

词条 homopteran
insect order
any of more than 32,000 species of sucking insects, the members of which exhibit considerable diversity in body size. All of the Homoptera are plant feeders, with mouthparts adapted for sucking plant sap from a wide assortment of trees and wild and cultivated plants. Many homopterans cause injuries or destruction to plants, including fruit trees and grain crops, and can be vectors of plant diseases. A few provide secretions or other products that are beneficial and have commercial value. Most members of the Homoptera fall into one of two large groups; the Auchenorrhyncha, which consists of the cicadas (cicada), treehoppers (treehopper), froghoppers (froghopper) or spittlebugs, leafhoppers (leafhopper), and planthoppers or fulgorids (plant hopper); and the Sternorrhyncha, which includes aphids (aphid) or plant lice, phylloxerans, coccids, scales (scale insect), whiteflies (whitefly), and mealybugs (mealybug).
General features
Size range
Most homopterans range from 4 to 12 mm (1/6 to 1/2 inch) in length. There are certain species of cicadas in Borneo and Java, however, that are 8 cm (3.1 inches) long with wingspreads of 20 cm (7.9 inches). The large fulgorid or lanternfly can attain this size also. On the other hand, some of the tiniest scale insects are only 0.5 mm (0.02 inch) in length.
Distribution and abundance
Although Homoptera species are distributed throughout the world, the relative numbers of individual species vary in a given locale. Only one cicadid species is known in Great Britain, and fewer than 12 in all of Europe. However, more than 200 cicadid species are known in North America, and about 180 in Australia.
The abundance of any species in a given environment depends upon the biotic potential of the insect, the abundance of the food plant, and other factors favourable for development of large populations. Certain species never reproduce in excessive numbers, while others, considered pests, produce many offspring. Insect species that feed on available crops or other plants present in quantities sufficient to support them normally develop large populations; for example, the oyster shell scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi) on fruit trees and ornamentals; the greenbug (Toxoptera graminum) on wheat; and the potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) on potatoes, beans, and alfalfa. Grape leafhoppers (Erythroneura) frequently develop large populations that result in heavy plant losses.
Homopterans, because all species feed on sap sucked from plants, often cause injuries or destruction to the plants that nourish them. When such plants are cultivated crops (e.g., grains or fruit trees) or valued ornamentals, the economic loss resulting from infestations is severe. In addition, some homopteran species act as vectors of virus- and bacteria-caused diseases of their plant hosts. The check exerted upon insect pests by other insects is an important mechanism of natural control of populations. Predacious insects feed on small, weak species; parasitic insects live on or in a host and feed at its expense. Aphids, for example, are parasitized principally by members of the Hymenoptera; two important aphid predators are ladybird beetles and lacewings. Pests also may be controlled by chemical and biological methods (e.g., development of resistant plants, as with European grapevines).
The homopterans are responsible for injuring numerous plants of economic importance. Cicadas or dogday harvestflies, sometimes mistakenly called locusts, are well-known pests that have an annual life cycle. They are characterized by their large size and the strident song of the male. Periodical cicadas emerge every 13 or 17 years in large numbers, swarm in trees, mate, and lay eggs in green twigs. Permanent damage to fruit (fruit farming) twigs is caused by the egg deposition slits; when the weakened twigs mature into fruit-bearing limbs, they break under the weight of the fruit, and the crop is lost. Failures of this sort can be avoided by not planting young fruit trees in years of cicada emergence.
Leafhoppers cause various types of plant injury by interfering with the normal physiology of the plant. The salivary secretion of the potato leafhopper, for example, causes leaf cell hypertrophy that impairs transport of sugars. The resulting sugar accumulation in the leaves destroys chlorophyll and causes the leaves to turn brown and die. This injury, termed “hopper burn,” can result in complete loss of a potato crop if not controlled. Another type of injury is caused by leafhoppers that feed upon plant mesophyll tissue. In addition to removing excessive amounts of sap, these insects also destroy the plant's chlorophyll, resulting in yellow spots on the leaves, which eventually turn yellow or brown. Erythroneura, Typhlocyba, and Empoasca species cause this injury to apple trees and grapevines. Grape leafhoppers reduce growth and foliage function and cause formation of grapes that are inferior in size, colour, flavour, and sugar content. Plants also are injured when insects lay eggs in green twigs. The egg punctures of several leafhoppers and treehoppers reduce the flexibility of plant limbs. Plant stunting and severe curling of leaves occur when the leafhopper Empoasca fabae punctures the undersurfaces of leaves and veins of bush beans and inhibits growth. This leafhopper also feeds on alfalfa and causes leaves to turn yellow and drop off. In the same way, aphids and mealybugs cause leaf curling on potatoes and many ornamental plants, and the potato psyllid feeds on potato leaves and causes curling and yellowing known as “potato yellows.”
The froghoppers, often called spittlebugs because immature stages live in spittle-like masses, feed on a variety of plants. One important species, Philaenus leucophthalmus, a meadow insect that feeds extensively upon clover and alfalfa, causes severe stunting that can result in loss of up to 50 percent of a crop. Scale insects, unless parasitized, produce enormous populations on green twigs, young limbs, leaves, and fruit; when tree bark or shrubs become encrusted with one or more layers of scales, the entire plant often dies. Damage is caused to apples (apple) by the rosy apple aphid. Females of the third seasonal generation remain on the apple leaves until after small apples have formed. Many aphids crawl onto these tiny apples and puncture them causing dimpling of the fruit and normal incision of tiny apples. The cluster of apples, known as aphid apples, are small and gnarled.
More than 100 species of leafhoppers are known organisms causing plant diseases. Some important plant disease viruses transmitted by leafhoppers are aster yellows (transmitted by Macrosteles fascifrons); potato yellow dwarf (several species of Aceratagallia and Agallopsis); and phony peach disease and Pierce's disease of grape (species of Cuerna, Homalodisca, and Oncometopia). Corn stunt is transmitted by species of Dalbulus; curly top of sugar beet by Circulifer tenellus; eastern and western x-disease by species of Colladonus; and elm phloem necrosis by Scaphoideus luteolus. One species of spittlebug is a vector for a yellow virus of peaches. Aphids are vectors for several virus mosaic disease organisms. A membracid species transmits the virus that causes pseudocurly top of tomato and tobacco, and two species of fulgorids are vectors of virus disease organisms of rice. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci transmits the virus that causes tobacco leaf curl, and species of mealybugs are vectors of the virus that causes pineapple wilt. The bacteria that cause fire blight disease on pear, apple, and quince trees are transmitted by several types of insects including leafhoppers. The bacterial pathogen, Neofabraea perennans, that causes perennial canker of apple is transmitted by the woolly apple aphid.
