词条 | birth control |
释义 | birth control Introduction the voluntary limiting of human reproduction, using such means as sexual abstinence, contraception, induced abortion, and surgical sterilization. It includes the spacing as well as the number of children in a family. Birth control encompasses the wide range of rational and irrational methods that have been used in the attempt to regulate fertility, as well as the response of individuals and of groups within society to the choices offered by such methods. It has been and remains controversial. The U.S. reformer Margaret Sanger (Sanger, Margaret) coined the phrase in 1914–15 and, like the social movement she founded, the term has been caught up in a quest for acceptance, generating many synonyms: family planning, planned parenthood, responsible parenthood, voluntary parenthood, contraception, fertility regulation, and fertility control. Human reproduction involves a range of activities and events, from sexual intercourse through birth, and depends as well on a series of physiological interactions, such as the timing of ovulation within the menstrual cycle. The visible events are central to the transmission of life and have been subject to social and religious control. The invisible factors in human reproduction gave rise early on to speculation and in modern times have become the topic of scientific investigation and manipulation. New knowledge relevant to birth control has diffused at different rates through various social groups and has not always been available to those with the greatest need. Hence, the conflicts and controversies surrounding birth control have been complex and impassioned. The disagreement over birth control arises in part from the debate over what is natural and what is artificial (and, to some, unacceptable). For information on human reproduction in general see reproductive system, human, (reproductive system, human) and pregnancy. Natural fertility At first glance the species Homo sapiens appears to have low potential for reproduction. Puberty begins late, pregnancy is long, normally only one baby is delivered at a time, and lactation can continue for several years. Yet on the global level the human race now experiences 1,000,000 more births than deaths every five days, and a large percentage of the world's population lives in urban areas, often at extremely high population densities. In experiments, when mammals are placed in crowded conditions the age of sexual maturity rises, the interval between pregnancies increases, and infant mortality jumps, leading to slower growth in the population. Among human beings in analogous crowded conditions, however, in the absence of artificial birth control the opposite situation arises. In many cases ovulation does not take place in the first several cycles after the onset of menstruation (the menarche). Once a woman is fertile, social factors determine whether she is exposed to the opportunity to become pregnant. In preindustrial Britain, couples were expected to form their own nuclear group upon marriage, and many a first-time bride was in her later 20s. By contrast, in contemporary Third World societies that encourage extended families, girls often marry in the early teens. In all mammals (mammal) whose reproduction is not tied to seasonal changes, physiological mechanisms ensure the optimum spacing of pregnancies. In Homo sapiens, as in other primates, breast-feeding (suckling) provides the basis for nature's own method of birth control. In the few remaining societies of hunters and gatherers (hunting and gathering culture), whose way of life may represent the conditions under which most of human evolution took place, women nurse their babies frequently and ovulation and menstruation are suppressed for two to three years after birth. Nomadic women of the !Kung, a group of the San people of southern Africa, use no contraceptives but have a mean interval between births of 44 months and an average of four or five deliveries in a fertile lifetime. Modern methods of birth control substitute for the control over fertility once provided by lactation and permit a degree of control over human reproduction not previously available. The combination of high infant mortality with relatively low fertility associated with traditional patterns of breast-feeding kept population growth in preagricultural human societies virtually static. Ten thousand years ago the world's population may have stood at 10,000,000. Since that time natural restraints on human reproduction have broken down at an accelerating pace. By the beginning of the Christian Era the world's population was perhaps 300,000,000. In the mid-1980s it passed the 5,000,000,000 mark. Since the Industrial Revolution, and with intensely increasing pressure in the past century, both individuals and societies have had to make important decisions about the use of birth control. History of birth control Methods Written records of birth control methods survive from ancient times. Methods are mentioned among the various formulas and remedies recorded in the Ebers papyrus, a compilation of Egyptian medical texts dating from 1550 BC. Classical writers, including Pliny the Elder, Pedanius Dioscorides (De materia medica, c. AD 77), and Soranus Of Ephesus (On Midwifery and the Diseases of Women, c. AD 100), refer to contraception and abortion. Several authors from the flowering of Arabic medicine in the 10th century mention contraception, notably ar-Rāzī (Rhazes; Quintessence of Experience), Ali ibn Abbas (The Royal Book), and Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā; The Canon of Medicine). The methods recommended by these early commentators fall into three groups: the reasonable but probably ineffective, such as wiping out the vagina after intercourse (Soranus); the reasonable and perhaps effective, such as using honey, alum, or lactic acid as spermicidal barriers (Ebers papyrus, Dioscorides, and Soranus); and the mystical and manifestly ineffective, for example suggesting that the woman jump backward seven times immediately after coitus (Soranus). By 1900 all the methods of birth control now in use, with the exception of oral contraceptives, were understood and available in Europe and North America. The first to be developed was the condom. Folklore attributes the invention to a Dr. Condom, said to have been alarmed by the number of illegitimate offspring of Charles II of England. It is more likely, however, that the name derives from the Latin condus, for receptacle. The earliest published description is by the Italian anatomist Gabriel Fallopius (Fallopius, Gabriel) in 1564. The first condoms were made from animal intestines and for the most part were used to prevent sexual transmission of disease. When Charles Goodyear (Goodyear, Charles) discovered the process for vulcanization of rubber in 1839 he initiated a revolution in contraception, as well as transport, and condoms have been a popular choice for birth control since the second half of the 19th century. The use of vaginal barriers (diaphragms and caps, which are commonly used with spermicides) was recorded by the German physician F.A. Wilde in 1823. The medical forerunner of the intrauterine device was the stem pessary, first described and illustrated in 1868. By 1909, Richard Richter, a practitioner from near Breslau (Wrocław in present-day Poland), had described most of the advantages and disadvantages of this method of birth control. Vasectomy, or male sterilization, was practiced in the 19th century, and the first female sterilization by surgical occlusion of the fallopian tubes was performed by a U.S. surgeon in Ohio in 1881. The surgical techniques of induced abortion in use today were also known in the 19th century. In the 1860s an Edinburgh gynecologist, James Young Simpson (Simpson, Sir James Young, 1st Baronet), described a procedure for “dry cupping” the uterus. The procedure adumbrated vacuum aspiration, a method commonly used today for performing legal abortion. The fact that conception was more likely to take place