

词条 sturgeon
any of about 25 species of fishes of the family Acipenseridae (subclass Chondrostei), native to temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Most species live in the sea and ascend rivers (possibly once in several years) to spawn in spring or summer; a few others are confined to fresh water. Several species provide caviar from eggs.
Sturgeons are related to the paddlefish and perhaps to the bichir. They have bony plates (scutes) covering the head and five longitudinal rows of similar plates along the body. The tail fin is heterocercal, the upper lobe being longer than the lower. The toothless mouth, on the underside of the snout, is preceded by four sensitive, tactile barbels that the fish drags over the bottom in search of invertebrates, small fishes, and other food.
Sturgeons are found in greatest abundance in the rivers of southern Russia and Ukraine and in the freshwaters of North America. In early summer they migrate from the sea into rivers or toward the shores of freshwater lakes for breeding purposes. The eggs, or roe, are small, sticky, and numerous. The young grow rapidly until maturity, after which growth continues slowly for several years. Sturgeons may attain great size, with specimens of 2 to 3 m (7 to 10 feet) a common occurrence in some species.
Sturgeons are valued for their flesh, eggs, and swim bladder. Their flesh is sold fresh, pickled, or smoked. caviar (q.v.) consists of the eggs, which are stripped from ripe females who are subsequently released. The inner membrane of the sturgeon's swim bladder is used to make isinglass, a very pure form of gelatin used for various industrial purposes. The largest commercial sturgeon fisheries are in southern Russia, Ukraine, and Iran, though the industry is also carried on in the United States and western Europe. Sturgeons are readily overfished, however, and fishing in some areas is strictly limited.
The common Old World sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) occurs from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean. A very similar, closely related form, considered a separate species (A. oxyrhynchus) by some authorities, occurs along the east coast of North America. The length of these fishes is generally to about 3 m; weight is to about 227 kg (500 pounds).
A. guldenstadtii is one of the most valuable species inhabiting the rivers of Russia and occurs eastward to Lake Baikal. It is about the same size as the common sturgeon and is found particularly in the rivers feeding the Black and Caspian seas. A smaller species, the sterlet (A. ruthenus), inhabits the Black and Caspian seas and is a valuable food fish about 0.9 m long. A. stellatus occurs in the rivers of the Black and Caspian seas and of the Sea of Azov. It has a long, pointed snout like the sterlet, and its flesh, caviar, and isinglass are highly valued.
The beluga, or hausen (Huso huso, or Acipenser huso), inhabits the Caspian and Black seas and the Sea of Azov. A large sturgeon, it reaches a length of 7.5 m and a weight of 1,300 kg (2,900 pounds), but its flesh and caviar are less valuable than those of smaller species.
The lake, or rock, sturgeon (A. fulvescens) of North America occurs in the Mississippi River valley, Great Lakes, and Canada and may weigh more than 90 kg (200 pounds). The white, Oregon, or Sacramento sturgeon (A. transmontanus) occurs on the Pacific coast and is the largest of the North American sturgeons, weighing up to 820 kg (1,800 pounds).
The family Acipenseridae also includes the genus Scaphirhynchus, the shovelhead, or shovelnose, sturgeon, with four species distinguished by their long, broad, flat snouts.




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