Because homopterans suck more sap from plants than they need, the surplus is excreted from the tip of the abdomen as sweet droplets known as honeydew. If the insect is feeding on apple foliage and honeydew falls on apples, a sooty fungus (sooty mold) grows in each droplet. The apples become black spotted and are no longer marketable. Many other homopterans also produce honeydew, with sooty mold growing on whatever the honeydew lands on.
Of great economic importance are insects that secrete lac on twigs in tropical and subtropical regions. The lac is refined and used in preparing shellac and varnishes (varnish). More than 4,000,000 pounds of lac are refined annually. Other waxes (wax) secreted by aphids and scale insects are used in candlemaking, medicines, and candies.
Although few homopterans produce food for man, the tamarisk manna scale, Trabutina mannipara, is thought to have produced the biblical manna for the children of Israel. The females produce large quantities of honeydew that solidify in thick layers on plant leaves in arid regions. This sugarlike material, still collected by natives of Arabia and Iraq, is considered a great delicacy. The term manna often refers to plant products also. Certain species of scale insects produce a gum that was used as chewing gum by tribes of North American Indians. Female root-inhabiting scale insects (species of Margarodes) enclose their bodies in gold and bronze coloured wax cysts that are used in strings of beads. Certain colour patterns and designs of the forewings of tropical species of leafhoppers and planthoppers have been used in artwork by various peoples. For many generations the Mexican Indians have used a black, white, and red colour design in their art. The design is that of the forewings of a brilliantly coloured Agrosoma leafhopper, found on bushes along streams.
The scales of several species of scale insects, including the Old World kermes and New World cochineal, have been used to produce red dyes for clothing, foods, and medicines and in emulsions to colour film.
Natural history
Life cycle
Generally, homopterans are bisexual, with mating occurring prior to the production of eggs. However, individual life cycles vary in length and complexity. Metamorphosis is simple or gradual, with immature stages resembling adults except that the latter usually have wings. The life cycles of most homopterans are short. A typical example is the common meadow spittlebug, Philaenus leucophthalmus, which has one generation a year. Eggs are laid in late summer on stems or sheaths of host plants and hatch the following spring. Over the next 4 to 6 weeks, the larvae develop into adults and begin producing eggs that will overwinter.
Periodical cicada
The life cycle of three species of periodical cicadas is the longest known for insects, lasting 17 years. In the temperate zone enormous numbers of orange-winged adults emerge in spring, when male “singing” to attract females for mating can be extremely loud. After mating, using her strong ovipositor, the female cuts deeply into green twigs and through the harder wood of deciduous trees where she inserts 12 to 14 eggs through drilled slots into each of two chambers separated by a thin partition of wood. The female drills slots until she has deposited a total of 400 to 600 eggs. Injury to these trees can be severe, with branches usually dying beyond the point of egg insertion. Although eggs may be deposited in some 75 different kinds of trees or shrubs, the females prefer hickory, oak, apple, peach, pear, and grape.
The eggs hatch after two to six weeks, and the young drop or crawl to the ground, enter the soil using their large digging claws, and begin a subterranean life, feeding on suitable tree and shrub roots for 16 years (periodical cicada). The young feed at depths of 5 to 61 cm (2 to 24 inches), depending on soil conditions. The periodical cicadas that live in central areas of the United States have a 17-year cycle, but three southern species complete their development in 13 years. Since enormous numbers of nymphs feed on tree roots, many trees would die if the metabolic rate of the insect were not low. However, sap is taken from roots very slowly over a period of several years, and most trees survive. Although nymphs are almost full grown in eight years, they continue to feed and develop until the 13th or 17th year when mature nymphs emerge from the soil, climb any convenient tree or post, and attach themselves firmly. The dorsal line of the integument splits, and the adults emerge slowly through this opening. Adults live only a few weeks. Broods of both the 17- and 13-year cicadas have been studied. The largest and most widespread brood of the 17-year form occurs in abundance over much of the northeastern quarter of the United States. “Harvest flies,” common black and green species, appear cyclically every two to five years, emerging in summer after having fed as immature nymphs on tree roots. Annual species that only require one year for nymphs to develop into adults also occur in many areas of the world.
Many leafhoppers (e.g., Empoasca maligna, Gyponana mali) have cycles that involve passing the winter as eggs inserted in apple twigs. Other leafhoppers, however, such as Empoasca recurvata and Erythroneura, hibernate as adults during the winter. The sugarbeet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus, winters as an adult in desert areas and produces an early spring generation on desert plants. As desert plants become unfavourable for feeding, the leafhoppers migrate to available cultivated plants where from one to four summer generations are produced. When the crop is harvested or the plants become unfavourable for feeding, the leafhoppers return to desert plants. Although definite alternation of desert and cultivated host plants occurs in this life cycle, no specific plant serves as a primary or secondary host. Plant selection by migrating leafhoppers is determined largely by the amount of rainfall and succulence of both wild and cultivated plants. While most species have one generation a year, a few have two or three. The life cycle of planthoppers and fulgorids is similar to that of leafhoppers, while the pear psylla, Psylla pyricola, hibernates as an adult and can produce four generations of nymphs.
The whiteflies, common on citrus trees and in greenhouse plants, do not survive winter out of doors in the North but produce several generations a year in the South. The metamorphosis of whiteflies varies from the typical gradual form. In the first instar (interval between molts) the young are active, wingless forms and are usually called larvae. During three subsequent instars, the immature insects become sessile and scalelike and are called nymphs. During these three instars, internal wing development occurs. The molt from last larval instar to pupa occurs inside the last larval skin, which forms a puparium. At this point, whitefly metamorphosis is essentially complete.