during certain phases of the menstrual cycle than others was suspected by classical authors. Adam Raciborski, a Paris physician, noted in 1843 that brides married soon after their menstruation often conceived in that cycle, while if the wedding occurred later in the cycle they commonly had another period before pregnancy occurred. Hermann Knaus (ovulation) in Austria (1929) and Kyūsaku Ogino in Japan (1930) independently and correctly concluded that ovulation occurs 14 days prior to the next menstruation. In 1964 an Australian medical team, John and Evelyn Billings, showed how women could monitor changes in their cervical mucus and learn to predict when ovulation would occur. “The greatest invention some benefactor can give mankind,” wrote Sigmund Freud in the early years of the 20th century, “is a form of contraception which does not induce neurosis.” Many of the elements to meet the goal of a new, more acceptable form of contraception were present about the time of World War I, yet two generations were to reach maturity before those elements were exploited. The role of hormones from the ovary was understood early in the 20th century by Walter Heape and John Marshall. The first extract of estrogen was produced in 1913, and the pure compound was isolated by the Americans Willard Allen and Alan Doisy in 1923. At this time an Austrian physiologist, Ludwig Haberlandt, was carrying out experiments on rabbits to apply the new-found knowledge of hormones for contraceptive ends. By 1927 he was able to write, “It needs no amplification, of all methods available, hormonal sterilization based on biologic principles, if it can be applied unobjectionably in the human, is an ideal method for practical medicine and its future task of birth control.” Hostile public attitudes made research on birth control virtually impossible, however, and Haberlandt's ideal was not realized until the 1960s. Users In the Old Testament story of Onan (Genesis 38:8–10), Judah ordered his son Onan to sleep with Onan's recently widowed sister-in-law, but Onan refused on the ground that “the descendants would not be his own, so whenever he had relations with his brother's wife, he let 【the seed】 be lost on the ground.” As a punishment God killed him, although it is unclear whether the punishment was for his practice of coitus interruptus or for filial disobedience. Perhaps the earliest first-person account of contraception comes from the verbatim records of the Inquisition. During a trial of Albigensian heretics from the village of Montaillou in France in the early 14th century, Beatrice, the mistress of one of the accused, berates her lover, asking “What shall I do if I become pregnant by you?” He replies, “I have a certain herb. If a man wears it when he mingles his body with that of a woman he cannot engender, nor she conceive.” The method was almost certainly mystical and inefficacious. James Boswell in his London Journal, 1762-63 records a more practical experience (for May 10, 1763) when he picked “up a strong young jolly damsel, led her to Westminster Bridge and there, in armour complete, did I enjoy her upon this noble edifice.” It is notable that, prior to the Industrial Revolution, most accounts of the use of contraceptives relate to illicit sex. The 17th-century European upper classes, many of whom had their infants wet-nursed, felt the pressure of excess births within marriage, both physically and emotionally. A French aristocrat writing in 1671 to her daughter, who had borne three children by age 22, recommends, “Continue the nice custom of sleeping separately and restore yourself . . . I kiss your husband. I like him even better in his apartment than in yours.” Queen Victoria later expressed a similar sentiment: “Men never think, at least seldom think, what a hard task it is for us women to go through 【childbirth】 very often.” In the 19th century better diet, more stable political conditions, and improvements in water supply and hygiene and other simple advances in public health began to bring down the death rate. For the first and probably the last time in the history of industrialized nations a large family became the rule. Eighteenth-century France (France) had seen an overall decline in the birth rate, probably brought about by increasing use of coitus interruptus, and most of western Europe followed suit in the 19th century. In 1860 a quarter of all marriages in England (United Kingdom) and Wales had eight or more children, but by 1925, 50 percent had only one or two children and one in six was childless. In the United States a similar decline in fertility began slightly later: in 1830 the crude birth rate for white Americans was 50 per 1,000, but by 1930 it was only 18 per 1,000. Among English couples married before 1910 only 15 percent used a method of birth control, while among those married in the years 1935–39, 66 percent used a method. In 1982 in the United States 67.9 percent of married couples aged 15 to 44 used a contraceptive method and another 14 percent were seeking to be pregnant, were pregnant, or had just delivered. There was little variation by religion or race (61 percent of black couples and 69.6 percent of white couples using a method). The commonest method was female sterilization (one-quarter of all users), followed by the contraceptive pill (one-fifth). About 15 percent of couples used condoms, and another 15 percent relied on male sterilization. Fewer than one in 20 couples used periodic abstinence (celibacy). In developing countries where family planning services have been emphasized by the government or private organizations, prevalence of contraception usually rises rapidly. In Thailand, for example, use jumped from 15 percent in 1970 to nearly 60 percent in 1981. In Mexico it rose from 30 percent in 1976 to more than 40 percent in the 1980s and in Bangladesh from 8 percent in 1975 to more than 20 percent in 1984. There has been less success, however, in countries with weak birth control services. Social and political aspects of birth control Early advocates In 1798 Thomas Malthus (Malthus, Thomas Robert) wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population. It posed the conundrum of geometrical population growth's outstripping arithmetic expansion in resources. Malthus, who was an Anglican clergyman, recommended late marriage and sexual abstinence as methods of birth control. A small group of early 19th-century freethinkers, including Jeremy Bentham, Francis Place (himself the father of 15 children), and John Stuart Mill, suggested more pragmatic birth control methods such as coitus interruptus, vaginal barriers, and postcoital douching. Robert Dale Owen, the son of a Scottish social reformer, helped spread these revolutionary ideas in North America, and in 1832 a Massachusetts physician and freethinker, Charles Knowlton (Knowlton, Charles), wrote a slim book called The Fruits of Philosophy: or The Private Companion of Young Married People. Although Knowlton's first edition was published anonymously, he was fined and imprisoned. The book appeared in England two years later and continued to be read for the next 50 years. In 1876 a Bristol publisher was prosecuted for selling The Fruits of Philosophy. Incensed, Charles Bradlaugh, the leader of Britain's National Secular Society and subsequently a member of Parliament, and Annie Besant (Besant, Annie) reissued the pamphlet and notified the police. They were charged and tried, the public prosecutor claiming “this is a dirty, filthy book,” but the conviction was quashed on grounds of a faulty indictment. The trial received wide publicity and, through the national press, brought birth control onto the breakfast table of the English middle classes at a time when, for economic reasons, they were eager to control their fertility. The Malthusian League, founded some years earlier by George Drysdale, began to attract wide public support. Similar leagues began in France, Germany, and The Netherlands, the latter opening the world's first family planning services, under Dr. Aletta Jacobs, in 1882. But