

词条 Manned Spaceflights, 1996
Manned Spaceflights, 1996
Manned Spaceflights, 1996
Flight Date Crew* Mission
Endeavour January 11–20 Brian Duffy, Brent W. Jett, Jr.,
Winston E. Scott, Leroy Chiao,
Daniel T. Barry, Koichi Wakata Deploy and retrieve OAST-Flyer; retrieve
Space Flyer Unit; practice space walks for
International Space Station
TM-23 February 21 Yury Onufriyenko, Yury Usachev Deliver crew to Mir; return crew to Earth
(September 2)
Columbia February 22–
March 9 Andrew M. Allen, Scott J. Horowitz,
Franklin R. Chang-Díaz, Umberto Guidoni,
Jeffrey A. Hoffman, Maurizio Cheli,
Claude Nicollier Refly Tethered Satellite System;
conduct microgravity materials
Soyuz TM-22
(return) February 29 Yury Gidzenko, Sergey Avdeyev,
Thomas Reiter Return Mir crew to Earth
Atlantis March 22–31 Kevin Chilton, Richard Searfoss,
Ronald M. Sega, Linda Godwin,
M. Richard Clifford, Shannon W. Lucid Deliver Lucid and supplies to Mir; space
walk for International Space Station
Endeavour May 19–29 John H. Casper, Curtis L. Brown, Jr.,
Andrew S.W. Thomas, Daniel W. Bursch,
Mario Runco, Jr., Marc Garneau Launch PAMS/STU stabilization-technology
satellite; deploy and retrieve Inflatable
Antenna Experiment; conduct materials
experiments in Spacelab
Columbia June 20–July 7 Terence T. Henricks, Kevin R. Kregel,
Susan J. Helms, Richard M. Linnehan,
Charles E. Brady, Jr., Jean-Jacques Favier,
Robert Brent Thirsk Conduct Life and Microgravity Spacelab
mission to study biological effects of
space travel
TM-24 August 17 Valery Korzun, Aleksandr Kalery,
Claudie Andre-Deshays Deliver crew to Mir; return crew to
Earth (1997)
Atlantis September 16–26 William F. Readdy, Thomas D. Akers,
Terrence W. Wilcutt, John E. Blaha (stays
on Mir), Jay Apt, Carl E. Walz,
Shannon W. Lucid (returns to Earth) Conduct experiments in Spacelab
Double Module; dock with Mir;
exchange Lucid with Blaha
Columbia November 19–
December 7
(longest shuttle
mission to date) Kenneth D. Cockrell, Kent V. Rominger,
Tamara E. Jernigan, Thomas D. Jones,
F. Story Musgrave Deploy and retrieve ORFEUS-SPAS II
astrophysics satellite and Wake Shield
Facility; conduct space walks to test new
tools and techniques
See as table:
*Commander listed first.




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