

词条 Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey
church, London, United Kingdom
London church that is the site of coronations and other ceremonies of national significance. It stands just west of the Houses of Parliament (Parliament, Houses of) in the Greater London borough of Westminster (Westminster, City of). Situated on the grounds of a former Benedictine monastery, it was refounded as the Collegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster by Queen Elizabeth I (Elizabeth I) in 1560. Legend relates that Saberht, the first Christian king of the East Saxons, founded a church on a small island in the River Thames (Thames, River), then known as Thorney but later called the west minster (or monastery), and that this church was miraculously consecrated by St. Peter (Peter the Apostle, Saint). It is certain that about AD 785 there was a small community of monks on the island and that the monastery was enlarged and remodeled by St. Dunstan about 960.
Edward the Confessor (Edward) built a new church on the site, which was consecrated on December 28, 1065. It was of considerable size and cruciform in plan. In 1245 Henry III pulled down the whole of Edward's church (except the nave) and replaced it with the present abbey church in the pointed Gothic style (Gothic art) of the period. The design and plan were strongly influenced by contemporary French cathedral architecture.
The rebuilding of the Norman-style nave was begun by the late 1300s under the architect Henry Yevele and continued intermittently until Tudor times. The Early English Gothic design of Henry III's time predominates, however, giving the whole church the appearance of having been built at one time. The chapel of Henry VII (begun c. 1503), in Perpendicular Gothic style, replaced an earlier chapel and is famed for its exquisite fan vaulting. Above the original carved stalls hang the banners of the medieval Order of the Bath (Bath, The Most Honourable Order of the).
The western towers were the last addition to the building. They are sometimes said to have been designed by Sir Christopher Wren (Wren, Sir Christopher), but they were actually built by Nicholas Hawksmoor (Hawksmoor, Nicholas) and John James and completed about 1745. The choir stalls in the body of the church date from 1847, and the high altar and reredos were remodeled by Sir George Gilbert Scott (Scott, Sir George Gilbert) in 1867. Scott and J.L. Pearson also restored the north transept facade in the 1880s. The abbey was heavily damaged in the bombings that ravaged London in World War II, but it was restored soon after the war.
Since William the Conqueror (William I), every British sovereign has been crowned in the abbey except Edward V and Edward VIII, neither of whom was crowned. Many kings and queens are buried near the shrine of Edward the Confessor or in Henry VII's chapel. The last sovereign to be buried in the abbey was George II (died 1760); since then they have been buried at Windsor Castle.
The abbey is crowded with the tombs and memorials of famous British subjects, such as Sir Isaac Newton (Newton, Sir Isaac), David Livingstone (Livingstone, David), and Ernest Rutherford (Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson, of Cambridge). Part of the south transept is well known as Poets' Corner and includes the tombs of Geoffrey Chaucer (Chaucer, Geoffrey), Ben Jonson (Jonson, Ben) (who was buried upright), John Dryden (Dryden, John), Robert Browning (Browning, Robert), and many others. The north transept has many memorials to British statesmen. The grave of the “Unknown Warrior,” whose remains were brought from Flanders (Belgium) in 1920, is in the centre of the nave near the west door.
Beside the abbey is the renowned Westminster School. In 1987 Westminster Abbey (World Heritage site), St. Margaret's Church (Saint Margaret's Church), and the Houses of Parliament (Parliament, Houses of) were collectively designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.
For further treatment, see from Encyclopædia Britannica's second edition (1777–84).




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