it was two women, Margaret Sanger (Sanger, Margaret) in the United States and Marie Stopes (Stopes, Marie) in Britain, who were to make birth control the object of a national, and ultimately global, social movement. Both used the controversy that surrounded birth control as a ready way of attracting attention. Sanger, a trained nurse, encountered miserable conditions in her work among the poor. She was inspired to take up her crusade when she attended a woman who was dying from a criminally induced abortion. In 1914 she started a magazine, The Woman Rebel, to challenge laws restricting the distribution of information on birth control. She was indicted and fled to Europe, but when she returned to stand trial in 1916 the charges against her were dropped. Later that year she opened a family planning clinic in Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York, but the police immediately closed it, and Sanger was arrested and convicted on charges of “maintaining a public nuisance.” After many vicissitudes, a compromise was struck and family planning clinics were allowed in the United States on the condition that physicians be involved in prescribing contraceptives. In 1936 a New York court, in a case known as United States v. One Package of Japanese Pessaries, ruled that contraceptives could be sent through the post if they were to be intelligently employed by conscientious physicians for the purpose of saving life or promoting the well-being of their patients. The movement for birth control was led in Britain by Marie Stopes, the daughter of a middle-class Edinburgh family. She was one of the first women to obtain a doctorate in botany (from the University of Munich in 1904). In 1918 she published an appeal for sexual equality and fulfillment within marriage, Married Love, which at the time was considered to be a radical text. Margaret Sanger met Marie Stopes and persuaded her to add a chapter on birth control. While Sanger's advocacy emphasized the alleviation of poverty and overpopulation, Stopes sought as well to relieve women of the physical strain and risks of excessive childbearing. Her Married Love was followed by Wise Parenthood (1918), and in 1922 Stopes founded the Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress. The population explosion In 1790 a Venetian monk, Gianmaria Ortis, concluded that human population growth could not continue indefinitely. Malthus' work a few years later stimulated more discussion and also provided the intellectual clue that inspired Charles Darwin's theory of biological evolution through the survival of the fittest. The debate about human numbers remained academic, however, until the 1950s, when a surge in population occurred as a result of the comparative peace and prosperity following World War II. In Malthus' time world population was under 1,000,000,000, and when Sanger and Stopes opened the first birth control clinics population was still less than 2,000,000,000. In 1960 global population surpassed 3,000,000,000, and the next 1,000,000,000 was added in a mere 15 years. In the 19th century the population of industrialized nations rarely grew by more than 1 percent per annum, but in the 1960s and '70s many developing countries exploded at a rate of 2 to 3 percent per year. Rapid population growth has several economic consequences. It requires heavier investment in education, health, and transport merely to maintain these services at their previous level; yet, the working population has a higher burden of dependence to support, making both individual and national saving more difficult. Although population growth is not the only problem dividing rich and poor countries, it is one important variable that has widened the gap in growth in per capita income between developed and developing nations. Advocates of birth control see it as a means to prevent the personal and social pressures that result from rapid population growth. Birth control and health There is a marked relationship between patterns of reproduction and the risk of death to the mother and her child. Maternal deaths and infant mortality are up to 60 percent higher among girls under 15 than among women who have a child in their early 20s. The risk of death to the mother and her child rises again in the second half of the 30s. Maternal and infant mortality is lowest for the second and third deliveries. The risk of certain congenital abnormalities, such as Down's syndrome (mongolism), is also greater in older women. Therefore, patterns of sexual abstinence and birth control, which concentrate childbearing in the age group 20–35 and limit family size to two or three children, have a direct impact on public health. At the same time, it must be recognized that patterns of human reproduction have been finely tuned over millions of years of evolution and the postponement of childbearing until the later 20s or 30s also increases the risk of certain diseases. In particular, cancer of the breast is more common in women who postpone the first birth until the later 20s or older. In the Western world, the risk of death to women in childbirth is approximately one in 10,000, but in developing countries, where half the children born are delivered by traditional birth attendants, it is often 10 times as high. As the number of births worldwide rises, a greater number of women are likely to die having children. Simple access to birth control may be expected to reduce high death rates. Methods of birth control Nonmedical methods Abstinence Abstinence is important in many societies. In the West, most individuals abstain from regular sexual intercourse for many years between puberty and marriage. Raising the age of marriage has been an important element in the decline of the birth rate in China, Korea, and Sri Lanka. Abstinence among couples with grown children is important in some traditional societies, such as certain Hindu (Hinduism) groups. Breast-feeding (suckling) The role of breast-feeding in the regulation of human fertility can be illustrated by the following calculation: in Pakistan breast-feeding is virtually universal, and many women breast-feed for two years or more. Fewer than one in 10 women use a modern method of contraception; but if breast-feeding were to decline to levels now found in Central America, four out of 10 women would have to use an artificial method of birth control just to prevent the fertility rate from rising. Although the information is important to demography, there is no simple way to predict when an individual breast-feeding woman will become fertile again. If she seeks security against pregnancy, a woman may in fact have an overlap of several months between the time she adopts an artificial method and the end of her natural protection. Coital techniques Coitus interruptus, the practice by which the male withdraws the penis prior to ejaculation, has been an important method of birth control in the West and was used by more than half of all British couples until well after World War II. It is most common among Roman Catholic and Islāmic (Islām) groups but is less used in the Orient, where coitus reservatus (intercourse without ejaculation) may be more common. The failure rate for coitus interruptus (five to 20 pregnancies per 100 women-years of exposure) overlaps with that of barrier methods of birth control. Although frequently condemned by those promoting other methods of family planning, there is no evidence that coitus interruptus causes any physical or emotional harm. There may be preferable ways of controlling fertility, but for many couples coitus interruptus is better than no method. The belief that conception cannot take place unless the woman has an orgasm is widespread but untrue. Postcoital douching is not an effective method of birth control. Barrier methods Modern high-quality condoms (condom) have the advantage of simplicity of use and anonymity of distribution. They are sold in pharmacies, in supermarkets, through the mail, and even in barber shops and at news stands and have been used by more than half of British