

词条 magnetohydrodynamic power generator
magnetohydrodynamic power generator
any of a class of devices that generate electric power by means of the interaction of a moving fluid (usually an ionized gas or plasma) and a magnetic field. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power plants offer the potential for large-scale electrical power generation with reduced impact on the environment. Since 1970, several countries have undertaken MHD research programs with a particular emphasis on the use of coal as a fuel. MHD generators are also attractive for the production of large electrical power pulses.
The underlying principle of MHD power generation is elegantly simple. Typically, an electrically conducting gas is produced at high pressure by combustion of a fossil fuel. The gas is then directed through a magnetic field, resulting in an electromotive force within it in accordance with Faraday's law of induction (named for the 19th-century English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday (Faraday, Michael)). The MHD system constitutes a heat engine, involving an expansion of the gas from high to low pressure in a manner similar to that employed in a conventional gas turbogenerator (see figure-->). In the turbogenerator, the gas interacts with blade surfaces to drive the turbine and the attached electric generator. In the MHD system, the kinetic energy of the gas is converted directly to electric energy as it is allowed to expand.
Interest in MHD power generation was originally stimulated by the observation that the interaction of a plasma with a magnetic field could occur at much higher temperatures than were possible in a rotating mechanical turbine. The limiting performance from the point of view of efficiency in heat engines was established early in the 19th century by the French engineer Sadi Carnot (Carnot, Sadi). The Carnot cycle, which establishes the maximum theoretical efficiency of a heat engine, is obtained from the difference between the hot source temperature and the cold sink temperature, divided by the source temperature. For example, if the source temperature is 3,000 K (about 2,700 °C, or 4,900 °F) and the sink temperature 300 K (about 30 °C, or 85 °F), the maximum theoretical efficiency would be 90 percent. Allowing for the inefficiencies introduced by finite heat transfer rates and component inefficiencies in real heat engines, a system employing an MHD generator offers the potential of an ultimate efficiency in the range of 60 to 65 percent. This is much better than the 35 to 40 percent efficiency that can be achieved in a modern conventional plant. In addition, MHD generators produce fewer pollutants than conventional plants. However, the higher construction costs of MHD systems have limited their adoption.
Principles of operation
The basic structure of an MHD generator is shown in the figure-->. In an MHD generator the hot gas is accelerated by a nozzle and injected into a channel. A powerful magnetic field is set up across the channel. In accordance with Faraday's law of induction, an electric field is established that acts in a direction perpendicular to both the gas flow and the magnetic field. The walls of the channel parallel to the magnetic field serve as electrodes (electrode) and enable the generator to provide an electric current to an external circuit.
The power output of an MHD generator for each cubic metre of its channel volume is proportional to the product of the gas conductivity, the square of the gas velocity, and the square of the strength of the magnetic field through which the gas passes. For MHD generators to operate competitively with good performance and reasonable physical dimensions, the electrical conductivity of the plasma must be in a temperature range above about 1,800 K (about 1,500 °C, or 2,800 °F). The turbine blades of a gas-turbine power system are unable to operate at such temperatures. An adequate value of electrical conductivity—10 to 50 siemens per metre—can be achieved if an additive, typically about 1 percent by mass, is injected into the hot gas. This additive is a readily ionizable alkali material, such as cesium, potassium carbonate, or sodium, and is referred to as the “seed.” While cesium has the lowest ionizing potential (3.894 electron volts), potassium (4.341 electron volts) is less costly. Even though the amount of seed material is small, economic operation requires that a system be provided to recover as much of it as possible.
The hot gas with its seed is at a pressure of several million pascals (pascal). It is accelerated by a nozzle to a speed that may be in the range of 1,000 to 2,000 metres (about 3,300 to 6,600 feet) per second. The gas then enters the channel or duct, across which the magnetic field is applied. To produce a competitive MHD system, this magnetic field must have high intensity. Typically, a superconducting (superconductivity) magnet is employed to provide a magnetic field in the range of three to five teslas across the channel. An electromotive force acting in a direction perpendicular to both the flow and the field is set up, and the walls parallel to the magnetic field serve as electrodes to provide current to an external electric circuit. The remaining two walls of the channel are electric insulators. Theoretically, an MHD system with a gas conductivity of 25 siemens per metre, an average magnetic field of three teslas, and an average gas velocity of 1,000 metres per second is capable of generating electric power with a density of about 250 million watts per cubic metre of channel volume.
