

词条 Sefer ha-temuna
Sefer ha-temuna
Hebrew work
(Hebrew: “Book of the Image”), anonymous work in Hebrew that imbues the letters of the Hebrew alphabet with a mystical significance and claims that there are invisible parts of the Torah. The book first appeared in Spain in the 13th century.
The Sefer ha-temuna advances the notion of cosmic cycles (shemiṭṭot), each of which provides an interpretation of the Torah according to a corresponding divine attribute. Its primary treatment is of the first three shemiṭṭot, governed respectively by “grace,” “judgment,” and “mercy.” Each eon, consequently, has its own Torah. Mankind, currently living under “judgment,” reads the Torah as a series of prohibitions and commandments. This relativistic interpretation of the Torah strongly influenced the 17th-century messianic movement in Turkey known as Shabbetaianism by helping to shape its theory that the Torah can be fulfilled only by its seeming annulment.




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