

词条 International Standard Book Number
International Standard Book Number
in bibliography, 10-digit number assigned before publication to a book or edition thereof, which identifies the work's national, geographic, language, or other convenient group, and its publisher, title, edition, and volume number. The ISBN is part of the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), which was prescribed by the International Organization for Standardization; delegates adopted the numbering system in 1969. The ISBN provides a standard for the arrangement of bibliographic information in single- and multivolume publications; its numbers are assigned by publishers and administered by designated national standard book numbering agencies—e.g., R.R. Bowker Company in the United States, Standard Book Numbering Agency Ltd. in the United Kingdom, National Library in Brazil, the Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian State Library) in Germany, and the Research Library on African Affairs in Ghana. Each ISBN is identical with the Standard Book Number, originally devised in the United Kingdom, with the addition of a preceding national group identifier.




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