachute. The Cassini-Huygens mission revealed that Titan's surface is quite young by planetary standards, with only a few large impact craters observed. Titan's surface, like Earth's, is sculpted by wind and probably also rain (in the form of liquid methane). “River” channels coated with dark hydrocarbon deposits are common, sometimes running along faults and sometimes with extensive tributary systems. Features dubbed “cat scratches”—long, dark, east-west features hundreds of kilometres in length—may be dunes of dark particulate matter. Despite expectations of lakes and even oceans on Titan's surface, however, no surface liquids have been detected unequivocally. |
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