The aphids or plant lice, soft-bodied insects that develop large populations, have several types of complex life cycles. Generally aphids overwinter in the egg stage on twigs or plant buds, usually designated as the primary host. In the spring the eggs hatch into females that reproduce parthenogenetically, giving birth to living young. Several generations may be produced during the season in this way. Early generations are usually wingless, but by the third generation winged individuals appear. In many species these winged forms migrate to a secondary host plant, usually an annual plant, and the same type of asexual reproductive process continues. In the latter part of the season, winged aphids of both sexes appear and migrate back to the primary host where mating occurs, and the females lay the overwintering eggs. There are two distinctive characteristics in the aphid life cycle: first, seasonal alternation of food plants involving a primary host (typically a perennial) during the winter and a secondary host (an annual) during the summer; second, there is alternation between sexual and asexual cycles, with eggs resulting from sexual mating and living young, usually females, being produced asexually.
Scale insects
The scale insects also have modified life cycles. For example, the oyster shell scale, Lepidosaphes ulmi, typically passes the winter as an egg beneath a secreted scale covering, whereas the San José scale Aspidiotus perniciosus produces living young. In either case newborn young, called crawlers, leave the scale covering to search for food. After a few days they molt, losing their legs, antennae, and anal spines, and retaining poorly developed eyes. They secrete a hard scale about their soft bodies, insert their mouthparts into a plant, and remain sessile. As the females mature, they increase in size, enlarging the scale covering periodically, but do not change form or develop wings.
Young males also have a crawler stage but become sessile and inactive after the second molt, passing through a more complete metamorphosis beneath the scale covering. The last preadult instar has two external wings and is called the pupa. Adult males have two wings and two small knobs or halteres where the second pair of wings would normally develop. Some males have three pairs of eyes. Adult males seek out wingless females, concealed beneath the scale covering, and mate with them. As many as three males may mate simultaneously with one female.
Reproduction and growth
Reproduction is bisexual among the homopterans, although asexual reproduction occurs in the aphids, in a few primitive leafhoppers, and possibly in species whose life cycles are not known in detail. An unusual situation occurs in the normally hermaphroditic cottony cushion scale Icerya purchasi, in which both male and female sexual organs are present in one individual and the eggs of any individual may be fertilized by its own sperm.
In the Auchenorrhyncha, eggs are laid by the female, who uses an egg-laying structure, the ovipositor, to insert eggs into plant tissue. In the Sternorrhyncha (e.g., aphids) the female places her eggs on the surface of the plant. The eggs of scale insects are retained in the body of the female or remain under the scale covering if separated from the female. In mealybugs and certain “cottony” scales, eggs are extruded from the body and remain in a mass enclosed by waxy plates or shreds. In most homopterans, each female produces a few hundred eggs. Exceptions occur in some scale insects (e.g., cottony maple scale) where a female may lay 5,000 eggs.
Growth is gradual and is accompanied by periodic molting. The nymphal stages, or instars, between egg and adult usually number five in leafhoppers and related species. Wings, if present, develop when the fifth instar molts and the adult emerges.
Sexual dimorphism occurs in most groups of Homoptera, with males and females often coloured differently. For example, the male leafhopper Arundanus nacreosus, a species common on cane, is orange, and the female is milk white. Size and form also vary between males and females. The male marsh leafhopper Hecalus lineatus is not only a different colour than the female but also only half as long. In treehoppers the pronotum (the dorsal sclerite of the prothorax) often is so different in shape and size between the two sexes that they appear to be two species. Examples of this are Umbonia crassicornis and Philya inflata. Among scale insects most females lack wings, legs, and antennae, while males have all three; males and females are so diverse in appearance that previous knowledge is necessary to associate two sexes of the same species. Most homopterans lack defense mechanisms, however, one scale insect, Phenacoccus echeveria, extrudes a honeydew-like material from the posterior ostioles as a defense mechanism.
Every insect lives in a habitat defined by specific physical, chemical, and biological conditions. If these conditions are changed sufficiently, the insect cannot survive and will either migrate to available acceptable conditions or perish. Temperature and humidity are important climatic factors in determining geographical regions and local habitats of specific homopterans. The distribution of homopterans is influenced also by conditions that favour distribution of host plants.
Plant distribution is determined largely by rainfall-evaporation ratios; insects with specific host relationships occur in the same regions where the plants are found. Other climatic factors may limit the insect to a smaller range within the host plant range; for example, selection of food plants by the desert species of sugar-beet leafhopper depends on the abundance of rainfall during one season. Host plants of a given species may be closely related, as legumes on which eggs are deposited and adults live; or the life cycle may be divided between alternate unrelated host plants. The fact that most species are specific in their plant relationships determines habitats such as swamp, marsh, bog, meadow, prairie, desert, deciduous or coniferous forest. Certain species occur only on sagebrush or rabbit brush in the desert, on blueberry bushes in a bog, on white oak in a deciduous forest, or on white pine in a coniferous forest.
Moisture or humidity relationships also affect the habitats of homopterans. The eggs of most auchenorrhynchans are deposited in tender plant stems or in the undersides of leaf ribs or veins. Thus, the incubation period is passed in saturated humidity. After hatching, the nymphs feed on the undersurface of the leaf and remain in high relative humidity since most of the stomata, through which transpiration occurs, are on the undersurface. A reduction in relative humidity due to reduced transpiration can destroy large field populations. Certain leafhopper and fulgorid species, although they are not adapted for aquatic life, can live on plants and produce normal populations under conditions of periodic tidal submergence, even in cold waters.
Formation of galls (gall)
Insect galls, abnormal growths of plant tissue, are caused usually by the mechanical or chemical stimulus of egg laying in plant tissue and by subsequent activities of the hatching young. The young usually live and feed inside the gall and complete their development before emerging. Some 60 species of homopterans, including aphids, psyllids, and coccids, cause plant galls, although aphids are responsible for a majority of them. Galls frequently seen on foliage include aphid leaf galls, caused by the grape phylloxera Phylloxera vitifoliae; the leaf petiole gall of poplar, caused by the aphid Pemphigus populitransversus; and the elm cockscomb gall on elm leaves, caused by the aphid Colopha ulmicola. Different species cause the formation of different types of plant galls.