and American men at one time or another. Use is most extensive in Japan. The acceptance of condoms has been increased in recent decades by advances in packaging and lubrication and, more recently, by the addition of a spermicide. When used carefully, condoms can have a failure rate as low as some intrauterine devices (two to five per 100 women-years of exposure). Many chemicals act as spermicides; one of the most widely used is a detergent, nonoxynol-9, found in most foams, pessaries, and dissolving vaginal tablets. Spermicides are either used alone, when they have a moderate failure rate, or in combination with a barrier method such as a diaphragm or a disposable sponge. Periodic abstinence (celibacy) Although a couple may make a private choice to use periodic abstinence, just as they might buy condoms, most modern methods of periodic abstinence require careful training by a trained counsellor. Awareness of human fertility can be valuable when a couple is attempting to conceive a child. The method makes considerable demands on the partners, but if well taught it may also enhance the marital relationship. Several types of periodic abstinence, also known as the rhythm method or natural family planning, are practiced. The time of ovulation can be estimated from a calendar record of previous menstruation, but this method has low effectiveness. More reliable methods include keeping a daily record of body temperature or recording physical changes in the cervix (the neck of the womb) and cervical mucus (the mucous method, also called the Billings method). These methods may also be combined (sympothermic method). As with several methods of birth control, a wide range of failure rates has been recorded for the various types of periodic abstinence, extending from one pregnancy per 100 women-years of exposure to more than 20 per 100. Medical methods Hormonal contraceptives (sex hormone) Hormonal contraceptives use artificially synthesized derivatives of the natural steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is responsible for the growth of the lining of the womb (endometrium), which occurs early in the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is produced in the second half of the cycle and in great quantities in pregnancy. It makes the mucus in the lower part of the reproductive tract resistant to the ascent of sperm and also alters the lining of the womb. Both hormones cause changes in the breasts and elsewhere in the body. They act on the base of the brain and the associated pituitary gland. This gland, in turn, secretes hormones (gonadotrophins) that regulate the production of estrogens and progesterone by the ovaries. Most oral contraceptives contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone. The combination, like the hormone balance of normal pregnancy, prevents the release of eggs from the ovaries. A minority of pills contain only a progestogen (a progestational steroid) and act mainly by causing changes in the mucus that prevent the ascent of sperm. In different doses, combination pills and certain other hormonal preparations can be used after coitus. They prevent pregnancy up to two or three days after the fertilizing intercourse, primarily by rendering the lining of the womb unsuitable for the attachment (implantation) of a fertilized egg. More than 100,000,000 women currently use oral contraceptives or have used them in the past. In many countries pills are widely distributed by community workers and through pharmacies, without direct medical supervision. Injectable contraceptives are registered for use in more than 80 countries, including most of the Third World, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and New Zealand. The injectable preparation Depo-Provera has had a particularly controversial history, having been referred for further study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1974, 1978, and 1984. Research has been undertaken on subdermal implants and intravaginal rings (which slowly release hormones for absorption through the vaginal wall). In China a once-a-month pill is available. Hormonal contraceptives belong to the 20th century. Slow to be developed, sometimes misunderstood by physicians, and often the centre of the news media's attention, they have been alternately oversold and overcriticized. Nevertheless they have wrought a medical and social revolution. They are remarkably effective, cheap to manufacture, and relatively simple to use. But as methods that imitate, albeit imperfectly, the menstrual cycle and some of the changes normally occurring in pregnancy, they are responsible for a wide range of good and bad changes in the body. As noted, the principle of hormonal contraception was understood in the 1920s, but it was 30 years before the drive of Margaret Sanger (then more than 70 years old) and the philanthropy of Mrs. Page McCormick were to draw the first oral contraceptive preparations from somewhat reluctant scientists and physicians. The first clinical report of the use of oral steroid hormones to suppress ovulation was published by Gregory Pincus and John Rock from Boston in 1956. The approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was granted in 1960, and marketing of the preparations in Britain began two years later. When oral contraceptives are used correctly, fewer than one woman in 100 per year of use will conceive an unintended pregnancy. A woman's menstrual cycle is more regular when she uses the pill, and users tend to be less anemic than nonusers. Immediate adverse side effects can include nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, and weight gain. But it was only after the first few million women had used the method for some years that important but rare side effects began to be reliably documented and accurately measured. Predictably adverse conditions leading to death or serious disease were discovered before a number of beneficial, and even lifesaving, effects were demonstrated. The order of these discoveries, together with the perceived social impact of the method, probably accounts for much of the controversy that has surrounded and continues to surround oral contraceptives. Large-scale epidemiological research involving tens of thousands of women has now demonstrated that users of the pill are more likely than nonusers to suffer from heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots in the veins. These effects are extremely rare in younger women, but occurrence is multiplied several times in all age groups among users who smoke. Users of oral contraceptives are less likely than nonusers to develop cancer of the ovary or uterus. Use reduces the chance of benign breast disease but neither protects against nor causes breast cancer. The risk of pelvic infection is approximately halved among users. Fertility returns rapidly after discontinuing use, and, while some artificial steroids in high doses can damage the fetus, there is no consistent evidence that oral contraceptives cause congenital abnormalities. It is difficult to balance the list of the oral contraceptive's risks and benefits, some of which (such as the small risk of heart disease) appear when use begins while others (such as protection against certain forms of cancer) only develop after several years of use but persist even after use has stopped. Overall, taking all known risks and benefits into account, the average woman in a Western nation actually increases her life expectancy by a small but calculable amount if she uses oral contraceptives, while the older woman, especially if she smokes, is at a small but measurably higher risk of death. In Western nations women over 40 and those over 35 who smoke are usually advised to use another method of birth control. Among women in Third World countries the risks of death from childbirth remain many times greater, and, although the pill has not been as closely studied in such settings, the advantages of its use are almost certainly correspondingly greater. Male contraception In normal circumstances a man can produce