(Lr), synthetic chemical element, the 14th member of the actinoid series of the periodic table, atomic number 103. Not occurring in nature, lawrencium (as the isotopes lawrencium-257, lawrencium-258, and lawrencium-259) was produced (1961) by Albert Ghiorso, T. Sikkeland, A.E. Larsh, and R.M. Latimer at the University of California, Berkeley, by bombarding a mixture of the longest-lived isotopes of californium (atomic number 98) with boron ions (atomic number 5) accelerated in a heavy-ion linear accelerator. A team of Soviet scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna discovered (1965) lawrencium-256 (35-second half-life), which the Berkeley group used to show that lawrencium behaves more like the tripositive elements in the actinide series than like predominantly dipositive nobelium (atomic number 102).
electronic config.