

词条 Montmorency, Henri II, Duke de
Montmorency, Henri II, Duke de
French statesman
born 1595
died Oct. 30, 1632, Toulouse, Fr.
a rebel against the leadership of Cardinal de Richelieu; he was executed as a traitor, thus ending the peerage duchy of Montmorency.
The son of Henri de Montmorency by his second wife, Louise de Budos, Henri was appointed to succeed his father as governor of Languedoc in 1608 and became grand admiral in 1612. Duke de Montmorency from 1614, he campaigned against the Huguenots in 1620 and took part in the sieges of Montauban and Montpellier. In 1625 the fleet which he commanded recaptured the islands of Ré and Oléron, and in 1628 he fought against Henri de Rohan in Languedoc. In 1629–30 he served as lieutenant general in Piedmont, defeating the Spaniards at Avigliana. Marshal of France from December 1630, he joined the faction of Gaston, Duke d'Orléans, and tried to raise Languedoc against Cardinal de Richelieu. After he was defeated in battle at Castelnaudary (Sept. 1, 1632) and taken prisoner, he was tried before the Parlement of Toulouse and, despite the pleas of several prominent persons, was executed as a traitor.
Henri II's beautiful sister Charlotte de Montmorency (1594–1650) had been married in 1609 to Henry II de Bourbon, Prince de Condé, who had to send her abroad to escape King Henry IV's passionate attentions. Later she courageously upheld her children's cause during the civil war of the Fronde.




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