

词条 adiabatic demagnetization
adiabatic demagnetization
process by which the removal of a magnetic field from certain materials serves to lower their temperature. This procedure, proposed by chemists Peter Debye (Debye, Peter) (1926) and William Francis Giauque (Giauque, William Francis) (independently, 1927), provides a means for cooling (cryogenics) an already cold material (at about 1 K) to a small fraction of 1 K.
The mechanism involves a material in which some aspect of disorder of its constituent particles exists at 4 K or below (liquid helium temperatures). Magnetic dipoles—i.e., atoms that have poles like bar magnets—in a crystal of paramagnetic salt (e.g., gadolinium sulfate, Gd2(SO4)3·8H2O) have this property of disorder in that the spacing of the energy levels of the magnetic dipoles is small compared with the thermal energy. Under these conditions the dipoles occupy these levels equally, corresponding to being randomly oriented in space. When a magnetic field is applied, these levels become separated sharply; i.e., the corresponding energies are widely different, with the lowest levels occupied by dipoles most closely aligned with the applied field. If the magnetic field is applied while the paramagnetic salt is in contact with the liquid helium bath (an isothermal process in which a constant temperature is maintained), many more dipoles will become aligned, with a resultant transfer of thermal energy to the bath. If the magnetic field is decreased after contact with the bath has been removed, no heat can flow back in (an adiabatic process), and the sample will cool. Such cooling corresponds to the dipoles remaining trapped in the lower energy states (i.e., aligned). Temperatures from 0.3 K to as low as 0.0015 K can be reached in this way.
Much lower temperatures can be attained by an analogous means called adiabatic nuclear demagnetization. This process relies on ordering (aligning) nuclear dipoles (arising from nuclear spins), which are at least 1,000 times smaller than those of atoms. With this process, temperatures of the ordered nuclei as low as 16 microdegrees (0.000016 degree) absolute have been reached.




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