

词条 Khrapovitsky, Antony
Khrapovitsky, Antony
Russian archbishop
original name Aleksey Pavlovich Khrapovitsky
born March 17, 1863, Novgorod, Russia
died Aug. 10, 1936, Sremski Karlovci, Yugos.
Russian Orthodox metropolitan of Kiev, antipapal polemicist, and controversialist in theological and political affairs who attempted an exclusively ethical interpretation of Christian doctrine.
After graduating from St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Antony entered a neighbouring monastery and in 1885 was ordained an Orthodox priest. Consecrated bishop in 1897, Antony was given the jurisdiction of Volhynia, in Ukraine, in 1902, where he suppressed remnants of the Ukrainian Uniate church (Eastern Catholic) and quelled national aspirations within the Ukrainian Orthodox church. In 1912 he was selected a member of the Holy Synod, the ruling council of the Russian Orthodox church, served as archbishop of Kharkov (now Kharkiv) from 1914 to 1917, and became metropolitan of Kiev in 1918.
With the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, Antony participated in the 1917–18 Pan-Russian Orthodox Council and was named one of the three candidates for the Russian patriarchate. After Ukraine declared its independence from the tsarist regime, Antony was exiled to Buchach, southwest Ukraine, because of his efforts to prevent Ukrainian autonomy. The Bolshevik occupation of Ukraine forced him to flee to Sremski Karlovci, Yugos., where in 1920 he assumed the leadership of the Russian Orthodox church in exile.
With a reputation for polemics, Antony vigorously protested papal claims to supremacy over the universal church. According to some of his coreligionists who charged him with heresy, he was influenced by the anti-intellectual moralism of the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Dostoyevsky, Fyodor). He compiled a Dictionary of the Works of Dostoyevsky in 1921 to better integrate Dostoyevsky's ideas with his own.
In his principal ascetical-moral writings, Concerning the Dogma of Redemption (the English version appearing in The Constructive Quarterly, 1919) and “Essay on the Orthodox Christian Catechism” (1924), he relegated Christ's work to the level of ethical symbolism that would inspire Christian dedication to a moral life.




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