A complicating feature of a plasma MHD generator is the occurrence of a pronounced Hall effect. This results from the behaviour of electrons in the presence of both magnetic and electric fields. Electrons in the plasma have a much higher mobility than ions. When electric load current flows across the channel, the electrons in this current experience a force directed along the channel. This is the Hall effect—named for its discoverer, the American physicist Edwin H. Hall. As a result of this effect, the electric current flows at an angle across the channel. An additional electric field, called the Hall field, is established along the axis of the channel. This in turn requires that either the electrode walls in a typical generator configuration (see figure-->) be constructed to support this Hall field or that the Hall field itself be used as the output to drive current through the electric circuit external to the MHD system.
A number of generator configurations have been devised to accommodate the Hall effect. In a Faraday generator, as shown in part A of the figure-->, the electrode walls are segmented and insulated from each other to support the axial electric field and the electric power is taken out in a series of loads. In the alternate configuration known as a Hall generator, the Faraday field across each sector of the channel is short-circuited and the sectors are connected in series. This allows the connection of a single electric load between the ends of the channel. Consideration of the electric potentials at different points in the channel leads to the observation that an equipotential runs diagonally across the insulator walls and that electrodes may be appropriately staggered to match the equipotentials. The series connection of these electrodes in this diagonal generator permits a single electric load to be used.
Major types of MHD systems
Coal-fired MHD systems
The choice of type of MHD generator depends on the fuel to be used and the application. The abundance of coal reserves throughout much of the world has favoured the development of coal-fired MHD systems for electric power production. Coal can be burned at a temperature high enough to provide thermal ionization. However, as the gas expands along the duct or channel, its electrical conductivity drops along with its temperature. Thus, power production with thermal ionization is essentially finished when the temperature falls to about 2,500 K (about 2,200 °C, or 4,000 °F). To be economically competitive, a coal-fired power station would have to combine an MHD generator with a conventional steam plant in what is termed a binary cycle. The hot gas is first passed through the MHD generator (a process known as topping) and then on to the turbogenerator of a conventional steam plant (the bottoming phase). An MHD power plant employing such an arrangement is known as an open-cycle, or once-through, system.
Coal combustion as a source of heat has several advantages. For example, it results in coal slag, which under magnetohydrodynamic conditions is molten and provides a layer that covers all of the insulator and electrode walls. The electrical conductivity of this layer is sufficient to provide conduction between the gas and the electrode structure but not so high as to cause significant leakage of electric currents and consequent power loss. The reduction in thermal losses to the walls because of the slag layer more than compensates for any electrical losses arising from its presence. Also, the use of a seed material in conjunction with coal offers environmental benefits. In particular, the recombination chemistry that occurs in the duct of an MHD generator favours the formation of potassium sulfate in the combustion of high-sulfur coals, thereby reducing sulfur dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. The need to recover seed material also ensures that a high level of particulate removal is built into an MHD coal-fired plant. Finally, by careful design of the boiler and the combustion controls, low levels of nitrogen oxide emissions can be achieved.
Other MHD systems
In addition to natural gas as a fuel source, more-exotic MHD power generation systems have been proposed. Conventional nuclear reactors (nuclear reactor) can employ hydrogen, or a noble gas such as argon or helium, as the working fluid, but they operate at temperatures that are too low to produce the thermal ionization used in MHD generators. Thus, some form of nonequilibrium ionization using seeding material is necessary.
In theory, solar concentrators can provide thermal energy at a temperature high enough to provide thermal ionization. Thus, solar-based MHD systems have potential, provided that solar collectors can be developed that operate reliably for extended periods at high temperatures.