Associations with other insects
There are insects that attack homopterans as predators or parasites (parasitism) or use them to provision their nests. Colonies of aphids and scale insects are prey for several kinds of ladybird beetles. Female beetles lay their eggs on leaves or twigs where aphids are feeding. When the beetle eggs hatch, the larvae feed upon the homopterans in the colony using chewing mandibles. One larva of Hippodamia convergens can consume 300 aphids in a two week developmental period, while the adult female devours several thousand aphids in her three month life. Certain species of flower flies or syrphids also commonly lay their eggs on leaves or twigs where colonies of aphids are feeding. The hatching larvae thrust their piercing mouth structures into the bodies of the aphids and devour them by extracting visceral and body fluids. Another predator is the aphidlion, or lacewing larva, a chrysopid with mandibles like the ladybird larva. However, instead of chewing the aphids, the aphidlion larva inserts its mandibles into the body of the aphid and sucks fluids through a channel or groove on the inside of its mandible. Green winged adult aphidlions lay eggs in aphid colonies, placing them on stalks, so that when the young larvae hatch, there is an adequate food supply nearby. Most larvae of the chamaemyiids (i.e., aphidflies) feed on aphids, scale insects, and mealybugs. The larvae of Drosophila known as pomace flies, are predacious on mealybugs and other small Homoptera, and the larvae of a few gall midges (i.e., cecidomyiids) prey on aphids and scale insects. Certain Diptera have parasitic larvae that feed on the internal tissues of homopterans including certain scale insects, leafhoppers, and planthoppers. Some moth larvae are parasites of fulgorids, while other larvae are internal parasites of female gall-like coccids of the genus Kermes.
Among the Hymenoptera, certain wasps are parasites of planthoppers, leafhoppers, and treehoppers. The larvae of dryinid wasps develop internally in the host although part of the body of the larva protrudes from the body of the host, forming a saclike structure between the abdominal and thoracic segments. Most encyrtid wasps (wasp) are parasites of aphids, scale insects, and whiteflies. The female eulophid wasp develops as a parasite of scale insects, while the male, developing as a hyperparasite, attacks parasites of the scale insects (often females of its own species). The thamid wasps have habits similar to those of the eulophids in that both parasitize scale insects and whiteflies or are hyperparasites of chalcid wasps that parasitize homopterans.
Another interesting insect association concerns the sand wasps (sand wasp). They paralyze homopterans by stinging them, then store them in burrows, lay eggs, and rear young using the homopterans as food. Best known of these is the large cicada-killer wasp (Sphecius speciosus). The female digs a burrow in well drained soil, stings a cicada until it ceases to struggle, places it in the bottom of the burrow, lays her eggs on the cicada, covers the burrow, and dies. The larvae develop on the cicada, remain in the burrow until the following spring or summer, and emerge as adult wasps. Other wasps also burrow in the soil and provision their burrows with one or more kinds of Homoptera, particularly leafhoppers, planthoppers, or treehoppers. Aphid wasps use the same method of provisioning their nests, while squareheaded wasps usually use leafhoppers of one species to provision burrows in decomposed wood.
Many species of adult and young aphids are subterranean and feed on the roots of plants. In some species the alternate food plant is no longer used, and the aphids no longer develop wings. Some entire colonies spend years below the surface of the soil; other species spend most of each year underground; and a few species appear above ground, locate a new host plant, and immediately seek roots. The woolly aphid can live indefinitely on the roots of apple trees but can exist only part of the year on elm, the alternate host. The strawberry root louse has a sexual cycle in which eggs are laid, but these aphids are dependent upon ants for survival. The ants not only care for the eggs in their nests but they also carry the young aphids from plant to plant. In some subterranean aphids the sexual cycle, and with it the egg-laying stage, has disappeared entirely. Subterranean aphids have no predators and few parasites. Other root feeders are young cicadas, certain young cercopids, some cixiid nymphs of the fulgorids, and immature stages of a few leafhoppers.
Form and function
External features
Polymorphism is marked in several groups of Homoptera. The Cicadidae are similar in form but vary in size and coloration. The Cercopidae include different types, with the small Clastoptera being short, ovate, and froglike in appearance and called froghoppers and the Philaenus being more elongated and often called spittlebugs. The Membracidae, or treehoppers, have an enlarged prothorax that often covers the head, thorax, and abdomen. It may protrude forward resembling a coarse spine, project anteriorly at the sides resembling a pair of pointed horns, or produce a large keeled hump above the abdomen. The most curiously shaped treehoppers, in which the prothorax develops into chitinous adornments and processes, are found in tropical American countries.
The bodies of the Cicadellidae, or leafhoppers, are dorso-ventrally flattened or cylindrical, with the head varying in shape and size from short, broad, and rounded to long, thin, and bladelike. The head size and structure of fulgorid genera vary. Species of Scolops have a long, slender, anterior projection of the head that resembles a beak or snout, with the true mouth structures beneath the head. In the genus Apache the head is flattened laterally and projects as a vertical thin leaflike structure, while in Cyrpoptus the head, flattened dorso-ventrally, is horizontal. Dimorphism in the Aleyrodidae or whiteflies occurs only when inactive and sessile immature stages succeeding the first instar pass through a quiescent stage (a pupa) that has no resemblance to the winged (wing) adult.
Typically aphids have both winged and wingless adults. Some species (“woolly” plant lice) have waxy plates or fibres over their bodies. Most aphids, however, do not secrete waxy materials. Some aphids are root feeders, some are gall formers, but most are leaf and stem feeders. Polymorphism can result from host-induced variation. For example, progeny of a European fruit Lecanium female develop into morphologically different insects depending on the host plant. Generally, homopteran body form is similar to that of other insects. It consists of head, thorax, and abdomen, all covered with a chitinous exoskeleton.
