

词条 Nobel Prize winners by name (A through C)
Nobel Prize winners by name (A through C)
Nobel Prize winners by name (A through C)
name year category country* achievement literary area
Abrikosov, Alexey A. 2003 physics U.S. discoveries regarding superconductivity and superfluidity at very low temperatures
Addams, Jane 1931 peace U.S.
Adrian (of Cambridge), Edgar Douglas Adrian, 1st Baron (Adrian, Edgar Douglas Adrian, 1st Baron) 1932 physiology/
medicine U.K. discoveries regarding function of neurons
Agnon, S.Y. 1966 literature Israel novelist
Agre, Peter 2003 chemistry U.S. discoveries regarding water channels in cell membranes
Ahtisaari, Martti 2008 peace Finland
Alder, Kurt 1950 chemistry West Germany discovery and development of diene synthesis
Aleixandre, Vicente 1977 literature Spain poet
Alferov, Zhores I. (Alferov, Zhores) 2000 physics Russia development of fast semiconductors for use in microelectronics
Alfvén, Hannes 1970 physics Sweden work in magnetohydrodynamics and in antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism
Allais, Maurice 1988 economics France contributions to the theory of markets and efficient use of resources
Altman, Sidney 1989 chemistry U.S. discovery of certain basic properties of RNA
Alvarez, Luis W. 1968 physics U.S. work with elementary particles, discovery of resonance states
American Friends Service Committee 1947 peace U.S.
Amnesty International 1977 peace (founded 1961)
Anderson, Carl David 1936 physics U.S. discovery of the positron
Anderson, Philip W. 1977 physics U.S. contributions to understanding the behaviour of electrons in magnetic, noncrystalline solids
Andric, Ivo (Andrić, Ivo) 1961 literature Yugoslavia novelist
Anfinsen, Christian B. 1972 chemistry U.S. fundamental contributions to enzyme chemistry
Angell, Sir Norman 1933 peace U.K.
Appleton, Sir Edward Victor 1947 physics U.K. discovery of the Appleton layer in the upper atmosphere
'Arafat, Yasir (Arafāt, Yāsirʿ) 1994 peace Palestinian
Arber, Werner 1978 physiology/
medicine Switzerland discovery and application of enzymes that fragment DNA
Arias Sánchez, Oscar 1987 peace Costa Rica
Arnoldson, Klas Pontus 1908 peace Sweden
Arrhenius, Svante (Arrhenius, Svante August) 1903 chemistry Sweden theory of electrolytic dissociation
Arrow, Kenneth J. 1972 economics U.S. contributions to general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory
Asser, Tobias Michael Carel 1911 peace The Netherlands
Aston, Francis William 1922 chemistry U.K. work with mass spectrograph; whole-number rule
Asturias, Miguel Ángel 1967 literature Guatemala novelist
Aumann, Robert J. 2005 economics Israel contributions to game-theory analysis
Aung San Suu Kyi 1991 peace Myanmar
Axel, Richard 2004 physiology/
medicine U.S. discovery of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system
Axelrod, Julius 1970 physiology/
medicine U.S. discoveries concerning the chemistry of nerve impulse transmission
Baeyer, Adolf von 1905 chemistry Germany work on organic dyes, hydroaromatic compounds
Bajer, Fredrik 1908 peace Denmark
Balch, Emily Greene 1946 peace U.S.
