

词条 clearinghouse
institution established by firms engaged in similar activities to enable them to offset transactions with one another in order to limit payment settlements to net balances. Clearinghouses play an important role in settling transactions related to banks, railroads, stock and commodity exchanges, and international payments.
Bank clearinghouses are generally voluntary associations of local banks set up for the purpose of simplifying and facilitating the exchange of such items as checks, drafts, bills, and notes, as well as settling balances among banks. They also may serve as a medium for discussion and group action on matters of mutual interest, such as fixing service charges, exchanging credit information, gathering credit data, and regulating advertising.
The first modern bank clearinghouse was established in London in 1773, although the clearinghouse idea had been applied to various forms of trade in such places as Tokyo, Florence, and Lyon many centuries earlier. The first bank clearinghouse in the United States was established in New York in 1853.




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