

词条 cartel
association of independent firms or individuals for the purpose of exerting some form of restrictive or monopolistic (monopoly and competition) influence on the production or sale of a commodity. The most common arrangements are aimed at regulating prices or output or dividing up markets. Members of a cartel maintain their separate identities and financial independence while engaging in common policies. They have a common interest in exploiting the monopoly position that the combination helps to maintain. Combinations of cartel-like form originated at least as early as the Middle Ages, and some writers claim to have found evidence of cartels even in ancient Greece and Rome.
The main justification usually advanced for the establishment of cartels is for protection from “ruinous” competition, which, it is alleged, causes the entire industry's profits to be too low. Cartelization is said to provide for distributing fair shares of the total market among all competing firms. The most common practices employed by cartels in maintaining and enforcing their industry's monopoly position include the fixing of prices, the allocation of sales quotas or exclusive sales territories and productive activities among members, the guarantee of minimum profit to each member, and agreements on the conditions of sale, rebates, discounts, and terms.
Cartels result in a price to the consumer higher than the competitive price. Cartels may also sustain inefficient firms in an industry and prevent the adoption of cost-saving technological advances that would result in lower prices. Though a cartel tends to establish price stability as long as it lasts, it does not typically last long. The reasons are twofold. First, whereas each member of the cartel would like the other members to keep the agreement, each member is also motivated to break the agreement, usually by cutting its price a little below the cartel's price or by selling a much higher output. Second, even in the unlikely case that the cartel members hold to their agreement, price-cutting by new entrants or by existing firms that are not part of the cartel will undermine the cartel.
In Germany the cartel, often supported and enforced by the government, has been the most common form of monopolistic organization in modern times. German cartels are usually horizontal combinations of producers—firms that turn out competing goods. A strong impetus to form cartels came from German industry's increasing desire to dominate foreign markets in the decade before World War I. Tariff protection kept domestic prices high, enabling the firms to sell abroad at a loss.
International cartel agreements, normally among firms enjoying monopoly positions in their own countries, were first concluded in the period between World Wars I and II. Most such cartels, especially those in which German firms were partners, were dissolved during World War II, but some continued to exist. Later, some steps were taken in the chemical and allied fields to revive some of the old cartel agreements.
One cartel, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (OPEC), has endured as a powerful global entity. Formed in the 1960s, OPEC became very effective in the 1970s, when it almost quadrupled the price of oil. Although the agreements among its members have broken down from time to time, few economists dispute that OPEC remains an effective cartel, as it controls the supply and charges, at times, more than double what economists believe to be the competitive price of oil. Its longevity may stem from the fact that OPEC is a combination of governments rather than corporations.
Additional Reading
Ervin Hexner and Adelaide Walters, International Cartels (1945); George W. Stocking et al., Cartels in Action (1946); Alfred Plummer, International Combines in Modern Industry (1951).




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