

词条 Serao, Matilde
Serao, Matilde
Italian author
born March 7, 1856, Patras 【now Pátrai】, Greece
died July 25, 1927, Naples, Italy
Greek-born novelist and journalist who was founder and editor of the Neapolitan daily Il giorno.
Born in Greece of a Neapolitan father and a Greek mother, Serao returned to Naples with her family; she studied there and worked in a telegraph office and then on the staff of Naples's Corriere del mattino. In 1882 she moved to Rome, and two years later she married Eduardo Scarfoglio, with whom she founded Corriere di Roma and two other periodicals. Returning to Naples, she separated from her husband and in 1904 founded the influential Il giorno, which she edited until her death.
While pursuing her journalistic career, Serao wrote some 40 very popular novels and a number of short stories dealing with lower-middle-class Neapolitan life. Her best novel was probably Il paese di cuccagna (1890; The Land of Cockayne), a lively story of the Neapolitan passion for the lottery. Her other notable novels are Il romanzo della fanciulla (1886; “A Girl's Romance”) and Suor Giovanna della Croce (1901).




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