Baltimore, David 1975 physiology/
medicine U.S. interaction between tumour viruses and the genetic material of the cell
Banting, Sir Frederick Grant 1923 physiology/
medicine Canada discovery of insulin
Bárány, Robert 1914 physiology/
medicine Austria-Hungary work on vestibular apparatus
Bardeen, John 1956 physics U.S. investigations on semiconductors and invention of the transistor
Bardeen, John 1972 physics U.S. development of the theory of superconductivity
Barkla, Charles Glover 1917 physics U.K. discovery of characteristic X-radiation of elements
Barré-Sinoussi, Françoise (Barré-Sinoussi, Franƈoise) 2008 physiology/ medicine France discovery of human immunodeficiency virus
Barton, Sir Derek H.R. 1969 chemistry U.K. work in determining actual three-dimensional shapes of molecules
Basov, Nikolay Gennadiyevich 1964 physics U.S.S.R. work in quantum electronics leading to construction of instruments based on maser-laser principles
Beadle, George Wells 1958 physiology/
medicine U.S. genetic regulation of chemical processes
Becker, Gary S. 1992 economics U.S. application of economic theory to social sciences
Beckett, Samuel 1969 literature Ireland novelist,
Becquerel, Henri 1903 physics France discovery of spontaneous radioactivity
Bednorz, J. Georg 1987 physics West
Germany discovery of new superconducting materials
Beernaert, Auguste-Marie-François 1909 peace Belgium
Begin, Menachem 1978 peace Israel
Behring, Emil von 1901 physiology/
medicine Germany work on serum therapy
Békésy, Georg von 1961 physiology/
medicine U.S. functions of the inner ear
Bellow, Saul 1976 literature U.S. novelist
Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes 1996 peace East Timor
Benacerraf, Baruj 1980 physiology/
medicine U.S. investigations of genetic control of the response of the immune system to foreign substances
Benavente y Martínez, Jacinto 1922 literature Spain dramatist
Berg, Paul 1980 chemistry U.S. first preparation of a hybrid DNA
Bergius, Friedrich 1931 chemistry Germany invention and development of chemical high-pressure methods
Bergson, Henri 1927 literature France philosopher
Bergström, Sune K. 1982 physiology/
medicine Sweden biochemistry and physiology of prostaglandins
Bethe, Hans Albrecht (Bethe, Hans) 1967 physics U.S. discoveries concerning the energy production of stars
Binnig, Gerd 1986 physics West
Germany development of electron microscopes
Bishop, J. Michael 1989 physiology/
medicine U.S. study of cancer-causing genes (oncogenes)
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne Martinius 1903 literature Norway novelist,
Black, Sir James 1988 physiology/
medicine U.K. development of new classes of drugs for combating disease
Blackett, Patrick M.S. (Blackett, Patrick M.S., Baron Blackett of Chelsea) 1948 physics U.K. discoveries in the domain of nuclear physics and cosmic radiation
Blobel, Günter 1999 physiology/
medicine U.S. discovery that proteins have signals governing cellular organization
Bloch, Felix 1952 physics U.S. discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance in solids
Bloch, Konrad (Bloch, Konrad E.) 1964 physiology/
medicine U.S. discoveries concerning cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism
Bloembergen, Nicolaas 1981 physics U.S. applications of lasers in spectroscopy
Blumberg, Baruch S. 1976 physiology/
medicine U.S. studies of origin and spread of infectious diseases
Bohr, Aage N. 1975 physics Denmark work on the atomic nucleus that paved the way for nuclear fusion
Bohr, Niels 1922 physics Denmark investigation of atomic structure and radiation
Böll, Heinrich 1972 literature West
Germany novelist
Bordet, Jules 1919 physiology/
medicine Belgium work on immunity factors in blood serum
Borlaug, Norman Ernest 1970 peace U.S.
Born, Max 1954 physics U.K. statistical studies of atomic wave functions
Bosch, Carl 1931 chemistry Germany invention and development of chemical high-pressure methods
Bothe, Walther 1954 physics West Germany invention of the coincidence method
Bourgeois, Léon 1920 peace France
Bovet, Daniel 1957 physiology/
medicine Italy production of synthetic curare
Boyd-Orr of Brechin Mearns, John Boyd Orr, Baron 1949 peace U.K.
Boyer, Paul D. 1997 chemistry U.S. explanation of the enzymatic conversion of adenosine triphosphate
Bragg, Sir Lawrence 1915 physics U.K. analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays
Bragg, Sir William 1915 physics U.K. analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays
Brandt, Willy 1971 peace West
Branting, Karl Hjalmar 1921 peace Sweden
Brattain, Walter H. 1956 physics U.S. investigations on semiconductors and invention of the transistor
Braun, Ferdinand 1909 physics Germany development of wireless telegraphy
Brenner, Sydney 2002 physiology/
medicine U.K. discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death (apoptosis)
Briand, Aristide 1926 peace France
Bridgman, Percy Williams 1946 physics U.S. discoveries in the domain of high-pressure physics
Brockhouse, Bertram N. 1994 physics Canada development of neutron-scattering techniques
Brodsky, Joseph 1987 literature U.S. poet,
duc (duke) de (Broglie, Louis-Victor, 7e duc de) 1929 physics France discovery of the wave nature of electrons
Brown, Herbert Charles 1979 chemistry U.S. introduction of compounds of boron and phosphorus in the synthesis of organic substances
Brown, Michael S. 1985 physiology/
medicine U.S. discovery of cell receptors relating to cholesterol metabolism
Buchanan, James M. 1986 economics U.S. public-choice theory bridging economics and political science
Buchner, Eduard 1907 chemistry Germany discovery of noncellular fermentation
Buck, Linda B. 2004 physiology/
medicine U.S. discovery of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system
Buck, Pearl 1938 literature U.S. novelist
Buisson, Ferdinand-Édouard 1927 peace France
Bunche, Ralph 1950 peace U.S.