The head is usually fitted with a pair of large compound eyes (eye, human), but in certain male scale insects three pairs of eyes are present. Simple eyes or ocelli usually occur on the head and probably function as organs of light perception. Cicadas normally have three, while other homopterans have two or none. Vision is variable among the homopterans. Reactions to visual stimuli are greatest in leafhoppers, spittlebugs, planthoppers, treehoppers, and jumping plant lice. These reactions are slower in cicadas, much slower in aphids, and practically nonexistent in scale insects and mealybugs. Leafhoppers as well as some spittlebugs, planthoppers, and tropical cicadas are attracted to lights at night. Members of other groups seldom respond to light.
A pair of antennae, arising below and between the eyes, are usually short and bristlelike, varying in length throughout the group. They are probably the most important sensory structures and are of taxonomic significance in species identification of aphids. Mouth structures of homopterans arise at the back of the head. The beak (or proboscis), elongate and segmented, is composed of a sheathlike labium that encloses four piercing stylets, two mandibles, and two maxillae. The stylets alone enter the plant tissue, with the mandibles doing the piercing, while the two inner stylets, the maxillae, fit together to form a sucking tube composed of two channels, one for conducting food and the other for saliva. In the Auchenorrhyncha the beak arises at the back of the head, while in the Sternorrhyncha it appears to arise between the front coxae. This difference has taxonomic significance.
Each segment of the thorax bears a pair of legs. In the cicadellids, fulgorids, cercopids, membracids, and psyllids, the hindfemurs are enlarged and adapted for jumping, whereas in the other groups the femurs are normal in size. The type and arrangement of spines on the femur are of taxonomic importance in separating certain families. The mesothorax and metathorax both bear a pair of wings in the adult stage. The wings are usually of the same texture and may be either membranous or thickened. Adult female scale insects and most female aphids lack wings. Male scale insects have one pair of wings on the mesothorax; wing rudiments, called halteres, are found on the metathorax. The first pair of wings are hyaline, opaque, pigmented with various colours, or covered with waxy secretions in the form of powder, shreds, or plates. The second pair of wings are always membranous.
The abdomen, typically 11-segmented, appears to have only 7 or 8 segments because the last few segments are modified as specialized genital structures. Genital segments 8 and 9 bear structures associated with external openings of genital ducts. In the male these structures are modified for copulation and transfer of sperm to the female, whereas in the female they are modified for oviposition. Although external genital structures, these are usually enclosed in a genital chamber. The female genitalia in the Auchenorrhyncha consists of an ovipositor, formed by the appendages (gonopods) of segments 8 and 9. The ovipositor, a pair of basal plates and three pairs of elongate bladelike structures, generally is used to pierce or drill slots in plant tissue for oviposition. The variable external genitalia (reproductive system, animal) of the male, often complex, are frequently of considerable taxonomic value. In the Auchenorrhyncha they are contained in a genital chamber consisting of portions of the ninth segment. The genitalia consist of the styles and the aedeagus, equipped with a gonopore through which sperm are discharged during mating. When the male mates, the aedeagus and styles are exposed directly to the base of the female ovipositor, where the sperm are transferred.
Internal features
In general the internal organs and systems are similar to those of other insects. Although the respiratory systems of homopterans and heteropterans are adapted for terrestrial life, certain species of both groups can live on submerged plants. The circulatory system is open, and blood circulates freely in the body cavity. The nervous system is composed of a ventral nerve cord with ganglionic masses for almost every segment.
The alimentary system is composed of three major parts, the foregut or stomodaeum, the midgut or mesenteron, and the hindgut or proctodaeum. The structure and function of the alimentary canal differ from other insects because homopterans feed entirely upon plant sap and ingest large amounts of it. Little absorption of food can take place in the foregut. The midgut, where digestion and absorption occur, is lined with epithelial cells that produce enzymes and absorb food after digestion. The residue passes into the ileum (small intestine) where, together with the waste products from the malpighian tubules, it passes to the colon for excretion.
Physiology and biochemistry
Plant sap contains a large quantity of water, and in order to extract sufficient nutrients to survive, a large quantity of sap must be ingested. The alimentary tract has a modification referred to as the filter chamber that allows nutrients to be concentrated in the midgut and small intestine as excess water (containing some sugar and waste materials) to bypass the midgut and small intestine and be exuded from the rectum as honeydew. It attracts ants (ant) and other hymenopteran and dipteran insects that feed on sweet nutrients.
Aphids are often called ant's cows. One well-known association is the corn root aphid and the corn field ant. The ants collect eggs in autumn, carry them to their nests, maintain the eggs through the winter, and place the young aphids on the roots of small weeds and grasses in the spring. As soon as newly planted corn seeds germinate, the ants place the aphids on corn roots and obtain honeydew by stroking the aphids with their antennae. The aphids are almost totally dependent upon the ants and are almost helpless in finding their preferred host, the roots of corn plants, without assistance. In a similar manner virgin female Acropyga ants carry in their mandibles on their nuptial flight a fertilized female mealybug as a source of honeydew for the new nest.
Exuded from the alimentary tract by nymphs of the Cercopidae (i.e., spittlebugs) are spittle masses commonly found on stems of meadow plants. The spittle fluid is voided from the anus after it has been mixed with a mucilaginous substance excreted by epidermal glands of the seventh and eighth abdominal segments. Air bubbles are introduced into the spittle by means of the caudal appendages of the nymph. Immature spittlebugs rest head downward on the plant as spittle is voided. The spittle covers the nymph and is not easily dislodged, even by heavy rains. Adults do not produce spittle.
Glandular secretions
wax, produced by numerous wax glands and secreted by cornicles on the abdomen, is secreted by many aphids and scale insects. Mealybugs, whiteflies, woolly aphids, and cottony scales are named for white wax on their bodies or wings. Probably the best known wax producers are males of the Chinese wax scale Ericerus pe-la that secrete large amounts of pure white wax useful in making candles. The Indian wax scale Ceroplastes ceriferus secretes a wax that is used for medicinal purposes.
There are several lac insects, some of which secrete highly pigmented wax. The Indian lac insect Laccifer lacca is important commercially. It is found in tropical or subtropical regions on banyan and other plants. The females are globular in form and live on twigs in cells of resin created by exudations of lac. Sometimes twigs become coated to a thickness of 1.3 to 3.4 cm (0.5 to 1.3 inches). To harvest these, the twigs are cut and the lac is melted off, refined, and used in shellac and varnishes.