several million sperm per day and is almost continually fertile. A woman's menstrual cycle, with predictable time of ovulation, is medically much simpler to control. Research on a male pill has been disappointing. Sperm production has been controlled under experimental conditions, and in China a substance called gossypol, derived from the cottonseed, has been used as an oral contraceptive for males. Most substances used in the control of male fertility, however, either have proved toxic or have depressed sexual drive as well as sperm count. Intrauterine devices Almost any foreign body placed in the uterus will prevent pregnancy. While intrauterine devices (IUD's) were invented in the 19th century, they only came into widespread use in the late 1950s, when flexible plastic devices were developed by Jack Lippes and others. The IUD, made in a variety of shapes, is placed in the uterus by passing it through the cervix under sterile conditions. Like oral contraceptives, IUD's probably act in several complementary ways. When the IUD is in place an abnormally high number of white blood cells pass into the uterine cavity, and the egg, even if fertilized, is destroyed by the white blood cells before implantation. Nevertheless, one to three out of every 100 users per year will get pregnant with the IUD in place. An intrauterine device can be inserted on any day of the menstrual period and immediately after a birth or abortion. The advantage of an IUD lies in its long-term protection and relative ease of use. The disadvantages include heavier menstrual flow and an increased risk of uterine infection. Approximately 60 million women use IUD's worldwide. The largest use is recorded in China. IUD's are most satisfactory when used by older women who have had children and are recommended less frequently for young women, primarily because of the risk of pelvic infection. In 1970 Jaime Zipper, a physician from Chile, added copper to plastic devices, thereby permitting designs that caused less bleeding and increased effectiveness. IUD's that slowly release progesterone derivatives have also been developed. Voluntary sterilization More than 100,000,000 couples worldwide have selected sterilization, and the method prevents more pregnancies each year than any other method of birth control. Voluntary sterilization has proved popular in both rich and poor countries, and the number of operations performed is likely to continue to rise. Wherever sterilization of the female (tubal sterilization) has been offered it has proved popular. Fewer male sterilizations (vasectomies) than female sterilizations have been performed worldwide but demand grows consistently wherever a reliable service is offered. vasectomy is a quick, simple operation normally carried out under local anesthesia. The vas deferens, the tube carrying the sperm from the testicles to the penis, is blocked, and a number of ejaculations must be made after the operation to remove all the sperm capable of fertilization. Local bleeding and infection can occur after the operation, but no long-term adverse effects have been demonstrated in men. In some animals, however, disease of the blood vessels has been reported to be more common after experimental vasectomy. The fallopian tubes, which carry the egg from the ovary to the uterus, lie buried deep in the female pelvis. To perform sterilization a surgeon must either open the abdomen, in a procedure called laparotomy, and close the tubes under direct vision, or insert an optical instrument (laparoscope) to view the tubes so that a clip, ring, or electrocautery can be applied. The only proved side effects of female sterilization are those associated with any surgery and local or general anesthesia. An individual seeking sterilization must accept the operation as irreversible while at the same time understanding that in rare cases, in either sex, the operation can fail even when properly carried out. In cases of extreme need, reversal of both female and male sterilization has been attempted, with more than 50 percent of patients later conceiving children. Surgical reversal is easier for male sterilization. abortion Abortion is the termination of pregnancy less than 28 weeks after the last menstrual period. Until the eighth week of pregnancy the conceptus is called an embryo, and after that time a fetus. Abortion may be spontaneous (miscarriage) or induced, and induced abortions are legal in some circumstances in some countries and illegal in others. An incomplete abortion is one after which part of the conceptus remains in the uterus. It is associated with bleeding and the risk of infection. Human reproduction is an imperfect process. Only one sperm is necessary for fertilization, yet the male's ejaculate contains millions of sperm. As many as half of the eggs fertilized die within 10 days of fertilization without the woman even knowing she has conceived. As many as one-fifth of recognized pregnancies miscarry. Much of this massive wastage is associated with chromosomal and other abnormalities in the embryo. Induced abortion has occurred throughout history and is known in almost all contemporary societies. A variety of herbs and potions have been used over the ages, and physical violence as a cause of abortion is mentioned in the Bible (Exodus 21:22). In the contemporary world tens of millions of abortions are performed annually. Some are deemed legal—i.e., carried out by qualified persons with proper supervision—and others illegal. Massage abortion is common in Southeast Asia. It is usually conducted by a traditional birth attendant who pounds the pregnant abdomen until uterine bleeding commences or pain stops the procedure. In the rest of the world a common method is to pass an object through the neck of the womb to dislodge the placenta. Abortions performed by unqualified persons can endanger the woman's life. In Latin America, for example, approximately 1,000,000 women a year are admitted to hospitals suffering from incomplete abortions, mostly the result of illegal abortion. Abortion and contraception have a complex relationship during the process of demographic change. A decline in the birth rate may reflect a rise in the number of abortions and the use of contraception. As the rate declines further, abortions peak (as in Japan in the 1950s and 1960s), but, if contraceptive services are readily available, then the number of abortions falls as the number of conceptions falls. If, however, contraceptive services are not readily available (as in the Soviet Union), then the number of abortions remains high. The commonest technique of inducing legal abortion is vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity. When completed before the 12th week of pregnancy the procedure is brief and can be done without general anesthesia. It has proved to be remarkably safe for the woman, with a death rate of less than one in 100,000 operations. Scraping (curettage) of the uterus is an older surgical procedure. It is less satisfactory than vacuum aspiration early in pregnancy but can be more easily used after 12 weeks. Late abortions can also be performed by chemical means (the introduction of prostaglandins) or by the injection of urea or salt into the space around the embryo. Family planning (planned parenthood) services National family planning movements have emphasized the right of the individual to determine family size as well as the contribution family planning can make to national and global population problems. Some methods of birth control, such as coitus interruptus and, in extreme cases, abortion, may involve no person other than the individual or couple. But most methods require manufacture, distribution, promotion, counselling, and in some cases financial subsidy. The retail trade in contraceptives has been a major element in the spread of contraception and remains important in the developing world. In particular, social marketing programs, which adjust prices to people's needs, have allowed governments to make contraceptives available to large numbers of people quickly