

词条 National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
American organization
nongovernmental American (United States) organization of scientists and engineers, established March 3, 1863, by act of Congress to serve as an official adviser to the government in all matters of science and technology. It is a self-perpetuating body of limited membership; new members are co-opted on the basis of distinguished contributions to research.
In 1916 the academy established the National Research Council to coordinate the activities of various scientists and engineers in universities, industry, and government; the council issues many publications and awards a number of postdoctoral fellowships. In 1950 the Academy and the Council were administratively joined. In 1964 the National Academy of Engineering was organized under the 1963 charter. An Institute of Medicine was created to advise nationally on medicine and public health. The academy has organized U.S. participation in such efforts as the International Geophysical Year (1957–58), the International Biological Program (1964–74), and the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (from 1986).




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