

词条 gray birch
gray birch
also spelled Grey Birch, also called Oldfield Birch, Wire Birch, or Poplar-leaved Birch
(Betula populifolia), slender ornamental tree of the family Betulaceae, found in clusters on moist sites in northeastern North America. Rarely 12 m (40 feet) tall, it is covered almost to the ground with flexible branches that form a narrow, pyramidal crown. The thin, glossy, dark green, triangular leaves have long, thin stems and flutter in the wind. In one variety, the leaves are purplish when young.
The red-brown or gray bark of young stems and branches whitens as the tree matures, becoming red orange on the inner surface. The outer bark resembles that of paper birch but is not so white, peels less, and has rough, triangular, black patches below the junctions of branches and trunk.
Gray birch often is injured by ice and snow. Quick growing but short-lived, it seeds prolifically, providing burned or abandoned areas with a ground cover that protects the seedlings of more permanent trees. It is also planted as an ornamental in naturalistic landscapes. Gray birch wood is used in turnery and for fuel. See also birch.




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