and at affordable cost. Private doctors may advise patients about the use of birth control on a confidential basis and may charge a fee. The first altruistic attempts to offer direct family planning services began with private, pioneering groups and often aroused strong opposition. The work of Sanger (Sanger, Margaret) and Stopes (Stopes, Marie) reached only a small fraction of the millions of couples who in the 1920s and '30s lived in a world irrevocably altered by World War I, crushed by economic depression, and striving for the then lowest birth rates in history. In 1921 Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which in 1942 became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. In Britain the Society for the Provision of Birth Control Clinics was to evolve into the Family Planning Association. As early as 1881 the British Malthusian League had brought together individuals from 40 nations to discuss birth control, and five genuinely international meetings had taken place by 1930. A conference was held in Sweden in 1946. The first birth control clinic in India opened in 1930, and in 1952 in Bombay, Margaret Sanger took the first steps toward creating what became the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). The modern era in international family planning opened in the second half of the 1960s when governments, beginning with Sweden, gave money to support the worldwide work of the IPPF. William Draper lobbied with particular effectiveness in the United States to build up the IPPF and to put together the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), established in 1969. For several years the U.S. Agency for International Development helped to support the IPPF and the UNFPA. The United Nations held international conferences on population in Bucharest in 1974 and Mexico City in 1984. The legality of birth control In the 19th century the law was used as an assertion of existing morality. In the United States Anthony Comstock (Comstock, Anthony) lobbied to pass an Act for the Suppression of Trade in, and the Circulation of, Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use. When asked why he classified contraception with pornography, Comstock answered, “If you open the door to anything, the filth will pour in.” Anti-contraceptive and anti- sterilization clauses were added to the Napoleonic Code applying to France and French colonies. In Britain, however, the law never specifically condemned contraception or sterilization, and Bradlaugh and Besant were accused under the Obscene Publications Act. The 20th century has seen statute laws used as a vehicle of social change and as a battleground of conflicting philosophies. The Nazi Third Reich invaded the bedrooms of its citizens before it moved its troops into the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia. It forbade the display of contraceptives, which it condemned as the “by-product of the asphalt civilization.” By contrast, the Proclamation of Teheran in 1968 (paragraph 16) provided “Parents have a basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children.” This concept was written into Yugoslavia's (Yugoslavia) constitution, and China officially made family planning an obligation for each citizen. U.S. courts interpreted the constitutional right of privacy to include birth control choices when the Comstock Act was finally overthrown in the cases of Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) and Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972). In Ireland the case of Mary McGee (1973) reversed an Irish anti-contraceptive law of 1935, and in the Luigi deMarchi case in 1971 the Italian Supreme Court struck down the Fascist laws limiting the availability of contraception. At the other extreme, Singapore has passed legislation removing certain tax credits from couples with three or more children. By the end of the 19th century almost every nation in the world had passed antiabortion legislation. In the United States restrictive laws were propelled not so much by moral considerations as by the desire of the medical profession to regulate the practices of unqualified doctors. The 20th century has seen the pendulum swing in the opposite direction, and 70 percent of the world's population now lives in countries where abortion is legally available. The Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (1920) became the first country in the 20th century to permit legal abortion, and the Scandinavian and most Eastern European countries had liberal abortion laws by the late 1960s. In Britain the Offenses Against the Person Act of 1861 was reversed by the 1967 Abortion Law, and by 1970 Canada and several U.S. states (including New York State) had passed abortion reform legislation. Arguments usually centred on hard cases, such as that of a woman carrying an abnormal fetus or living in extreme poverty. On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional all antiabortion laws remaining in the United States. The Court argued “that the right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision.” India, China, Australia, Italy, France, The Netherlands, and many other countries decided to permit abortion under statute law or following individual case precedents. It has always been difficult to harmonize statute law with biological processes, and several new therapies, such as the use of drugs to induce delayed menstruation, and even the use of IUD's, have not been clearly defined as falling under the category of either contraception legislation or abortion legislation. In this most controversial aspect of birth control, legal positions have oscillated, depending on circumstance and on government. In 1935 Joseph Stalin reversed Lenin's liberal abortion law in the Soviet Union, and the Nazis declared abortions to be “acts of sabotage against Germany's racial future.” In 1942 a woman was guillotined in Nazi-dominated France as a punishment for abortion, and in 1943 the government of the Third Reich introduced the death penalty for abortionists who “continually impaired the vitality of the German people.” After the defeat of the U.S. antiabortion laws in 1973, a strong drive was undertaken by antiabortionists in the United States to limit the interpretation of the Supreme Court ruling and, if possible, to reverse that ruling by congressional action, constitutional amendment, or the appointment to the Supreme Court of justices who were against abortion. The law, by defining marriage age, regulating medical practice, and controlling advertising and such factors as the employment of women, also affects many other variables that determine the size of a family. For example, Section 4(5) of the 1954 British Television Act prohibits the advertising of matrimonial agencies, fortune-tellers, and contraceptives. Ethics and the influence of religious systems The ethics of birth control has always been a topic of debate. All of the world's major religions endorse responsible parenthood, but when it comes to methods the consensus often dissolves. Hindu and Buddhist (Buddhism) teachings are linked by a belief in reincarnation, but this has not been extended to an obligation to achieve maximum fertility. The Buddhist religion requires abstinence from any form of killing, and strict Buddhist groups have interpreted this requirement as support for opposition to contraception. At the same time, Buddhist scripture contains the phrase “Many children make you poor,” and the few prevailing constraints against birth control have been interpreted as affecting individuals, not state policy. In the Muslim religion, the Prophet Muḥammad endorsed the use of al-azl (coitus interruptus) for socioeconomic reasons and to safeguard the health of women. The Quʾrān instructs, “Mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years if they desire to complete their term” (II,233). In general, modern methods of family planning have been accepted by Islāmic religious leaders, although sterilization is resisted as mutilation. Some fundamentalist Islāmic groups, most