

词条 Hull, Clark L.
Hull, Clark L.
American psychologist
in full Clark Leonard Hull
born May 24, 1884, Akron, N.Y., U.S.
died May 10, 1952, New Haven, Conn.
American psychologist known for his experimental studies on learning and for his attempt to give mathematical expression to psychological theory. He applied a deductive method of reasoning similar to that used in geometry, proposing that a series of postulates about psychology could be developed, from which logical conclusions could be deduced and tested. If a test failed, the postulate could be revised, and if the test then succeeded, the findings would be added to the body of psychological science.
As a student at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Hull became interested in psychology, receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1918. He then joined the faculty at Wisconsin and worked on the prediction and measurement of aptitude, which led to his first major publication, Aptitude Testing (1928). He became interested in hypnosis, conducting experiments in the field after joining the Institute of Human Relations at Yale University in 1929. The results of his rigorous scientific studies formed the basis of Hypnosis and Suggestibility (1933).
During his early years at Yale, Hull began to formulate his global theory of behaviour, which he based on principles drawn from a variety of sources. He took certain ideas on conditioning from the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov and also borrowed from American psychologists, including John B. Watson, who emphasized the objective study of behaviour, and Edward L. Thorndike, who asserted the importance of reinforcement in learning.
The reinforcement theory of learning formed the basis for most of Hull's work. The theory explains behaviour in terms of stimulus and response, which become associated with each other in the learning process. The tendency for an association to be made is strengthened when reinforcement is given, that is, when the response reduces a physiological or psychological need. When a need such as hunger is less strong, as when an animal in a laboratory test is satiated, the reinforcement (for example, food) has less effect and the animal performs less well on learning tasks. On the other hand, Hull hypothesized that animals would learn more quickly the stronger the physiological need or drive and the more immediate the reward or reinforcement; this he later confirmed by experiment. Complex behaviour could be explained by a series of such simple response mechanisms, according to Hull.
Hull's learning theories were first presented in Mathematico-Deductive Theory of Rote Learning (1940), a collaboration with several coworkers, in which he expressed his findings through postulates stated in both mathematical and verbal forms. Hull believed that psychology had its own quantitative laws that could be stated in mathematical equations. He further developed these ideas in Principles of Behavior (1943), which suggested that the stimulus-response connection depends on both the kind and the amount of reinforcement. His lasting legacy to psychology is thought to be his approach to the study of behaviour, rather than the specifics of his theories.




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