The need to provide large pulses of electrical power at remote sites has stimulated the development of pulsed MHD generators. For this application, the MHD system basically consists of a rocket motor, duct, magnet, and connections to an electrical load. Such generators have been operated as sources for pulse-power electromagnetic sounding apparatuses used in geophysical (geophysics) research. Power levels up to 100 megawatts for a few seconds have been achieved.
A variation of the usual MHD generator employs a liquid metal as its electrically conducting medium. Liquid metal is an attractive option because of its high electrical conductivity, but it cannot serve directly as a thermodynamic working fluid. The liquid has to be combined with a driving gas or vapour to create a two-phase flow in the generator duct, or it has to be accelerated by a thermodynamic pump (often described as an ejector) and then separated from the driving gas or vapour before it passes through the duct. While such liquid metal MHD systems offer attractive features from the viewpoint of electrical machine operation, they are limited in temperature by the properties of liquid metals to about 1,250 K (about 975 °C, or 1,800 °F). Thus, they compete with various existing energy-conversion systems capable of operating in the same temperature range.
The use of MHD generators to provide power for spacecraft for both burst and continuous operations has also been considered. While both chemical and nuclear heat sources have been investigated, the latter has been the preferred choice for applications such as supplying electric propulsion power for deep-space probes.
Development of MHD power generators
The first recorded MHD investigation was conducted in 1821 by the English chemist Humphry Davy (Davy, Sir Humphry, Baronet) when he showed that an arc could be deflected by a magnetic field. More than a decade later, Michael Faraday (Faraday, Michael) sought to demonstrate motional electromagnetic induction in a conductor moving through Earth's geomagnetic field. To this end, he set up in January 1832 a rudimentary open-circuit MHD generator, or flow meter, on the Waterloo Bridge across the River Thames in London. His experiment was unsuccessful owing to the electrodes being electrochemically polarized, an effect not understood at that time.
Faraday soon turned his attention to other aspects of electromagnetic induction, and MHD power generation received little attention until the 1920s and '30s, when Bela Karlovitz, a Hungarian-born engineer, first proposed a gaseous MHD system. In 1938 he and Hungarian engineer D. Halász set up an experimental MHD facility at the Westinghouse Electric Corporation research laboratories and by 1946 had shown that, through seeding the working gas, small amounts of electric power could be extracted. The project was abandoned, however, largely because of a lack of understanding of the conditions required to make the working gas an effective conductor.
Interest in magnetohydrodynamics grew rapidly during the late 1950s as a result of extensive studies of ionized gases for a number of applications. In 1959 the American engineer Richard J. Rosa operated the first truly successful MHD generator, producing about 10 kilowatts of electric power. By 1963 the Avco Research Laboratory, under the direction of the American physicist Arthur R. Kantrowitz, had constructed and operated a 33-megawatt MHD generator, and for many years this remained a record power output. The assumption in the late 1960s that nuclear power would dominate commercial power generation, and the failure to find applications for space missions, led to a sharp curtailment of MHD research. The energy crisis of the 1970s, however, brought about a revival of interest, with the focus centred on coal-fueled systems. By the late 1980s, development had reached the point where construction of a complete demonstration system was feasible. However, the performance and economic risks have deterred electric power utilities from making deep investments in such systems. This situation may change if energy prices or environmental considerations shift significantly.
William D. Jackson G. Ralph Strohl
Additional Reading
Stanley W. Angrist, Direct Energy Conversion, 4th ed. (1982), provides a historical introduction and overview. Reiner Decher, Direct Energy Conversion: Fundamentals of Electric Power Production (1997), provides a good technical review. Richard J. Rosa, Magnetohydrodynamic Energy Conversion (1968, reprinted 1987); George W. Sutton and Arthur Sherman, Engineering Magnetohydrodynamics (1965, reprinted 2006); and V.A. Kirillin and A.E. Scheindlin (eds.), MHD Energy Conversion: Physiotechnical Problems (1986), are general texts on principles and applications.G. Ralph Strohl




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