notably in Iran in the 1980s, have opposed family planning in general. The Judeo-Christian tradition has been more divided in its approach to birth control; and Europe and North America have had a disproportionate role in medical research and practice. Until the Industrial Revolution in the West, artificial methods of birth control seemed irrelevant or even antagonistic to reproduction and to the spiritual goals of marriage. Christendom was very slow to recognize new medical knowledge and new social needs, thereby retarding the development of birth control methods and diffusion of services. For example, in part because of religious objections, the U.S. National Institutes of Health were explicitly barred from research on contraception until 1961. Historically, Jewish (Judaism) doctrines on marriage and procreation were related to the national struggle for survival and the traditions of a close-knit monotheistic community in which the individual was perpetuated through family. Judaism imposes an obligation to have children, although love and companionship are deemed an equally important goal of marriage. Orthodox sections of Judaism permit women to use certain methods of birth control, especially when necessary to protect the mother's health. Reformed and Conservative branches urge proper education in all methods of birth control as enhancing the spiritual life of the couple and the welfare of mankind. Many Jewish physicians and leaders, such as Alan Guttmacher, have joined in the advocating of birth control. The early Christian Church (Christianity) reacted against the hedonism of the later Roman Empire and, believing that the Second Coming of Christ preempted the need for procreation, held celibacy superior to marriage. Early Christians opposed the Gnostic movement that viewed the world as the creation of evil and procreation as the perpetuation of that evil. Instead they supported the Stoic argument that sexual passions distracted man from the contemplation of the One, the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. It was a short step for the 2nd-century theologian Clement of Alexandria (Clement of Alexandria, Saint) to associate sexual intercourse with guilt and argue that it could only be justified by the obvious need to reproduce. Clement even argued that the human soul fled the body during a sexual climax. Augustine (Augustine, Saint) (AD 354–430), in his writings, especially in Marriage and Concupiscence (AD 418), laid the intellectual foundation for more than 1,000 years of Christian teaching on birth control. He concluded that the male semen both contained the new life and transmitted Adam's original sin from generation to generation. Among the practices Augustine condemned were not only coitus interruptus (onanism) but also what today would be called natural family planning. Not surprisingly the explicit justification of periodic abstinence (celibacy) by the modern church continues to come into conflict with remnants of Augustine's more pessimistic identification of sex with sin. An important challenge to traditional Roman Catholic teaching arose in 1853 when the church's Sacred Penitentiary ruled that couples using periodic abstinence were “not to be disturbed.” Among all Christian denominations, however, change was halting. In 1920 the Anglican Lambeth Conference condemned “any deliberate cultivation of sexual activity as an end in itself,” although by 1930 the Conference had taken some steps toward the moral justification of birth control. By 1958 its members concluded that “implicit within the bond of husband and wife is the relationship of love with its sacramental expression in physical union.” The Roman Catholic viewpoint developed even more slowly. The conservative theologian Arthur Vermeersch drafted much of Pope Pius XI's encyclical Casti Connubii (1930), condemning all methods of birth control except periodic abstinence as “grave sin.” This teaching was reaffirmed by Pius XII in 1951. The Second Vatican Council (Roman Catholicism) (1962–65), however, described marriage as a “community of love” and the council's Constitution on the Church and the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes) exhorts parents to “thoughtfully take into account both their own welfare and that of their children, those already born and those which may be foreseen.” Once the dual purposes of sexual relations to procreate and to express love had been accepted by the Second Vatican Council, however, some theologians and a great many Roman Catholic couples examined their own consciences and found it increasingly difficult to distinguish between intercourse during intervals of infertility brought about by the use of hormonal contraceptives and intercourse during the infertile intervals of the menstrual cycle. John Rock, who helped to develop the contraceptive pill and was himself a Roman Catholic, argued for just such a reassessment in his book The Time Has Come (1963). Gathering pressure led to the establishment of the Commission for the Study of Population and Family Life. It submitted its report to Pope Paul in 1966. Among the commission's members, the medical experts recommended by a vote of 60 to four, and the cardinals by nine to six, to liberalize Roman Catholic teaching on birth control. In 1968, however, Pope Paul restated the traditional teaching of Casti Connubii in his landmark encyclical Humanae Vitae, using papal authority to assert that “every conjugal act 【has】 to be open to the transmission of life.” Humanae Vitae came as a surprise to most church leaders and left many of the laity in a painful conflict between obedience and conscience. Six hundred Roman Catholic scholars signed a statement challenging Humanae Vitae, many episcopates attempted to soften the harsher aspects of the encyclical, a flood of priests left the church, and the number of U.S. Catholics attending mass weekly fell from 70 percent before the issuing of the encyclical to 44 percent a few years afterward. The total marital fertility (the number of children in a completed family) of U.S. Catholics (2.27 in 1975) became virtually the same as that of non-Catholics (2.17). At the same time a new movement began within the Roman Catholic Church, taking strength and inspiration from Humanae Vitae. Among lay organizations, the International Federation for Family Life Promotion was founded in 1974 and the Family of the Americas Foundation (formerly World Organization of the Ovulation Method—Billings; WOOMB) was founded in 1977. The Eastern Orthodox Church (Eastern Orthodoxy) maintains that parenthood is a duty. While it considers the use of contraception to be a failure in spiritual focus, the church has not sought to hinder the distribution of birth control information or services. Birth control, like other technologies, can be misused. In the 19th century vasectomy was used for men judged to be compulsive masturbators, and a century later, during the state of emergency declared in India in 1975, the Indian government supported forcible sterilization of low-caste men as part of a population control program. In the not too distant past unmarried women in the Western world who became pregnant faced such hostility from society in general that the majority felt they had no choice but illegal abortion, while in China today women are subject to intense social pressure to legally abort a second or subsequent pregnancy inside marriage. In contemporary Western society conventional restraints on sexual experience prior to marriage are in turmoil. Vigorous debate centres on the question of whether the availability of birth control to young people encourages premarital sexual relations or avoids unplanned pregnancies that otherwise might occur. Certainly, similar patterns of availability of contraceptives may be observed in markedly different social settings with high and low incidence of premarital sex (for example, the United States and China, respectively). There is no evidence that the availability of birth control either encourages or discourages particular patterns