

词条 Jackson-Sherman soil weathering stages
Jackson-Sherman soil weathering stages
Jackson-Sherman soil weathering stages
characteristic minerals in soil clay fraction
characteristic chemical and physical conditions of soil
characteristic soil profile features
early stage
gypsum, carbonates, olivine/pyroxene/ amphibole, Fe2+-bearing micas, and feldspars
low water and humus content, limited leaching, reducing environments, and limited time for weathering
minimally weathered soils all over the world, though mainly in arid regions, where low rainfall keeps weathering to a minimum
intermediate stage
quartz, mica/illite, vermiculite/chlorite, and smectite
retention of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe2+, and silica; alkalinity
and ineffective leaching; igneous rock rich in Ca, Mg, and Fe2+ but no Fe2+ oxides; easily hydrolyzed silicates; and transport of silica into
the weathering zone
soils of temperate regions developed under grass or
trees--i.e., the major agricultural soils of the
advanced stage
kaolin, aluminum and
iron oxides, and titanium oxides
removal of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe2+, and silica; effective leaching by fresh water; low pH; and dispersion of silica
intensely weathered soils of the humid tropics, frequently characterized by acidity and low fertility
See as table:




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