A group of small scale insects that typically live on desert cacti and resemble mealybugs are known as cochineal insects. Dactylopius coccus is the source of a natural crimson or scarlet dye called cochineal dye, originally used by the Indians of Mexico. Mature females are brushed from the cacti and dried and the pigments extracted from the dried bodies. The Spanish used these dyes as early as 1518, and they were exported to Europe until they were replaced by aniline dyes about 1870. The crimson colour of cochineal dye is attributed to cochinealin or carminic acid.
sound production
At one time it was thought that the familiar call of male cicadas was the only sound produced by homopterans. It is now known, however, that sound production is common among other Auchenorrhyncha (leafhoppers, treehoppers, planthoppers, and spittlebugs) although their songs cannot be detected by the human ear unless amplified. Sound has been observed also in a few aphids and in one psyllid (both Sternorrhyncha).
The auchenorrhynchan Homoptera have evolved the most complex insect sound-producing mechanism known, the timbal organ. A pair of timbals, circular membranes supported by heavy chitinous rings, occur on the dorsolateral surface of the first abdominal segment. Contraction of a large timbal muscle attached to the membrane causes distortion of the timbal, producing a sharp click or pulse. The timbal springs back by its own elasticity when the muscle is relaxed. If the rates of muscle contraction and relaxation are rapid, the sound seems continuous to the human ear. The frequency of contractions of the timbal muscles range from 120 to 480 per second. Associated with timbal organs in cicadas are large chambers that open to the exterior and have resonant frequencies comparable to timbal vibration frequencies.
Although the timbal organ is similar in all species studied, the songs they produce are variable. This variation is caused by actions of the tensor muscles that control pulse repetition frequency and sound intensity. In addition, abdominal movements control expansion and contraction of the air sacs and the consequent resonance frequency. With the exception of stout tibial hairs, which are scraped over ridges on the abdomen of some aphids (Toxoptera coffeae) to produce rhythmic and synchronous scraping sounds, the timbal is the only evolved sound-producing mechanism in the Homoptera.
Each cicada species has a characteristic song that is often useful in identification. The analysis of periodical cicada songs has been the basis for morphological separation and determination of geographical range for several 13- and 17-year species. Thirteen-year species sometimes occupy parts of the same geographical areas as 17-year species. The primary song in all cicadas is produced by the male as a mating or pair-forming (aggregating) call. Female cicadas have no sound-producing organs. Males are attracted to calls of other males and stimulate each other to sing in chorus. Male cicadas also can be stimulated to sing in the presence of tape recordings of songs of their species. Courtship songs or signals occur after pair formation or aggregating calls. Courtship interruption calls occur also for pair reforming. Calls produced when the insect is attacked, trapped, or in “distress” have been observed and are known as “dying yells.”
Sound-producing organs occur in males of some cercopids, membracids, fulgorids, and cicadellids and in females of certain cicadellids. In Doratura both sexes have well developed sound-producing organs. The female of Paropia has a striated timbal that is poorly developed in the male. The sound-producing organ in the female is probably a primitive condition. Unlike cicadas, several leafhopper males produce calls in darkness and commonly produce mating calls when females are near. Rivalry calls between males also have been observed, usually accompanied by leg movements (kicks) that are attempts to strike and drive away a rival male.
Evolution and paleontology
Paleontologists do not agree on the exact or relative ages of either the Homoptera or Heteroptera. While some entomologists consider each group a separate insect order, others feel they have a common origin and classify them as suborders of the order Hemiptera. Although characteristics of the earliest Homoptera are not known, it is probable that the Protohomoptera had three tarsal segments, three ocelli, two pairs of wings about equal in size and shape with complete venation, an alimentary tract lacking a filter chamber, and male genitalia fitted with harpogones and subgenital plates.
Based on the primitive nature of the ovipositor, the primitive sucking pump, and simple alimentary canal, the fulgorids are considered to be different from other Auchenorrhyncha and are probably the oldest group. The ovipositor of Scolops pungens is more primitive than that found in many of the Orthoptera. Thus the Fulgoridae are a combination of specialized sucking mouthparts and a primitive ovipositor.
The similarity of the thoracic sterna combined with jumping hind legs places the cicadellids, membracids, and cercopids together and differentiates them from the cicadas, which have different thoracic characters, lack the enlarged hind femurs, and have a third (median) ocellus on the head. The Cercopidae show some relationship to the Cicadidae by having a complete tentorium in which the anterior tentorial arms are connected with the posterior arms. However, they differ in this respect from the Cicadellidae and Membracidae, in which the tentorial structure is reduced. The hind legs of both Cicadellidae and Membracidae bear rows of spines that are absent on the hind legs of Cercopidae. Therefore, although the cicadellids, membracids, and cercopids are related and differ from other Auchenorrhyncha, the Cicadellidae and Membracidae are more closely related to each other than are the Cercopidae to either group. Furthermore, the cicadas and cicadellids, both of which retain different combinations of primitive characteristics, cannot be related through the cercopids, which lack these characteristics entirely. The cicadellids, in their structural and biological diversity, differ from other Homoptera and show a greater array of evolutionary stages in various combinations. Unlike other groups, cicadellids contain groups that stabilized at different evolutionary levels.
The Sternorrhyncha were probably separated from the Auchenorrhyncha as early as the Lower Permian (about 280,000,000 years ago). Although small in size, many fossil psyllids are found in the Upper Permian (about 260,000,000 years ago) strata and onward. If fossil remains have been identified properly, the aleurodids date from the Upper Permian also. They are highly specialized, both biologically and structurally. The aphids exhibit various degrees of polymorphism, such as reduction of female genitalia, although two groups, the Adeligidae and the Phylloxeridae, have retained a true basic ovipositor. A fossil wing of Permaphidopis sojaneusis from the Permian resembles the wing of recent aphids.