Bunin, Ivan Alekseyevich 1933 literature U.S.S.R. poet, novelist
Burnet, Sir Macfarlane 1960 physiology/
medicine Australia acquired immunity to tissue transplants
Butenandt, Adolf (declined) 1939 chemistry Germany work on sexual hormones
Butler, Nicholas Murray 1931 peace U.S.
Calvin, Melvin 1961 chemistry U.S. study of chemical steps that take place during photosynthesis
Camus, Albert 1957 literature France novelist, dramatist
Canetti, Elias 1981 literature Bulgaria novelist, essayist
Capecchi, Mario R. 2007 physiology/
medicine U.S. discovery of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells
Carducci, Giosuè 1906 literature Italy poet
Carlsson, Arvid 2000 physiology/
medicine Sweden discovery of how signals are transmitted between nerve cells in the brain
Carrel, Alexis (Carlsson, Arvid) 1912 physiology/
medicine France work on vascular suture; transplantation of organs
Carter, Jimmy 2002 peace U.S.
Cassin, René 1968 peace France
Cech, Thomas Robert 1989 chemistry U.S. discovery of certain basic properties of RNA
Cecil (of Chelwood), Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Viscount (Cecil, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Viscount) 1937 peace U.K.
Cela, Camilo José 1989 literature Spain novelist
Chadwick, Sir James 1935 physics U.K. discovery of the neutron
Chain, Sir Ernst Boris 1945 physiology/
medicine U.K. discovery of penicillin and its curative value
Chalfie, Martin 2008 chemistry U.S. discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP
Chamberlain, Sir Austen 1925 peace U.K.
Chamberlain, Owen 1959 physics U.S. confirmation of the existence of the antiproton
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 1983 physics U.S. contributions to understanding the evolution and devolution of stars
Charpak, Georges 1992 physics France invention of a detector that traces subatomic particles
Chauvin, Yves 2005 chemistry France development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis
Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich 1958 physics U.S.S.R. discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect
Chu, Steven 1997 physics U.S. process of trapping atoms with laser cooling
Churchill, Sir Winston 1953 literature U.K. historian, orator
Ciechanover, Aaron (Ciechanover, Aaron J.) 2004 chemistry Israel discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation
Claude, Albert 1974 physiology/
medicine U.S. research on structural and functional organization of cells
Coase, Ronald 1991 economics U.S. application of economic principles to the study of law
Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas 1951 physics U.K. work on transmutation of atomic nuclei by accelerated particles
Coetzee, J.M. 2003 literature South Africa novelist
Cohen, Stanley 1986 physiology/
medicine U.S. discovery of chemical agents that help regulate the growth of cells
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude 1997 physics France process of trapping atoms with laser cooling
Compton, Arthur Holly 1927 physics U.S. discovery of wavelength change in diffused X-rays
Cooper, Leon N. 1972 physics U.S. development of the theory of superconductivity
Corey, Elias James 1990 chemistry U.S. development of retrosynthetic analysis for synthesis of complex molecules
Cori, Carl and Gerty (Cori, Carl; and Cori, Gerty) 1947 physiology/
medicine U.S. discovery of how glycogen is catalytically converted
Cormack, Allan MacLeod 1979 physiology/
medicine U.S. development of the CAT scan
Cornforth, Sir John Warcup (Cornforth, Sir John) 1975 chemistry U.K. work in stereochemistry
Corrigan, Mairéad (Corrigan-Maguire, Mairéad) 1976 peace Northern Ireland
Cournand, André F. 1956 physiology/
medicine U.S. discoveries concerning heart catheterization and circulatory changes
Cram, Donald J. 1987 chemistry U.S. development of molecules that can link with other molecules
Cremer, Sir Randal 1903 peace U.K.
Crick, Francis Harry Compton 1962 physiology/
medicine U.K. discoveries concerning the molecular structure of DNA
Cronin, James Watson 1980 physics U.S. demonstration of simultaneous violation of both charge- conjugation and parity-inversion symmetries
Crutzen, Paul 1995 chemistry The Netherlands explanation of processes that deplete Earth's ozone layer
Curie, Marie 1903 physics France investigations of radiation phenomena discovered by Becquerel
Curie, Marie 1911 chemistry France discovery of radium and polonium; isolation of radium
Curie, Pierre 1903 physics France investigations of radiation phenomena discovered by Becquerel
Curl, Robert F., Jr. 1996 chemistry U.S. discovery of new carbon compounds called fullerenes
*Nationality given is the citizenship of recipient at the time award was made. Prizes may be withheld or not awarded in years when no worthy recipient can be found or when the world situation (e.g., World Wars I and II) prevents the gathering of information needed to reach a decision.
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