of sexual behaviour. The debate over the ethics of induced abortion can arouse deep divisions even in otherwise homogeneous groups. At one extreme abortion is considered to be the moral equivalent of murder and the life of the fetus is held to take precedence over that of the pregnant woman. At the other extreme it is argued that a woman has an absolute right over the pregnancy within her body. Surveys of opinion show that most people find abortion to be a sad and complex topic. The majority would prefer not to experience abortion but nevertheless feels that abortion is justified in certain cases, such as when tests show evidence of congenital abnormality, when pregnancy results from sexual crimes, or when the parents live in extreme poverty. The embryological discoveries of the past century cannot solve the metaphysical questions posed in the past. The U.S. Supreme Court decision on abortion in 1973 concluded “We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of man's knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer.” In short, the definition individuals give to the beginning of life determines their judgment about the acceptability or licitness of abortion, and those definitions remain in the sphere of wholly human judgment. Conclusions Modern mankind can never return to the way of life that characterized most of human evolution. Settled agriculture and, to an even greater extent, urban living have irrevocably altered natural, finely tuned patterns of human reproduction. New social and artificial restraints on fertility must replace high infant mortalities and the invisible but important physiological controls that once limited family size. The variables that encourage small families are still not fully understood, but they include urbanization, educational and employment opportunities for women, and easy access to family planning services. In a traditional agricultural society children bring hope of economic rewards to their parents at an early stage by sharing in the work that is necessary to support the family, whereas in modern industrial societies the care and educating of children represent long years of heavy expenditure by the parents. This switch in the cost of children may be the most important factor determining the adoption of family planning. Western societies took more than a century to reach zero population growth and adjust to the rapid expansion of population that accompanied their industrialization. Most of the changes that occurred in patterns of family planning took place before public family services were established and at considerable emotional and physical costs to many couples. By contrast, the majority of the governments of contemporary Third World countries have established national family planning policies and actively encourage the use of public family services. The World Fertility Survey shows that more couples in developing countries desire small families than actually achieve their goals. The significance of the choices facing policymakers and individual families can be illustrated by reference to trends in family planning in the People's Republic of China. For a generation after the Revolution of 1949 national leaders maintained that a Communist economy could accommodate any rate of population growth, and family planning services, while available, were not emphasized. As a result of the rapid population growth in the 1950s and '60s, however, the number of marriages in China exceeds by 10,000,000 each year the number of fertile partnerships broken by death or by the onset of the woman's menopause. In order to try to stabilize the population, the Chinese government has recommended that 50 percent of rural couples and 80 percent of urban couples have only one child. The application of this type of policy can have an ironic effect on individual women: older women belong to a generation that could not always obtain birth control services, and younger women may be encouraged or, in some cases, even forced to abort pregnancies (abortion) they would like to keep. Although consensus has not been reached on the range of birth control methods society should offer to individual members, the right of couples to determine the number and spacing of their children is almost universally endorsed, while the possibility of coercive family planning is almost as widely condemned. Throughout the world, awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of specific methods of birth control, thoughtful judgments about ethics, and further evolution in medical and scientific knowledge will continue to be important to the welfare of the family, of individual nations, and of the entire globe. Additional Reading Historical writings Thomas Malthus, An Essay on Principles of Population (1798, reprinted 1958), the classic work that prompted the social crusade; Marie Stopes, Early Days of Birth Control (1923); Margaret Sanger, My Fight for Birth Control (1932); Madeline Gray, Margaret Sanger (1979); K. Briant, Marie Stopes: A Biography (1962); and P. Fryer, The Birth-Controllers (1965). S. Chandrasekhar, "A Dirty, Filthy Book" (1981), is a popular overview of the early birth control movement in England. Methods Norman E. Himes, Medical History of Contraception (1936, reissued 1970), a standard reference source; Malcolm Potts and Peter Diggory, Textbook of Contraceptive Practice, 2nd rev. ed. (1983), a medical textbook containing short expositions of social, legal, and religious considerations. Abortion is treated in James Tunstead Burtchaell, Rachel Weeping and Other Essays on Abortion (1982), an argument against legal abortion; Fred M. Frohock, Abortion: A Case Study in Law and Morals (1983), a reference work containing philosophical and factual coverage; and Malcolm Potts, Peter Diggory, and John Peel, Abortion (1977), a global review of legal and illegal abortion. Birth control methods are discussed in particular in Family Planning Perspectives, a bimonthly journal published by the Alan Guttmacher Institute. See Roger Short, “Breast Feeding,” Scientific American, vol. 250, no. 4, pp. 35–41 (April 1984), a review of the effect of lactation on fertility. Family planning John C. Caldwell, Theory of Fertility Decline (1982), a review of the motivation for and against family planning in a traditional society; P.k. Whelpton et al., Fertility and Family Planning in the U.S. (1966); B. Berelson (comp.), Family Planning Programs: An International Survey (1969); and S.j. Behrman et al. (eds.), Fertility and Family Planning: A World View (1969). See also Independent Commission On International Development Issues, Common Crisis North-South: Cooperation for World Recovery (1983); Council On Environmental Quality (U.S.), The Global 2000 Report to the President: Entering the Twenty-First Century, 3 vol. (1980–81); Abdel R. Omran, The Health Theme in Family Planning (1971); and World Development Report, an annual publication. A great range of continuing discussions and research reports on many aspects of family planning methods may be found in Studies in Family Planning, a quarterly of the Population Council of New York. Religious beliefs M.A.C. Warren et al., The Family in Contemporary Society (1958), the Anglican viewpoint; R.M. Fagley, The Population Explosion and Christian Responsibility (1960), a review of the position of the major religions by a Protestant clergyman; John T. Noonan, Contraception: A History of Its Treatment by the Catholic Theologians and Canonists (1965), the major history of Roman Catholic doctrine; P. Harris et al., On Human Life (1968), an examination of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae; Francis X. Murphy and Joseph F. Erhart, Catholic Perspectives on Population Issues (1975); and International Islamic Conference, Islam and Family Planning, 2 vol. (1974), proceedings of the conference of 1971. Social factors E.A. Wrigley, Population and History (1969); and Helen B. Holmes, Birth Control and Controlling Birth: Women-Centered Perspectives (1980). |
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