

词条 Manu-smṛti
Hindu law
(Sanskrit: “Tradition of Manu”), traditionally, the most authoritative of the books of the Hindu code (Dharma-śāstra) in India. Manu-smṛti is the popular name of the work, which is officially known as Mānava-dharma-śāstra. It is attributed to the legendary first man and lawgiver, Manu. In its present form, it dates from the 1st century BC.
The Manu-smṛti prescribes to the Hindu his dharma—i.e., that set of obligations incumbent on him as a member of one of the four social classes (varnas) and engaged in one of the four stages of life (ashramas). It contains 12 chapters of stanzas, which total 2,694. It deals with cosmogony, the definition of the dharma, the sacraments (samskaras), initiation (upanayana) and study of the Veda, marriage, hospitality, obsequies, dietary restrictions, pollution and means of purification, the conduct of women and wives, and the law of kings. The last leads to a consideration of matters of juridical interest, divided under 18 headings, after which the text returns to religious topics, such as donations, rites of reparation, the doctrine of karman, the soul, and hell. The text makes no categorical distinction between religious law and practices and secular law in its treatment. Its influence has been monumental, and it has provided the caste Hindu with a system of practical morality.




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