Female coccids (scale insects) are wingless and sessile and are unlike the tiny winged males. Although the structural characters that have not been lost provide little information on phylogeny, they do show varying degrees of specialization. Most coccids, for example, have a single tarsal segment, but all species of Xylococinae have two. Male genitalia is a simple tubular, heavily sclerotized organ similar to the genitalia of aleurodids. The Peloridoidea represents a primitive form, probably a Paleozoic relic (about 250,000,000 to 540,000,000 years old). Highly specialized in some respects, it still has some primitive characteristics.
The Fulgoridae were the earliest group differentiated from the base of the Auchenorrhyncha stem. The cicadellids probably were next, apparently in Late Permian or early Triassic (about 250,000,000 years ago). The cercopids probably were derived from this stock, whereas the membracids are a later branch. The cicadas probably arose from the early cicadellid stem but are not found in fossils until the Cretaceous (about 145,000,000 to 65,000,000 years ago). If fossil forms have been properly placed, cicadellids and cicadas differentiated no later than the Permian, and the cercopids and fulgorids have an even earlier origin. In the Sternorrhyncha, the psyllids are probably the earliest group to be differentiated and are known from abundant fossils in the Late Permian. The aleurodids also apparently arose in the Late Permian, whereas aphids date back to the Late Triassic (about 200,000,000 years ago). The precretaceous fossil, Mesoccus asiatica Bekker-Migdisova, from the Permian seems to place the coccids in this geologic age.
Distinguishing taxonomic features
The beak (mouth parts) and wings are the most distinctive features of homopterans. The beak is fastened rigidly to the head and appears to arise from the ventral margin and consists of two pairs of stylets (mandibles and maxillae) adapted for piercing and sucking. In most homopterans, both pairs of wings are either transparent or slightly thickened, and the front pair have a uniform structure throughout. When at rest, the forewings are held rooflike over the dorsum with a slight overlapping on the inner margin near the tip. The digestive tract is complex, forming a filter chamber in most groups.
The suborders are distinguished by point of origin of the beak, length and appearance of antennae, and number of tarsal segments. Separation of families of the Auchenorrhyncha is based on characters of the ocelli, position of antennae, form of pronotum, and spination of legs. Families of Sternorrhyncha are separated on the basis of number of tarsal segments, structure and venation of wings, and presence or absence of cornicles.
Annotated classification
Order Homoptera
Mostly small (4–12 mm); wings, when present, number two or four; sucking mouthparts; plant feeders; more than 32,000 species; worldwide distribution.
Suborder Coleorrhyncha
Origin of beak at antero-ventral extremity of face; propleura form a sheath for base of beak; hind wings absent; forewings held flat over abdomen when at rest; no flight function; prothorax with paranota; digestive tract lacks filter chamber.
Family Pelorididae
Most primitive Homoptera; Tasmania, New Zealand, South America.
Suborder Auchenorrhyncha
Beak arises at antero-ventral extremity of the face, not sheathed by propleura; antennae with one to three basal segments, with a terminal seta; forewings rooflike when at rest; filter chamber present; all males apparently produce sound.
Family Cicadidae (cicadas)
Also called dog-day harvest-flies, or periodical cicadas; usually large; three ocelli on face; front wings membranous; male with audible sound-producing organs on ventral base of abdomen, non jumping.
Family Membracidae (treehoppers)
Usually less than 12 mm in length; two ocelli; enlarged pronotum extends over head, thorax and all or part of abdomen; jumping hindtibia; wings largely concealed by pronotum.
Family Cercopidae (froghoppers or spittlebugs)
Less than 15 mm in length; two ocelli; jumping hindtibia with one or two stout spines, and circlet of stout spines at apex; hindcoxae short, conical.
Family Cicadellidae (leafhoppers)
Two ocelli or none; variable in size, 2 to 25 mm; jumping hindtibia with two or more rows of spines; hindcoxae transverse.
Family Delphacidae (planthoppers)
Hindtibia with broad movable apical spur; sexes often dimorphic.
Family Derbidae (planthoppers)
Anal area of wing not reticulate; without cross veins; terminal segment of beak not more than 11/2 times as long as wide.
Family Cixiidae (planthoppers)
Head not prolonged in front; carina of head median or absent; tegulae present; claval suture distinct, abdominal terga 6–8, rectangular.
Family Kinnaridae (planthoppers)
Terminal segment of beak at least twice as long as broad; front wings usually not overlapping as apex of clavus; head not prolonged in front; tegulae present; median ocellus usually present; abdominal terga 6–8, chevron shaped.
Family Dictyopharidae (planthoppers)
Head prolonged in front; or frons with two or three carinae or the tegulae absent; claval suture obscure.
Family Fulgoridae (planthoppers)
Second segment of hind tarsus large, apex with row of small spines; anal area of hind wing reticulate with cross veins.
Family Achilidae (planthoppers)
Terminal segment of beak at least twice as long as wide; claval vein extending to apex of clavus; body somewhat flattened; forewings overlapping at apex.
Family Tropiduchidae (planthoppers)
Second segment of hind tarsi with two apical spines, one on each side; apex reduced or conical; front wings longer than abdomen; cross veins between costal margin and apex of clavus.
Family Flatidae (planthoppers)
Costal and/or apical border of wing with numerous cross veins; wings longer than body, in repose held almost vertically at sides of body; clavus with numerous small pustule-like tubercles.
Family Acanaloniidae (planthoppers)
Also called Amphiscepidae; hindtibia without spines except at apex; front wings very broad, costal margin broadly rounded, venation reticulate; wings longer than body, at repose held almost vertically at sides of body.
Family Issidae (planthoppers)
Wings usually shorter than body, if longer than abdomen, usually oval; clavus without numerous small pustule-like tubercles; costal border of wings usually without numerous cross veins.
Suborder Sternorrhyncha
Beak appears to arise either between fore coxae or behind them; antennae usually long, filamentous, without a well differentiated terminal seta.
Family Psyllidae (jumping plant lice)
Beak long; mouthparts well developed in both sexes; tarsi two-segmented with two claws; antennae 5 to 10 (usually 10), segmented; front wings often thicker than hindwings, not exceeding 7 mm in length.
Family Aleyrodidae (whiteflies)
Very small; covered with a white powdery, waxy material; wings opaque; not jumping insects.
