

词条 Z particle
Z particle
subatomic particle
massive electrically neutral carrier particle of the weak force that acts upon all known subatomic particles (subatomic particle). It is the neutral partner of the electrically charged W particle. The Z particle has a mass of 91.19 gigaelectron volts (GeV; 109 eV), nearly 100 times that of the proton. The W is slightly lighter, with a mass of 80.4 GeV. Both particles are very short-lived, having lifetimes of only about 10−25 second. According to the standard model of particle physics (physics), the W and Z particles are the gauge bosons (boson) that mediate the weak force responsible for some types of radioactive decay (radioactivity) and for the decay of other unstable, short-lived subatomic particles.
The concept that the weak force is transmitted by intermediary messenger particles arose in the 1930s, following the successful description of the electromagnetic force (electromagnetism) in terms of the emission and absorption of photons (photon). For the next 30 years or so, it appeared that only charged weak messengers were necessary to account for all observed weak interactions. However, in the 1960s attempts to produce a gauge-invariant theory of the weak force—i.e., a theory that is symmetrical with respect to transformations in space and time—suggested unifying weak and electromagnetic interactions. The resulting electroweak theory required two neutral particles, one of which could be identified with the photon and the other as a new carrier for the weak force, called the Z.
The first evidence for the Z particle came in 1973 in particle-accelerator (particle accelerator) experiments at the European Organization for Nuclear Research ( CERN). Experiments revealed the existence of “neutral current” interactions between neutrinos (neutrino) and electrons (electron) or nuclei in which no transfer of electric charge occurs. Such reactions could be explained only in terms of the exchange of a neutral Z particle.
Z particles and W particles were later observed more directly in 1983 in higher-energy proton- antiproton collision experiments at CERN. The CERN physicist Carlo Rubbia (Rubbia, Carlo) and engineer Simon van der Meer (Meer, Simon van der) received the 1984 Nobel Prize for Physics for their role in the discovery of the Z and W particles. Since that time the Large Electron-Positron (LEP) collider at CERN has been used to produce thousands of Z particles by colliding electrons and positrons (positron) at total energies of about 92 GeV. Studies of the decay of the Z particles produced in this way reveal what is known as the “width” of the Z, or the intrinsic variation in its mass. This width is related to the particle's lifetime through the uncertainty principle, which states that the shorter the lifetime of a quantum state, the greater the uncertainty in its energy or, equivalently, its mass. The width of the Z particle thus gives a measure of its lifetime and thereby reflects the number of ways in which the particle can decay, since the greater the number of ways it can decay, the shorter its life. In particular, measurements at CERN show that when the Z decays to neutrino-antineutrino pairs, it produces three and only three types of lightweight neutrino. This measurement is of fundamental importance because it indicates that there are only three sets each of leptons (lepton) and quarks (quark), the basic building blocks of matter.
Christine Sutton




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