Family Aphididae (aphids or plantlice)
Wings membranous, Rs vein present in forewing; cornicles usually present; sexual females oviparous, parthenogenetic females viviparous; females and usually males with functional mouthparts; without abundant wax glands.
Family Eriosomatidae (woolly and gall-making aphids)
Aphididae in part; Rs vein present in forewing; cornicles indistinct or lacking; M vein in forewing not branched; wax glands usually abundant; sexual forms with the mouthparts atrophied and not functional.
Family Adelgidae (pine and spruce aphids)
Feed on needles, twigs, and leaves of conifers; Rs vein in forewing absent; cornicles absent; all females viviparous; Cu1 and Cu2 in forewing separated at base; apterous parthenogenetic females covered with wax.
Family Phylloxeridae (phylloxerans)
Rs in forewing absent; cornicles absent; all females oviparous; Cu1 and Cu2 in forewing stalked at base; apterous parthenogenetic females not covered with wax.
Family Margarodidae (giant coccids, ground pearls, cottony cushion scales)
Males with compound eyes and ocelli; anal ring reduced, without pores or setae; females wingless and legless.
Family Ortheziidae (ensign coccids)
Male with ocelli only; abdominal spiracles absent; anal ring distinct and flat, bearing many pores and 6 long setae; females wingless.
Family Diaspididae (armoured scales)
Apical segments of female fused, forming a pygidium; female with scale covering separate from body; legs absent; beak 1-segmented; antennae rudimentary.
Family Coccidae (soft scales, wax scales, tortoise scales)
Females flattened, elongate oval; exoskeleton hard, smooth, or wax covered; legs present or absent; antennae absent or much reduced. Females often tortoise-shaped; males winged or wingless; anus covered by two dorsal plates.
Family Aclerdidae (aclerdid scales)
Scales attacking grasses; openings of wax glands rarely 8-shaped; pygidium absent; male with ocelli only; anus covered by a single dorsal plate.
Family Kerridae (lac scales)
Females globular in form, legless; antennae 3- or 4-segmented, minute; body enclosed in cells of resin; tropical or subtropical.
Family Asterolecaniidae (pit scales)
Females without pygidium; beak with more than 1 segment; posterior end of body not cleft; abdomen not narrowed posteriorly or produced into an anal tube; wax gland openings 8-shaped, usually in rows; legs vestigial or absent.
Family Pseudococcidae (mealybugs (mealybug))
Covered with a white powdery secretion; wax gland openings on dorsum, not 8-shaped; anal ring with four or more setae; dorsal ostioles and usually 1 to 4 circuli present.
Family Eriococcidae (scales)
Pseudococcidae in part; anal ring with 4 or more setae; dorsal ostioles and ventral circuli absent; body not covered with powdery secretion.
Family Dactylopiidae (cochineal insects)
Occur on cacti; abdomen not narrowed posteriorly; wax gland openings on dorsum; anal ring absent; wax gland ducts minute, arising from centre of cluster of sessile pores; setae stout and cut off at end.
Family Kermidae (gall-like coccids)
Females spherical, hemispherical or oval; legs absent in adult; antennae 6-segmented; anal ring absent; wax gland ducts not minute, openings not 8-shaped.
Critical appraisal
The Homoptera, along with the Heteroptera, are considered by many entomologists as suborders of the order Hemiptera, mainly on the bases of similar types of piercing–sucking mouthparts and on the general type of gradual metamorphosis. This system, however, places only minor importance on the distinct differences in structure and in details of metamorphosis that have led some workers to propose separate ordinal rank for Homoptera and Hemiptera and abandonment of the term Heteroptera. The mouthparts vary considerably in detail. In the Heteroptera the beak arises from the front of the head and is movable, while in the Homoptera the beak is fastened rigidly to the head, cannot be moved, and appears to arise from the dorsoventral portion. Little considered is the fact that certain Homoptera (e.g., scale insects and whiteflies) pass through a stage in their development resembling complete metamorphosis. The names Heteroptera and Homoptera are derived from their different wings. In the Heteroptera only the apical portion of the wing is membranous and has visible veins, while the basal portion of the wing is thickened and leathery. When these wings are at repose, they are held flat upon the dorsal portion of the abdomen, with the apical portions of the wings completely overlapping. On the other hand, the forewings of the Homoptera are either membranous or of the same texture and contain visible veins throughout. At repose these wings are held at a rooflike angle over the abdomen, overlapping only slightly on the inner apical margin. Those who classify these two groups as suborders of the Hemiptera place only minor emphasis upon these distinct differences.
Dwight Moore DeLong
Additional Reading
Z.P. Metcalf and Virginia Wade, A Bibliography of the Homoptera (Auchenorhyncha), 2 vol. (1942), General Catalogue of the Homoptera, 8 vol. in 48 (1954–71), Fulgoridae of Eastern North America (1923), taxonomic treatment with keys to families and excellent illustrations; K.C. Doering, “Synopsis of the Family Cercopidae (Homoptera) in North America,” J. Kans. Ent. Soc., 3:53–64, 81–108 (1930), a synoptic treatment of all known North American cercopids; P.B. Lawson, “The Cicadidae of Kansas,” Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., 12: 309–376 (1920), taxonomic and distributional discussion of Kansas cicadas; P.W. Oman, The Nearctic Leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae): A Generic Classification and Check List (1949); H. Osborn, The Membracidae of Ohio (1940), taxonomy of treehoppers of Ohio and proximity; D.L. Crawford, Monograph of the Jumping Plant Lice or “Psyllidae” of the New World (1914), a taxonomy of jumping plant lice of North America; G.F. Ferris, Atlas of the Scale Insects of North America, 7 vol. in 6 (1937–55, reissued 1973), a comprehensive study of genera and species, excellent illustrations; A.D. MacGillivray, The “Coccidae” (1921), synoptic treatment of scale insects; F.C. Hottes and T.H. Frison, The Plant Lice or Aphididae of Illinois (1931), aphid taxonomy; J.W. Evans, A Natural Classification of Leafhoppers (Jassoidea, Homoptera), 3 pt. (1946–47), a taxonomy of leafhoppers with emphasis on higher categories.Dwight Moore DeLong




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